Monday, September 28, 2015

Jack’s Winning words 9/28/15
“If you want me to be a good listener, give me something good to listen to.”  (Unknown)  One of the best “tips” I got from a speech professor was this…“Connect it up with life!”  No matter who the audience, know the expectations and start out with something that shows that you know.  I try to craft Winning Words as I would a sermon.  This week I’ll be writing about Yogi, The Fray, the Amish and crocodiles.  Does that interest you…or not?    ;-)  Jack

FROM MS IN MICHIGAN:  Yes====JACK:  I have my work cut out for me.

FROM PASTY PAT:  Yup====JACK:  Do you ever watch Storage Wars?  There's a guy, named Dave Hester, who's always increasing the bid by saying, "YUUUP!"  Do you thinks he's Finnish?

FROM TL IN MICHIGAN:  Jack, everything you say interests me. Thanks for the daily inspiration.====JACK:  I try to be interesting most of the time, but sometimes what I say (after a second look) doesn't interest me.  But I press on.

FROM QUILTING CAROL:  I attended a listening seminar many years back.  We were asked to close our eyes and put other things out of our minds after being paired with another person.  Our next task was to listen to the person we were paired with as he or she told us a story about themselves. When the person was done speaking, we were to repeat as much of the sharing as we could.  You really had to ‘listen’ and not start thinking about how you could relate to the story with stories from your life experiences…you had to focus on the other person totally.  We couldn’t take any notes while they spoke.  It was a fun exercise.  Will enjoy hearing about Yogi, the Amish, crocodiles and find out who or what The Fray is. We have a lot of Amish and Mennonite people living in our community.  Hope you were able to see the beautiful eclipse last night!====JACK:  I do some daily exercises each morning before sending out WWs, but none as hard as the one you describe.  Hearing what someone else is saying is not easy-listening.  BTW, the eclipse was eclipsed by  ====CAROL:  Looking at the time you sent WW this morning, I think you get up too early to exercise!  I’m happy to be up by 5:20 AM to go to the pool to do my water aerobics three mornings a week,  I’m awake every morning at that time as Bob is usually up making noise getting ready to go to coffee by 5:35.====JACK:  Exercising, sending out Winning Words and scanning the news online takes about an hour, so I could meet Bob for coffee...if it weren't for the travel problem.

FROM RJP IN NAPLES:  That's good. Your professor probably also taught you to Tell people what you are going to say. say it and tell them what you said. Classic speech formation. Soooo you told us what you are going to say and now with baited breath we anticipate the next phase.
Have a great day.====JACK:  That prof also taught me by complimenting me on presentation and criticizing me on content.  The assignment was a George Washington's Day speech.  I "dug up" all the dirt on GW and had the class laughing.  "That was clever, but people don't expect you to be clever on occasions when dignity is expected."  I've tried not to forget that lesson.  It fits into many life situations beyond speech making.====RJP:  That deserves a huge Amen

FROM BS IN ENGLAND:  Absolutely!====JACK:  The pressure mounts!

FROM MS IN MICHIGAN: I had to look up The Fray to see what it was, so have already learned something!====JACK:  So, you couldn't wait, could you?

FROM WBSD'S JS:  Pretty much everything you send interests me.  You are an excellent writer and inspirational mentor.====JACK:  Comments like yours keep me going...for at least one more week.

FROM RS IN BOSTON:  Everything you choose to write about, and no one will dispute it covers a wide range of material, certainly does interest me.  It always "give[s] me something good to listen to."  I just regret that I don't often have something meaningful with which to respond.====JACK:  To me, it's enough that you choose to read them.

FROM IKE AT THE MIC:  Yes!  Your message reminds of the famous line from "Music Man":  "You've got to know your territory"====JACK:  Anyone (like you and I) who's in the business of communicating has to "know the territory."  Being able to communicate effectively has a lot to do with the selling of a product or an idea.

FROM BB IN ILLINOIS:  Absolutely interests me!====JACK:  First, the quote has to interest me.  Then, I try to interpret it for interesting people that I know.

FROM TARMART REV:  Sound like "Winning Words" to me!?====JACK:  It's like with the batter at homeplate with the "winning run" on base.  It depends on what he does...a hit or a strikeout.

FROM SG SPENDING THE SUMMER IN MICHIGAN:  Always a good message!  I heard that you're being filmed for a documentary. How exciting!  I'm glad your messages will reach even more people in this world. We at Holy Spirit are so fortunate to have had you as our pastor and friend. Keep spreading the good news!====JACK:  God has given each of us "talents."  We are responsible (only) for what has been given to us.  I'm inspired by how you have used the gifts that God has given to you.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  You definitely have my interest!====JACK:  Like with life....Let's see how it works out.

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  AS WOULD BE EXPECTED, SOME WW ARE MORE MEANINGFUL TO ME THAN OTHERS, BUT ALL ARE INTERESTING AND KNOWLEDGEABLE...I'M NOT FAMILIAR WITH "THE FRAY" SO WILL LEARN SOMETHING NEW.(?) I RECENTLY SAW A VIDEO OF A PYTHON SNAKE EATING A CROCODILE...WHO WOULD BELIEVE THAT TO BE POSSIBLE? AND IT WAS NOT A SMALL CROC!  WONDER IF IT DIED OF INDIGESTION?? :-) LOOKING FORWARD TO THE WEEK'S WW ON THIS VARIETY OF SUBJECTS!====JACK:  60 Minutes used to have a segment called, "Point-Counterpoint,"  featuring James Kilpatrick and Shana Alexander.  One would give their opinion and the other would give a response.  Our communication is similar, because you are one of those who regularly responds to the WWs that I have sent out.

FROM CHESTER THE GOOD:  How do you know you are getting any good listens unless you listen good.(well)?====JACK:  I rely on the blog, although that represents only a small % of readers.

FROM ST PAUL IN ST PAUL:  and it seems so many preachers fail on this point.  a sermon must do three things.  first,  tell me what you want me to know.  (most sermons end here)  secondly, show me what you want me to know with the best possible illustrations you can find!   and a good illustration should need very little if any explanation.  and finally,  move me to action.  what changes should occur in my thinking, my heart, my actions because of what you the preacher just said in the last 20 minutes.====JACK:   These days, most sermons I listen to (and preach) are 10+ minutes.  I started my ministry with 20 minute-ers,  However long, it's the content that's important, after all.

FROM RS IN TEXAS:  Yogi for sure.  Only he knew that baseball was 95% mental and the other half was physical.====JACK:  There sure are a lot of Yogi quotes out there.  There's also a book that Yogi wrote: "I Really Didn't Say Everything I Said."====RS:  Gotta love it - he is probably holding court at Heavenly Field with Stan the Man and Jackie Robinson.

FROM TAMPA SHIRL:  What is the Fray?  The others sound good.====JACK:  The Fray?  Wait 'til Wednesday.  ...maybe even better than the others!

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