Tuesday, June 09, 2015

Jack’s Winning Words 6/9/15
“Reality has a way of intruding into one’s life.” (Joe Biden)  Biden spoke these words recently during a commencement address.  Sometimes we overlook the fact that that famous people are people living in the real world.  This past week the V.P.’s son was buried.  Years before, his wife and young daughter lost their life in a car accident.  It can happen to anyone.  The words to the graduating students were probably more “real” than any of them imagined.    ;-)  Jack  

FROM FACEBOOK LIZ:  A strong man, the vice-president...====JACK:  ...and shown to be a human being, too.

 FROM LS IN MICHIGAN:  Yes And that is why the phrase my grandma Always said when we said see you tomorrow grandma - " God willing " - as I grew up my dad would say it is human actions intervening not God's will - God is a parent there to walk w us, beside us or carry us through life when it happens. This is my belief today.   ( example - a plane crash And one person survives - God choose that person to survive ??!?! ).====JACK:  There's a hymn that goes..."Our times are in thy hand, O God we wish them there." 

FROM HONEST JOHN:  I like Biden.   I think he would be a good friend.   He also has been a fighter for the downtrodden.====JACK:  He was out of the ordinary.  He made it a point to ride the commuter train home each night in order to be with his family...a family man, too!

FROM KS IN MICHIGAN:  Good Morning Jack.  So true-we all face the reality.  This past Friday at 6:10 am, a client of mine was hit by a driver of a stolen van and killed on his way to work in Flushing.  He was 52, married with two daughters in their 20’s –very good people.====JACK:  We each can recall Biden-like stories that have happened around us.  Re-read his quote!

FROM TARMART REV:  An old adage that has been with me for many a year (I know I have shared it with you before) . . . The optimist invented the airplane, the pessimist, the parachute, but it is the realist that flies the plane. As realists, we are found rolling with the punches until the opportunity of the "knockout blow" for success presents itself . . . I suppose it is like waiting for Christ's return or our departure to Him everlastingly?!====JACK:  I guess it depends on what the K.O. blow is, and who delivers it.  In my mind, I can't picture Jesus as a prize-fighter.

FROM ST. PAUL IN ST. PAUL:  lots of sadness in that family for sure...====JACK:  I remember a book, Turn Over Any Stone....I think it was about the fact that life (and what goes with it, can be found everywhere.

FROM RS IN TEXAS:  The Kennedy's were another clan that endured tragedies and challenges.  Problem is, we read about theirs but not about the ordinary person.====JACK:  I suppose JFK put his pants on, one leg at a time.  Does that make him ordinary?  What separates the ordinary from the "extraordinary?"====RS:  Probably in the eyes of the beholder.  I've seen some things I thought were extraordinary that others considered ordinary.  

FROM RI IN BOSTON:  A dose of reality every so often is good, keeps a person grounded.  From what I observe day by day around me, too much fantasy prevails.  Some people need a reality moment, like Wile E. Coyote when he's overrun the cliff some distance and gravity takes over.
====JACK:  Wouldn't it be great if the "hard falls" of life would be like those of W.E.C.  His next cartoon would be as though the previous one had never happened.  ...or, would it be great?====RI:  I'm not sure it would be great.  People don't seem to learn from experience unless there's some sort of suffering connected with it.

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  JOE BIDEN HAS CERTAINLY HAD HIS SHARE OF GRIEF, AS WELL AS SUCCESSES. I'M SURE THE LOSS OF HIS SUCCESSFUL SON, IN THE PRIME  OF LIFE, DUE TO BRAIN CANCER (I KNOW  SOMETHING OF THAT ORDEAL, AS BILL SUCCUMBED TO THE SAME CONDITION...)  IS A BITTER BLOW. AND LEAVING YOUNG CHILDREN IS ALWAYS TRAUMATIC!  WE ALL PRAY WE CAN LIVE LONG ENOUGH TO RAISE OUR CHILDREN TO ADULT HOOD, BEING CONVINCED NO ON CAN LOVE AND NURTURE THEM LIKE WE CAN!!  WHICH IS USUALLY TRUE! TO LIVE LONG ENOUGH TO HELP NURTURE GREAT-G.KIDS IS A REAL BLESSING, FOR  WHICH I AM THANKFUL TO GOD!!  WATCH OUT, DEAR JACK, THE CUBS ARE COMING TO TOWN TONIGHT! (LIKE THAT SHOULD WORRY YOU!====JACK:  There's a difference between empathy and sympathy.  You can have empathy with Beau's wife, while I can have sympathy.  Family has a way helping us cope with life's hard times.  BTW, my granddaughter, a physical therapist/athletic trainer, had an internship with the Tigers and with the Rookie League Cubs.  Jorge Soler helped carry cases of water for her during practices.  She has friends on both teams.

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