Thursday, August 29, 2013

Jack’s Winning Words 8/29/13
“Preaching is like hog-calling.  It doesn’t get much attention unless you have something to offer besides the yelling.”  (The Country Parson)  One thing I liked about the Michigan State Fair was the “Husband Calling Contest.”  Some of those wives really could yell.  There are preachers like that, too.  Edgar Guest said it best: “I’d rather see a sermon than hear one any day.”  That goes for all who are giving advice.    ;-)  Jack

 FROM SHARIN' SHARON:  Laughing out loud here at the computer. Thanks for starting our day off amused and mentally and spiritually uplifted.====JACK:  Here's a song that I remember....
Roll out of bed in the morning
With a great big smile and a good, good morning
Wake up with a grin
There's a new day a-tumbling in
Wake with the sun and the rooster
Cock-a-doodle-do like the rooster, useta
You'll find it worth while
If you roll out of bed with a smile

 FROM TARMART REV:  One of the most attractive and appealing qualities I've found in Christ in regards to His public speaking, and find lacking in my ability so very often, was His skill to know when not to say anything, but gaze upon His opponents and get His point across so masterly in silence. Amazingly impressive to me!====JACK:  The Preacher says in Ecclesiastes 3, "There's a time for everything....a time to speak and a time to shut up" (or something like that).====REV:  I like that old expression, "Well, shut my mouth!" . . . many times I've found I should do just that . . . it keeps that hole I'm digging from getting deeper! ====JACK:  I seem to recall some comic strip character saying, "Well, shut mah mouff!"

 FROM HONEST JOHN:  I lie to hear a good sermon...and see it backed up by a life well lived. ====JACK:  Who's the best preacher you've ever heard?  or seen?

 FROM MICHIZONA RAY:   had a client once, who was actually a Gideon (and they'll stand on a milk crate anywhere and start preaching) and he mentioned the quote about his preference for "seeing a good sermon rather than hearing one"...which I thought was particularly poignant given that he said it. I think it's fair to say that our works are fruits of our "being", and in their authentic nature serve as seeds for those with whom they encounter. Like a good sermon, it is lived first and spoken later.====JACK:  The Gideons are Christian businessmen who have a desire to place Bibles in places where people can read, motels, prisons, schools, the military.  They tend to be theologically conservative and sometimes get up on "a milk crate."  They draw their inspiration from the Gideon story in Judges 6, in the Bible.

 FROM GOOD DEBT JON:  "Spiritual Feed?" Oink oink... Maybe amend one of my favorite hymns to "Fill my Trough Lord"====JACK:  Jesus said, "Feed my sheep," not "Feed the hogs."

 FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  Gary wants me to cross-stitch this one for him:  "Preach the Gospel constantly-if necessary, use words."====JACK:  Did you ever enter a husband-calling contest?


Anonymous said...

Laughing out loud here at the computer. Thanks for starting our day off amused and mentally and spiritually uplifted.
S.H. in MI

Ray Gage said...

I had a client once, who was actually a Gidean (and they'll stand on a milk crate anywhere and start preaching) and he mentioned the quote about his preference for "seeing a good sermon rather than hearing one"...which I thought was particularly poignant given that he said it. I think it's fair to say that our works are fruits of our "being", and in their authentic nature serve as seeds for those with whom they encounter. Like a good sermon, it is lived first and spoken later.