Jack’s Winning Words 2/3/15
“If life is supposed to feel good, what happens when it doesn’t?” (C.S. Lewis) Punxsutawney Phil says that there will be (at least) 6 more weeks of winter. BLAH! Does this time of the year give you the blahs? A link suggests 1001 ways to change your mood, and one of those ways is to eat chocolate (it contains tryptophan). A friend of mine begins each day with exercise, meditation and prayer. What works for you in changing bad into good? ;-) Jack
FROM ST. PAUL WINTERING IN MESA: move to AZ! also, is it dark or light chocolate that does the trick? just wondering...====JACK: Most of what I've read concludes that dark chocolate is healthier. I've also read that Arizona is red, red, red, compared to Minnesota's blue, blue, blue.
FROM MK IN MICHIGAN: Vodka! Kidding! All of the below work for me!!====JACK: I vote for chocolate (dark or milk) and black Twizzlers.====MK: Do you have a most favorite chocolate, I love Sanders.====JACK: I'm still trying to figure out if the new Sanders has really as good as thne old. I still like it. When Sanders still had a sandwich shop in Farmington Hills, I went there with my mother who was in her 80s at the time. She asked for a senior discount. The waitress ased for her ID to make sure she qualified. My mom was proud of that...carded in her 80s. Have you been offered a senior discount, yet?
FROM TARMART REV: Meditation, prayer and a Hershey's Milk Chocolate with Almonds Bar.====JACK: Hot popcorn with a beer (root) tastes good to me.
FROM TAMPA SHIRL: The sun shining almost every day. When we first moved to Florida, the newspaper used to be free if the sun did not shine that day.====JACK: Do you remember Hickey Bros. in Moline...and their slogan, "Your purchase free if we ever forget to Thank You?" I never was able to catch them in a slip-up.
FROM HAWKEYE GEORGE: I think this is what I had told you?====JACK: I know that your faith and keeping fit is very important to you. ...This just popped into my mind. I remember that the YMCA incorporated a triangle into its logo. The sides of the triangle stood for Body, Mind, and Spirit. I think that the Hi-Y incorporated that into their by-laws. I belonged to Hi-Y. Did you?
FROM AW IN ILLINOIS: This arrived on my Blaaaaaaaaah day.====JACK: Eat some chocolate. Read the Book of Jonah. I remember in the seminary dining hall, someone would be asked to give devotions at the meal. I think it was Milton Lundeen who read the Book of Jonah. Looooong!
FROM FACEBOOK LIZ: I have a chat
w/myself & God.====JACK: The Hee Haw Gospel Quartet used to sing this song...
Now let us, Have a little talk with Jesus,
Let us, tell Him all about our troubles,
He will, Hear our faintest cry,
And He will, answer by and by;
Now when you, Feel a little prayer wheel turning,
And you, know a little fire is burning.
You will, Find a little talk with Jesus makes it right.
FROM BLAZING OAKS: Most of the time I say, "Tomorrow will be better" and it usually is...I'm thankful to be blest with a positive disposition!====JACK: That's better than being like Joe Btfsplk.
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