Wednesday, March 05, 2014

Jack’s Winning Words 3/5/14
“Today is Ash Wednesday, so don’t tell people that their foreheads are dirty.”  (Unknown)  People have various ways of expressing their religious beliefs.  Muslims have a special way of praying.  Our Jewish neighbor boys wear yarmulkes.  The sign of a cross, made of ashes, on the forehead of a Christian, is a reminder that life is temporary.  Together, we can all show what we believe by our good words and actions.    ;-)  Jack

 FROM TARMART REV:  "Dear children, let’s not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions. Our actions will show that we belong to the truth, so we will be confident when we stand before God" (1 John 3:17-19 NLT).====JACK:  Do you have a Bible on the table beside your popcorn when you sit there at Target or Walmart?====REV:  Yes sir, I do. . . Matter-of-fact, I have a number of them that I can actually bring up right before my eyes on the small screen of my iPod . . . Very spoiled we are now days . . . The challenge is to get the Word of God hid in our iPods to be hid in our hearts, for then we will be spiritual progress. 0;-)====JACK:  I can just imagine the original "Saint" Paul going from place to place with his laptop.====REV:  Just the 10-15 located inside my iPod ready for discussion if need be . . . but no hard cover Bible . . . one in my car ready for service if need be . . . probably wouldn't serve well for a first impression at Wal-Mart or Target.

 FROM SHARIN' SHARON:  I have a funny story about Ash Wednesday. On Wednesday evenings the AA group meets downstairs. We were having our Ash Wednesday service and the pastor we had then really put on the ashes heavily--he really made sure we were marked with the sign of the cross. Even though we have few people, we had enough ashes for 200 and I believe he used them all. One of our worshippers went downstairs to use the restroom and the reaction she got from an AA member also using the restroom--complete shock, like we must be members of a cult or something. It was really hilarious to us. I always leave my ashes on all day--life is temporary and good to remember it.====JACK:  I first became aware of the ashes thing when I was in high school and some of the kids had "dirty" foreheads.  Then, it was mostly a "Catholic" custom.

 FROM BS IN ENGLAND:  I have just returned from church and proudly will wear the cross on my forehead for the remainder of the day.  We have the most beautiful day here, sunny and 50.  Spring flowers are blooming, birds are singing.  God is good.====JACK:  Ashes tonight at 7:30.  Lots of snow.  No flowers or singing birds, but God is still good.

FROM TRIHARDER:  Good reminder!  I think I may have done that in the past.====JACK:  Have done what?  Said good words?  Did good things?  Wore a yarmulke?  All of them?====TH:  I may have told people that their foreheads were dirty -- out of ignorance.

 FROM PLAIN FOLKS CHESTER:  A mutual friend of ours used to say he was giving up watermelon for Lent. I was never sure. I do think he made it to heaven though.

 FROM BLAZING OAKS:  So true,  many variations shown by "Godly" people, and I've known devout Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, Shintoists, Hindus in my travels, and here at home. God looks on the heart. Ran across an interesting quote in This Week: "Saying atheism is a belief system is like saying not going skiing is a hobby." Ricky Gervais, Thankful to have a meaningful Christian Faith!====JACK:  God created people.  He didn't create religions.

 FROM RJP IN NAPLES:  When I was in high school a teacher told me to wash my face on Ash Wed. or leave her room. I left and went to the principal's office. Teacher was never punished as in those days they were in charge. Naturally I never told my parents. Interesting in view of todays situations when a 5 year old gets suspended for kissing a girl on the check. What a world.====JACK:  I wonder if you were ever sent to the principal's office for kissing a girl on the cheek.  Oh, that's right!  They didn't send kids to the principal's office for the olden days.  BTW, do you feel "obligated" to receive ashes on Ash Wed?====RJP:  No I do not, however I must confess I always felt good when I did.====JACK:  In case you've forgotten..."You are dust, and to dust you shall return."  We need reminders of that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have a funny story about Ash Wednesday. On Wednesday evenings the AA group meets downstairs. We were having our Ash Wednesday service and the pastor we had then really put on the ashes heavily--he really made sure we were marked with the sign of the cross. Even though we have few people, we had enough ashes for 200 and I believe he used them all. One of our worshippers went downstairs to use the restroom and the reaction she got from an AA member also using the restroom--complete shock, like we must be members of a cult or something. It was really hilarious to us. I always leave my ashes on all day--life is temporary and good to remember it.
S.H. in MI