Friday, August 30, 2013

Jack’s Winning Words 8/30/13
“Every tomorrow has been uncertain.”  (Warren Buffett)  Did you remember to send Warren Buffett a birthday card?  Many people are very interested in the financial advice given by the “Oracle of Omaha.”  An oracle is someone who speaks wise words.  The ancient Greeks believed that oracles spoke the words of the gods.  Omaha’s Warren just speaks common sense today…when he says that tomorrow is uncertain.   ;-)  Jack.

 FROM TARMART REV:  One thing for certain today, Jack, is that it is Friday . . . I'll await the great possibility, we will visit once again on Monday (the Lord willing, of course)! 0;-)   PS- Happy Birthday, Warren!! ====JACK:  Each minute/second is uncertain, but we take them, one at a time...and move on.  The good Lord willing, and the creek don't rise (we'll have that new barn finished in time for the harvest).  I didn't know the end of that well-known saying.

 FROM RI IN BOSTON:  Not only "tomorrow" is is uncertain too.  Even yesterday is uncertain...we don't know how things we did may come back to haunt us.  We just survive hour by hour.  Some humorous insight about our uncertainty came from my teen son and his friend some years ago as I was driving them somewhere.  We observed a dead squirrel flattened on the road, and the boys commented that squirrel probably woke up this morning thinking, "this is gonna be a beautiful day!"====JACK:  A great observation.  Maybe it was a beautiful day in that it was the day that the squirrel went to "squirrel heaven."  Doesn't it say in the Bible that not even a squirrel (or does it say, a sparrow?) falls to the ground, but that God is aware of it?  I think that there's a message here for all of us in this world.

 FROM MT IN PENNSYLVANIA:  Not long ago I read a fascinating book about Warren Buffet, called "Tap Dancing to Work". It consisted entirely of stories about, and commentary by, WB that had been printed in Forbes between the late 1970's and 2012.  It was edited by Carol Loomis -- a senior editor at Forbes who became a personal friend of Buffet's over the years, and is a Director of his charitable foundation.  ====JACK:  Tap dancing to work?  I like it!  I don't think I ever tap dance to work, but I really liked my job.  I'm going to see if our library has that book, and, if not, I might even look for it on

 FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  Missed his birthday again....  I like Warren and I like a lot of what he stands for and his common sense.  He is a true success story.====JACK:  Warren's been a success in more ways than just financially.  Take away the financial equation and would we be calling him a success?  Success comes in various disguises.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Jack’s Winning Words 8/29/13
“Preaching is like hog-calling.  It doesn’t get much attention unless you have something to offer besides the yelling.”  (The Country Parson)  One thing I liked about the Michigan State Fair was the “Husband Calling Contest.”  Some of those wives really could yell.  There are preachers like that, too.  Edgar Guest said it best: “I’d rather see a sermon than hear one any day.”  That goes for all who are giving advice.    ;-)  Jack

 FROM SHARIN' SHARON:  Laughing out loud here at the computer. Thanks for starting our day off amused and mentally and spiritually uplifted.====JACK:  Here's a song that I remember....
Roll out of bed in the morning
With a great big smile and a good, good morning
Wake up with a grin
There's a new day a-tumbling in
Wake with the sun and the rooster
Cock-a-doodle-do like the rooster, useta
You'll find it worth while
If you roll out of bed with a smile

 FROM TARMART REV:  One of the most attractive and appealing qualities I've found in Christ in regards to His public speaking, and find lacking in my ability so very often, was His skill to know when not to say anything, but gaze upon His opponents and get His point across so masterly in silence. Amazingly impressive to me!====JACK:  The Preacher says in Ecclesiastes 3, "There's a time for everything....a time to speak and a time to shut up" (or something like that).====REV:  I like that old expression, "Well, shut my mouth!" . . . many times I've found I should do just that . . . it keeps that hole I'm digging from getting deeper! ====JACK:  I seem to recall some comic strip character saying, "Well, shut mah mouff!"

 FROM HONEST JOHN:  I lie to hear a good sermon...and see it backed up by a life well lived. ====JACK:  Who's the best preacher you've ever heard?  or seen?

 FROM MICHIZONA RAY:   had a client once, who was actually a Gideon (and they'll stand on a milk crate anywhere and start preaching) and he mentioned the quote about his preference for "seeing a good sermon rather than hearing one"...which I thought was particularly poignant given that he said it. I think it's fair to say that our works are fruits of our "being", and in their authentic nature serve as seeds for those with whom they encounter. Like a good sermon, it is lived first and spoken later.====JACK:  The Gideons are Christian businessmen who have a desire to place Bibles in places where people can read, motels, prisons, schools, the military.  They tend to be theologically conservative and sometimes get up on "a milk crate."  They draw their inspiration from the Gideon story in Judges 6, in the Bible.

 FROM GOOD DEBT JON:  "Spiritual Feed?" Oink oink... Maybe amend one of my favorite hymns to "Fill my Trough Lord"====JACK:  Jesus said, "Feed my sheep," not "Feed the hogs."

 FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  Gary wants me to cross-stitch this one for him:  "Preach the Gospel constantly-if necessary, use words."====JACK:  Did you ever enter a husband-calling contest?

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Jack’s Winning Words 8/28/13
“A dream you dream alone is only a dream.  A dream you dream together is reality.”  (John Lennon)  Today marks the 50th anniversary of  MLK Jr’s “I have a dream” speech.  Scholars have called it the top speech of the 20th Century.  We all have our personal dreams, our wishes…but what really moves people is when they can share a common vision.  It’s been 50 years.  What new dream might inspire us?    ;-)  Jack

 FROM TARMART REV:  I'm still living out my old one in sincere gratitude and pleasure . . . the "new" and expectant one is out of this world!!====JACK:  If you are living a dream, does that mean it's no longer a dream, but reality?

 FROM HONEST JOHN:  How about a dream of Christians listening to the scriptures instead of hearing what they choose to hear?====JACK:  Is there a "Joseph" who can interpret your dream?  Our understanding, so often, is based on the interpreter that we choose to hear.====JOHN:  I don't buy that answer.   The left today is deliberately ignoring the scriptures.   The right is distorting them so badly that one has to really stretch to call it an interpretation.   Time to abandon your relativism or become a total Sophist.
====JACK:  I'm simply stating that our views (yours and mine) are shaped by the interpreters we've chosen to follow.  Left or right?  It's a matter of interpretation.====JOHN:  You are honoring MLK today.   Do you really think he thought in relativistic terms?====JACK:  My opinion?  MLK Jr, me, you, we all are relativists at one time or another, depending on circumstances. ====JOHN:  I see nothing in MLK's speeches or actions that would indicate that how he was a relativist...and I clearly am would be a denial of all tat I think and believe.   That I struggle to find the truth is for certain but to deny that there is Truth is not a position that I could  live with.====JACK:  Neither do I deny the ultimate Truth.  I just say that it seems to be part of human nature to not always be consistent.  And, then, Peter heard the cock crow.. 

 FROM TRIHARDER:  50th Anniversary in Washington. It was given in Detroit earlier that summer. ====JACK:  When preachers repeat a sermon, it's called, "pulling one out of the barrel."  When that's done, usually some refinements are made.====TH: I guess politicians do the same.  Lawyers generally have one shot at it -- although I'm sure that many arguments covering similar situations are repeated, refined over the course of a career.====JACK:  Was MLK Jr, foremost, a preacher or a politician?  How one answers that question probably reveals one's opinion of him.

 FROM ANONYMOUS:  We ascribe to Chaucer's thoughts as long as the venture is not life threatening. Venturing is a learning experience...success or failure...both are learning experiences. Venturing triggered by today's WW led to a pursuit of whether or not sisyphean is used as a noun or verb or both. Came upon "disambiguation"not solely related to my query but new to me.....Part of today's mental ventures.

 FROM SHARIN' SHARON:  Reading this book "The Law-Gospel Debate", by Gerhard O. Forde, page 232 at the end, "Because the church is aware of the eschatological limit, it knows that it has the responsibility of bearing witness to the proper use of the law." Forced to this because of new people not from a Lutheran faith background being integrated into our congregation and how this dream of Forde's and also now mine can be more realized in our community here. We can't just not understand who we are and figure we'll all, without some theological work, be able to share a common vision. That's my opinion right now anyway. Thanks every day for the WW you convey, with your sometimes pithy commentary.====JACK:  I wonder how many people "out there" can pronounce, eschatological, let alone know what it means.  At least, you do.  It's one we'll all encounter, sooner or later.

 FROM PL IN MICHIGAN:  One of my dreams is to never have to discuss why "We need to take back our Country" is such a vile racist attitude.====JACK:  One of the things that teachers say to children, in the learning process, is:  "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again."  Not all dreams are realized the first time. ====PL:  Some dreams make take more then a few generations.====JACK:  I talked with someone in their 50s this week who could barely remember the March on Washington.  Does that count as a generation?
====PL:  It's very interesting talking to people in their 30's and hearing them say that nothing has changed. I was listening to NPR's the Barber Shop. Then you hear someone like John Lewis say.."you need to be in my shoes."====JACK:  People younger don't know what it's like to be older, but people older can remember younger years and concepts.

 FROM WATERFORD JAN:  Compared to the other responses I just read, my response seems trite, but I stand by it as a good suggestion.  Find a copy of the "I Have a Dream" speech and read it uninterrupted in its entirety.  It deserves to be called the top speech of the 20th Century.  I'd like to suggest the dream of world peace, but that sounds like an answer from an unprepared beauty pageant contestant.====JACK:  If it's our dream, it belongs to us.  I have a journal in which I've recorded some of my craziest dreams.  Crazy or not.  They are mine.  Frank Sinatra (with Harry James) sang, "I had the craziest dream last night."

 FROM TAMPA SHIRL:  Honest people and honest government.====JACK:  Sometimes we overlook the fact that government is people.  One of today's problems is de-humanization.

 FROM CL IN MICHIGAN:  What if we were inspired to make the MLK dream come true.  How many years will it take?????====JACK:  I don't know about the "whole" dream, but I rejoice in parts of it that have come true in my lifetime.  Each generation can rejoice in dreams that have come true, and anticipate the future with hope.

 FROM DP IN MINNESOTA:  What dream might inspire us?  When the whole world hears the Commandment,  " thou shall not kill" .====JACK:  What does this mean?  As you may recall, Martin Luther wrote: "We are to fear and love God so that we do not hurt our neighbor in any way, but help him in all of his physical needs."  I think that you and I and Luther are on the same page.


 FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  It's easy to dream but to act on dreams is a whole different story. ====JACK:  In school I was enamored with daydreaming.  I could have (and should have) awakened to reality, and my grades would have been better.  But, grades aren't everything!  :

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Jack’s Winning Words 8/27/13
“For he that naught n’assaieth naught n’acheveth.”  (Geoffrey Chaucer)  Stumped?  What Geoffrey meant to say was, “Nothing ventured, nothing gained.”  Chaucer is said to be the Father of English Literature, but sometimes he uses words that cause me to go to Google.  One of my favorite books is, “Things I Learned While Looking Up Other Things.”  There’s so much to learn “out there.”  Keep your mind venturing!    ;-)  Jack

 FROM TAMPA SHIRL:  This is the time to sign up for new OLLI courses.  One that sounds interesting this time is American Civil War in the West.  Also  there is one at the History Center about MacDill AFB. When we first moved to Tampa fifty years ago, people would tell us about all of the war stuff going down the highways to the base during the Cuban missile crisis.====JACK:  Those sound like two ad-venturesome courses.  I think that I might pick the MacDill one, because I remember the Cuban Crisis so well.  That could well have been a turning point in our country's history.

 FROM FACEBOOK LIZ:  i love to learn things while looking up other things.====JACK:  That's what makes life so many things to learn.  For example...I should know more about Chaucer, about Sydney J. Harris, about the country of Syria (past and present), about fracking (both pro and con).

 FROM HAPPY TRAILS IN NOVA SCOTIA:  I just got a copy of Harold Kushner's latest: The Book of Job: When Bad Things Happened to a Good Person. I will send you my comments when I have read it. I heard him interviewed about it, perhaps on NPR or CBC.   After our daughter died, When Bad Things Happen to a Good Person was the single most helpful book for me, and my wife also found it helpful. When someone we know loses a child, we usually give them one. Some of the things Christians said to me, attempting to console me, were along the lines of some of the arguments advanced (by those attempting to advise Job) and refuted in the course of the new book. This experience further decreased my reluctance to accept any human interpretation of religion uncritically.====JACK:  Sometimes a book can help during difficult times.  Sometimes it's a caring someone.  Sometimes the questions linger.  I find comfort in the words of Job.  "Though he slay me, yet will I trust him."

 FROM TARMART REV:  Home safe . . . sometimes information overload . . . what was that forbidden tree found in the middle of the Garden . . . "knowledge of good and evil" . . . lately my life is being filled with too much of the evil . . . jumped right back into the life of a married couple having a dispute. . . phone calls, texts and Facebook Messages awaiting my attention . . . didn't even get un-packed . . . got my smile though! ====JACK:  At the end of life, when all is said and done....whar comforting words:  Home safe!

 FROM KF IN MICHIGAN:  Essayer is French : "to try" !====JACK:  You caused me to venture out and look it up.  Essayer is the French word for "to try."  I learned something new.  Thanks

 FROM HAWKEYE GEORGE:  You do very good research.====JACK:  I enjoy asking, "Why?"  Then, I try to find out.  That's why Chaucer's words intrigued me when I read them.

 FROM BLAZING OAKS:  HA! My best teacher friend took her advanced high-schoolers through Chaucer's Canterbury Tales....when she asked her students if they knew anyone like the lady who wore red silk stockings, they said "Mrs. Oaks"! (I think she was a shady lady)....but they were thinking of someone who had the chutzpah to wear red hose....We had a good laugh. "Naught assayist, naught achievest" is so true. Upward and onward my friend!====JACK:  Do you remember the Dean Martin song:  "The Naughty Lady From Shady Lane?"  Is it better to be a shady lady than a naughty lady?  I guess shady would go with Oaks.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Jack’s Winning Words 8/26/13
“We shall never know all the good a simple smile can do.”  (Mother Teresa)  Many of the pictures that I’ve seen of M.T. show her with a smile.  As you may know, she formed a group of nuns to care for the sick, the hungry, the homeless.  It’s said that smiling is a sign of friendliness, and “the poorest of the poor” got a smile from Teresa and her sisters.  Do you remember the song…”It isn’t any trouble to S-M-I-L-E?”  It works!    ;-)  Jack

 FROM HAWKEYE GEORGE:  I cover that in my book, chapter on reciprocity.====JACK:  Reciprocity is a pretty big word.  You must have a university education.

 FROM HAPPY TRAILS IN NOVA SCOTIA:  Hugging works too...a friend of ours is a disciple of Amma from familiar with her? Seems like another lady with a remarkable personality and history. ====JACK:  Is it possible to hug without a huggee?  BTW, I notice in church that people sometimes "pass the peace" with a hug instead of  a handshake.  What do you do?====HAPPY TRAILS: Tactical decision made on circumstances.====JACK:  I read that Amma means, "mother," in many languages.  Mothers are generally huggers.

 FROM MK IN MICHIGAN:  My Niece has a baby boy, Charlie and when he first sees you he gives you a quick smile and then he studies you seriously for a reaction, of course your heart is filled when he does that and you smile or laugh and his next reaction is a huge smile and then the study again!  He is a Downs baby they were pretty wrecked at first but the entire family is now seeing what these people of God have to offer!  My Aunt was Downs and we knew how loving they are and what they bring to the table of life!====JACK:  What is the difference between "normal" and "abnormal."  Sometimes I think that our judgments are flawed.
There are smiles that make us happy  There are smiles that make us blue
There are smiles that steal away the tear drops  As the sum beam steal away the dew
There are smiles that have a tender meaning  That the eyes of love alone will see
And the smiles that filled my heart with sunshine  Are the smiles that you gave to me?

 FROM BLAZING OAKS:  When you travel, especially out of the country, you realize that a smile is the universal language! I toured the "infant home" of Mother Teresa in India...row on row of cribs with babies, hardly room to walk between them, and the nuns tried to hold or cuddle each  one  periodically which was a BIG job! Pictures and sayings of Mother Teresa lined the walls. Quite an overwhelming task, administered with love....====JACK:  When faced with an impossible task...SMILE.  Do you remember this song?
Mommy told me something a little kid should know.
It's all about the devil and I've learned to hate him so.
She said he causes trouble when you let him in the room.
He will never ever leave you if your heart is filled with gloom.
So let the sun shine in, face it with a grin.
Smilers never lose and frowners never win.
So let the sun shine in, face it with a grin
Open up your heart and let the sun shine in.

 FROM ME IN NEWPORT BEACH:  A simple piece of advice both of my parents and Aunt Elene understood.====JACK:  Arthur Miller wrote, in Death of a Salesman, "He's a man way out there in the blue, riding on a smile and a shoelace."  A smile is a good start for anyone trying to make a sale.  Does it work in the courtroom, too?====ME:  Anywhere when it is genuine.  My Father used to tell me to "Follow a smile" when you walk into a room full of people you do not know.  I think of him and that piece of advice every time I walk into a crowded room.====JACK:  One thing that I'll always remember about your dad is his smile...a big wide one.

 FROM BADGER DONNA:  I love this song. Enjoy!
Hope to see you and your smile tomorrow."====JACK:  I, too, like Nat singing about smiling.  There are lots of good songs about smiling.  BTW, you're probably not old enough to remember the comic strip, "Smilin' Jack." .

 FROM IKE AT THE MIC:  Since you’ve referred to Mother Teresa,I thought you might appreciate the following riddle:”What do you call a nun that walks in her sleep? Answer: A roamin catholic..====JACK:  Mother Teresa had a sense of humor..."I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish that He didn't trust me so much."

 FROM MOLINER JT:  it takes more muscles to frown than to smile.====JACK:  It's time to give my face a rest.

 FROM GOOD DEBT JON:  Excellent WW! This was one of the topics at the Detroit Media Mastery seminar I just returned from.  Smiling is important, so many go through life looking like they were weaned on a pickle.. .  I think I'll go practice.====JACK:  Weaned on a pickle?  I like it.  I prefer the sweet variety, but a dill slice is good, too, when needed.  Too much sweetness, however, turns me off.

 FROM TAMPA SHIRL:  Smile and the world smiles with you.====JACK:  The quote continues, "Cry, and you cry alone."  Ain't it the truth?

 FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  We sang that song a lot in Girl Scouts years ago.  It's a good song to make each other smile!  Smiling doesn't cost a thing but has great rewards.  (One of our favorite programs was "Smile your on Candid Camera!"====JACK:  Candid Camera did make me smile.  Other things make me smile, talking with children during the "children's sermon" at church.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Jack’s Winning Words 8/23/13
“I never would have amounted to anything were it not for adversity.  I came up the hard way.”  (J.C. Penney)  Penney’s is close to folding.  Where is old “J.C.” when he’s needed?  The first Penney’s store was called, “The Golden Rule,” and the clerks were instructed to treat customers as they, themselves, would like to be treated.  I would suggest going back to that idea…if Penney’s were to ask for my advice.    ;-)  Jack

 FROM FACEBOOK LIZ:  people just want the cheapest imported garbage possible... hence, walmart thrives.====JACK:  They don't thrive because of me.

 FROM CL IN SANTA BARBARA:  FYI, CEO Mike Ullman is a good friend and strong Christian. ====JACK:  I personally like Penney's, and I'd like to see them succeed in a tough market.

 FROM MICHIZONA RAY:  Since the creation of "self-service" (which actually means "no service - you're on your own"), a generation has grown up without any real experience of what service truly is. There is a fortune to made by those who could restore the experience of service again. That's how I treat and desire to be treated. ====JACK:  Self-service is for impatient people (like many of us).  Who would  want to sit at a gas pump, waiting for an attendant to come and pump your gas, clean your windshield, open the hood and check the oil, and check the tire pressure?  Not me.  I even use the ATM, instead of going into the bank  I haven't yet gotten used to the self-check aisle at the grocery store..

FROM TARMART REV:  Adversity sure will help us discover what we are or are not made of . . . I experience it every time I have to drive around Chicago, IL.====JACK:  Last September I breezed through Chicago (mod-morning) with absolutely no slowdown.  I-Pass allowed me to bypass the toll booths, too   Speaking of adversity, I think Mark Twin said, "A certain amount of fleas is good for any dog."

 FROM TAMPA SHIRL:  That is good advice for everyone and for every business.  Have you flown on an airplane lately?  Things have certainly changed there.====JACK:  I remember flying from Detroit to the Twin Cities once on a DC-10 which seated about 300+.  There were only about 10 passengers.  The service was great.

 FROM PLAIN FOLKS CHESTER:  Legend has it that old J. C. took prospective executives to lunch and if they salted their food before tasting it, they were not considered for employment. He wanted people who gathered all of the facts before making a decision.====JACK:  Legends usually surround famous people.  What are some of those that people in the ad business say about you?

 FROM HAWKEYE GEORGE:  I LIKE THIS TRUISM!====JACK:  I like truisms better than falsisms

 FROM CL IN MICHIGAN:  The Golden Rule is a guide for each of us every day!!!!!!!!!!!!====JACK:  I remember when each Penney's store had a long yellow bar, with the name J.C. Penney on it, across the front, standing for the Golden Rule.  In fact, they were first called, The Golden Rule Store.

FROM FM IN WISCONSIN:  J. C. Penny was the graduation speaker in 1946 when my wife graduated from Carthage College.     It was a small class – only about 28 in it, and I being a ‘close’ friend of her had opportunity to speak one on one with JC.   He was a dear old man, at that time in his 70’s or +, but very humble and down to earth.   When ever I visit a Penny store I think of him – and how he’d have problems with the way they operate the stores now. ====JACK:  A lot of old-timers would "roll over in their graves" if they knew of happenings in the world today...even in the church.

 FROM BLAZING OAKS:  Our J.C Penney went to high-end, avant-guarde merchandise, which didn't fit the needs of the middle class clientele they served, and it didn't attract the wealthier high-end buyers, either, who disdained to shop at J.C.'s...(they'd probably have said their frock came from "Jacque  Penn-ay" if they did!)  Our store came  very close to closing, and still hasn't turned around, in spite of different merchandising now, tho it is busier. A huge store. My (and Jan's)  first "paying" job was working part time at J.C. Penney's in Moline. I put "paying" in parenthesis, 'cuz every payday, dad would have to give us money to settle our account. We bought more than we earned!! :-) The store manager had us walk through the store modeling teen fashions, on weekends, and we were pretty good sales girls... J.C. himself was highly regarded in the business world.====JACK:  My mother worked at "Monkey" Wards, and we took advantage of the 10% employee discount when buying clothes.  In fact, I even bought a replacement motor for my Model A Ford through the MW catalog.

 FROM SHARIN' SHARON:  Actually, I just had a conversation with a woman friend this past Thursday and she said she grew up with a cushy life but somehow developed a strong compassion for those who "had not". Just goes to show whether a person grows up with adversity or not, they can end up nice people anyway. Actually, I wonder if a cushy upbringing isn't more of an adversity to having compassion for the "have nots" and living the golden rule than the hard knocks of deprivation of material stuff.====JACK:  Your response reminds me of the old story of someone hitting himself on the head with a hammer.  "Why are you doing that?"  He responds, "Because it feels so good when I stop."  I don't know if I really want adversity in order to make me feel better when it's over. 

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Jack’s Winning Words 8/22/13
“The barriers are not erected which can say to aspiring talents and industry, This far and no farther.”  (Beethoven)  Schroeder liked to play Beethoven on his toy piano.  “Joyful, joyful we adore Thee,” is my favorite.  It seems “unfair” that deafness should rob a musician of the ability to hear his own work.  Today’s “words” show that “B” had thoughts beyond music.  Whatever the talent, be one who encourages others.    ;-)  Jack

 FROM TARMART REV:  Like "B" having thoughts beyond music . . . I want to "b" one who encourages others as well!!====JACK:  What's the best vitamin for a Christian?  B-1

 FROM TAMPA SHIRL:  accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative.  We grew up in an era of happy songs.====JACK:  In 1907, Henry van Dyke wrote the poem, "Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee," to be used with Beethoven's "Ode To Joy."  Talk about a happy song....!


 FROM BS IN ENGLAND:  I have become the ears of our church organist, Coral, who has lost her hearing
totally now.  She plays beautifully but needs my help to cue her in to when to begin playing the hymn, for instance, and the last verse.  I have to keep my eyes and ears on the rector so sit twisted on the organ stool as the organ is at the back of the church--------but it works and we work as a team!!====JACK:  I've heard of seeing-eye dogs...and now a hearing ear person.  What a great story.  It's good for Corol and it's good for the Church and it's good for you.  It fits well with Beethoven.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Jack’s Winning Words 8/21/13
“Maybe I wanted to hear it so badly that my ears betrayed my mind in order to secure my heart." (Margaret Cho)  You either like Margaret’s comedy, or you don’t.  I like it…for the most part.  Hers hasn’t been an easy life.  She’s worked hard to become a success.  Could it be that we are like Cho in the ways she mentioned?  We want to hear some good stuff, not just the bad.  Remember this as you talk with others.    ;-)  Jack

  FROM MICHIZONA RAY:  This reminds me of the writing in Proverbs, "the simple believes everything; but the prudent gives thought to his steps" (14:15). This applies to yesterday's WW, as well as everything we "hear"====JACK:  Proverbs is a favorite book of mine, because it reminds me of so many life-situations..

 FROM PL IN MICHIGAN:  Sometimes you amaze me as to what you like. I would not have expected that, Jack.  She can get pretty raw. But you are right. Her perspectives are different.====JACK:  The Bible says that the Lord separates the wheat from the chaff.  I try to do that with Margaret, too.  There's a lot of wheat in her monolog, if you look for it.  It's that way with much of life.

 FROM TARMART REV:  Another good thought to ponder today .====JACK:  I hope that your pondering doesn't become ponderous.

 FROM BLAZING OAKS:  She's controversial, but so right on this..."Nothing improves our hearing like praise"!  She must not be gay, as she's been married for ten years to Al Ridenauer (sp?), but her material often deals with that Gloria Steinem observed, "Self-esteem isn't everything; it's just that there's nothing without it!"====JACK:  I try to be controversial by covering my fist with a velvet glove.  Cho just uses her fist.  I guess we each do things in our own way.  That's what makes us individuals.

   FROM PEPPERMINT MARY:  love margaret cho.====JACK:  I think that it would be "fun" to have her drop in at your school.  Creative people can adjust their "act" to fit situations.

 FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  This seems to be a human failing.  It's amazing to hear a story go around about someone or something.  It usually ends up so different.  We hear what we want to hear, don't we? ====JACK:  "She who has ears, let her hear."  Speak a good word to someone today!

 FROM TAMPA SHIRL:  God works in mysterious ways and sometimes we are challenged.====JACK:  Do you remember the radio show, "I Love A Mystery"?

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Jack’s Winning Words 8/20/13
“The early North American Indians made a great mistake by not having immigration laws.”  (Unknown)  The first U.S. immigration policy was adopted in 1790.  A 2-year residency was the only requirement.  Contract laborers were approved in 1864 and banned in 1885.  My grandparents immigrated when laws weren’t very restrictive, but things have changed.  Perhaps today’s quote has a place in the “i” debate.    ;-)  Jack

 FROM FACEBOOK LIZ:  we are neither responsible for the actions of our ancestors nor do we need to feel guilt on their behalf. a majority of humanity has gotten screwed/screwed someone else at some time or another in history.  the impetus behind immigration reform on both sides is votes. if anyone thinks otherwise, they are deluded.  question: is amnesty just for mexicans or is it for arabs & all other nationalities, as well? i have not seen this addressed... will google.  personally, i am all about jobs. jobs build self-esteem. pity doesn't. where are the jobs? does anybody care?====JACK:  I wonder if some future generation will say, "We aren't responsible for our ancestors' decisions."?  I guess we play the hand we are dealt, without blaming the dealer, or the one who printed the cards.  We should try to do the best we can with what we have....and maybe improve a little along the way.====LIZ:  sounds like a plan!====JACK:  My step -father often used this statement:  "Forget about yesterday, plan a little bit for tomorrow, and live like hell today."

 FROM HONEST JOHN:  It wasn't possible for them...they had Limited Government.====JACK:  They may have been the first Libertartians.

 FROM MICHIZONA RAY:  Unfortunately, current policy seems to differ with the law. What we truly need to determine is which we will follow. For a "king", his policy is the law. For a republic, the law is the rule. So, which do you suppose it will be?====JACK:  Laws are such that they need interpretation.  Our form of government provides for a Supreme Court to interpret them.  Generally, there will be those who agree with the judgment and those who disagree.  So be it!

 FROM SHARIN' SHARON:  Some people from our church are going to Washington D.C. this week to stand for reasonable laws which make voting in our country fair. Speculating from what has been happening with our voting laws, I wonder if people are afraid immigrants will do to the current crop of Americans what immigrants did to the North American Indians. We at least need to try to do everything to keep voting open, non-restrictive and fair so we can have good laws. I'm thankful our friends are in Washington, D.C. standing up for this issue.====JACK:  "Fear" is responsible for many of the laws that have been enacted.  Martin Luther interpreted the 10 Commandments, using fear in another way.  "We should fear (honor) the Lord, so that we....."  Put these words in front of each of the Commandments.

 FROM TARMART REV:  Seems to me to be a trend of history and in the makings of a downfall to mankind and his nation . . . from creation to the Fall of Man . . .  from the early Northern American Indians to the colonization of American . . .  from Early America to now . . . from the simplicity of childhood to the over-burdensome adulthood!====JACK:  People seem to respond negatively when they are told, "You can't!"  I remember that as a child.  Often, we come to regret our disobedience.

 FROM HAPPY TRAILS IN NOVA SCOTIA: have you seen the sweatshirt with a photo of a bunch of Indian warriors and the statement "Homeland Security since 1492"? We regularly see one in the window of one of the shops in Golden, CO, where Julia lives. I think they have other Native American offerings. ====JACK:  No, I haven't seen that, but I like the one that reads, "Too many chiefs and not enough Indians."  That could apply in some situations that I know of.

 FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  Things had definitely changed in this small world of ours.  The immigrants had to pass strict health tests back then.  Families who had an ill member were let in but not the ill person...they were sent back.====JACK:  If our country was so concerned about health issues back then, why did they allow the construction of outhouses?

 FROM DC IN KANSAS:  Thanks for that word!!====JACK:  I was interested enough to read about the history of American Indians in Kansas.  I learned that the state's name is from an Indian word.  I learned that, while some of the Indians agreed to leave the state peacefully, in exchange for "benefits," others had to be removed by force by the U.S. Army.  So, was this the doing of the immigrant Swedes?

 FROM BLAZING OAKS:  HA! IMAGINE THEY'D NOD THEIR HEADS IN AGREEMENT ON THAT ONE! A LOT OF   BLOODSHED AND TEARS IN THEIR HISTORY, THANKS TO THE "WHITE MAN"...BUT THE U.S. IS STILL CONSIDERED "THE LAND OF OPPORTUNITY" TO THOSE WHO ARE ALLOWED IN!  MOST OF US HAVE GRANDPARENTS OR GREAT-GRANDS, THAT WERE IMMIGRANTS HERE A FEW YEARS BACK. THANKFUL THEY CHOSE AMERICA!!====JACK:  I wondered if today's Winning Words were truly winning?  Now, I'm not so sure.  They have caused me to think of things from the Indian's point of view.  As we look upon our adventuresome immigrant ancestors, what must be the thoughts of the Indians as they look back upon theirs?  In a sense, the political immigration "talk" is hypocritical.  I need to cogitate some more.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Jack’s Winning Words 8/19/13
“A year from now you may wish that you had started today.”  (Karen Lamb)  BTW, how are you doing with those resolutions you made a few months ago?  A Scranton Univ. study shows that 75% last a week and 46% last 6 months.  2nd most popular on the list is “to get better organized.”  I cleaned off my desk today.  Seriously, write a resolution on a piece of paper and keep it before you…on your clean desk.  And, be realistic!    ;-)  Jack

 FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  I don't make resolutions but I will make an exception this morning.  I will do some praying about it an choose one.====JACK:  A resolution can be, simply, a goal.

 FROM CL IN MICHIGAN:  Isn't that the  truth?====JACK:  As the saying goes...Not to decide is to decide.

 FROM BBC IN ILLINOIS:  I did not have a resolution/goal either…I know with my Shaklee/nutrition business that folks are very particular about setting definable, realistic goals and sticking with them; people also do this in their spiritual life – say it’s important to pray specifically for exactly what you feel led to request.  Hmmmm – I’m more about the very broad generalizations “world peace”  “family harmony” – I think G-d pays attention to those requests too.====JACK: Does Shaklee make pizzas?  Or, is that the Shakley Pizza Co?  My goal is to have a small pepperoni pizza every Sunday for supper .  Maybe I should have a more realistic goal?  But, yes....People need to have realistic, do-able goals in their life, the spiritual, the nutritional and the pedestrian.

 FROM TAMPA SHIRL:  My system is to take one day at a time and to work on a list of things to do and to cross them off.  That is fun.====JACK:  I only make a list when I can't see the desk because of too much stuff.

 FROM ANONYMOUS:  The past several years I've made the same resolution to not make resolutions. I know me! " thine own self be true." I'm not a resolution keeper. Post-its!! !My cluttered desk---doors ...drawers are a collage of Post-its! (Goals?)And somewhere in the midst is one in large script "Organize these!" Again WW provides a stimulus for thinking..doing....Being my age..the status quo wins.


 FROM BIG AL:  We did,  Our 5 kids and their family met at the Prospect park Pavilion yesterday to celebrate Mazie and My 65th Wedding Anniversary.  OOOOH AAAAH====JACK:  OOH and AHH can be the result of overdoing it, too, but that's probably not the case in your situation.   

Friday, August 16, 2013

Jack’s Winning Words 8/16/13
“If you tickle the earth with a hoe, she laughs with a harvest.”  (Douglas Jerrold)  We are trying to grow grass in some bare spots in our yard.  The ground was raked.  Some Patchmaster was put down.  Each day we’ve been watering the places, and, like magic, the grass has appeared.  Of course it isn’t magic.  It’s another of those God-miracles that we take for granted…like the fruits and vegetables at the grocery store.    ;-)  Jack

 FROM HONEST JOHN:  I had a huge garden as a kid...we lived on eleven acres.   My Dad owned the Feed and Seed Store in EM and was very knowledgable about such things...held several patents in that area.   I still love to garden...had a nine foot hybrid tea rose plant this summer.   I get out in the early morning and putz with the is as much a spiritual time as anything else.   And I do Dad would reach down from heaven and grab me if I didn't stir up the earth a bit.   Tried to "hoe" a bit on Sunday mornings as well.====JACK:  As you garden, you can sing:
Sowing in the morning, sowing seeds of kindness,
"Hoeing" in the noontide and the dewy eve;
Waiting for the harvest, and the time of reaping,
We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves.
Bringing in the sheaves, bringing in the sheaves,
We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves,
Bringing in the sheaves, bringing in the sheaves,
We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves,
Your dad would be proud of you as a gardener in more ways than one.====JOHN: My Dad had an old Belgian friend who always used to say "I ha to hoe"....meant "I have to go."    I will never forget her.   There were some really interesting people in EM in the old days.   He also had a customer named "Fred Nocamus"....sound that one out!   Unreal.

 FROM TARMART REV:  A lot of "tickling" has gone on up this way in Minnesota . . . now praying for a little more heat before harvest . . . corn needs to snap, crackle and pop!!====JACK:  Watch out....Too much tickling can cause your back to go, "snap, crackle and pop", and you wind up at the chiropractor.

 FROM JS IN MICHIGAN:  I love this one.  I grew up in the city of Detroit.  We had a small house and a small yard, but my father had a beautiful vegetable garden every summer.  He grew radishes, beets, carrots, peppers, lettuce (so tender), yellow string beans, Italian sweet basil, parsley and of course, tomatoes! I would love when my mother asked me to go to the garden and get some fresh basil and parsley because I knew she was making sauce for a mostaccioli  dinner that evening.  My parents were a gift from God. ====JACK:  Thanks for sharing those beautiful memories.  There are God-miracles beyond those in the garden, and they often include our parents.
O happy home, where each one serves Thee, lowly,
Whatever his appointed work may be,
Till every common task seems great and holy,
When it is done, O Lord, as unto Thee!

 FROM BLAZING OAKS:  Made me smile to read this!  I'm not much of a gardener. I cultivate people who cultivate veggies and fruits, and am the recipient of "goodies" from the  garden. What a blessing!  Patchmaster sounds like a good remedy for bare spots on the lawn...I'll have to try that!  god-miracles abound!====JACK:  When my wife and I were first married, our church custodian had a garden and would often place fresh vegetables on the back porch along with a handwritten note giving instructions about how to cook them.

 FROM MS IN MICHIGAN:  There are two outdoor fruit/vegetable stands within walking distance of my condo.  The Special Blessings of Summer.====JACK:  The farmer's stand by the side of the road in our area have been torn down in order to build a subdivision.  Now, produce has to be bought at the grocery store.

 FROM ANONYMOUS:  The multiplicity of miracles in a humming bird, a blueberry, a breath of air , and a piece of music (and the like) is incomprehensible to me. From whence did these miracles generate? I know.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Jack’s Winning Words 8/15/13
“No good working bee listens to the advice of a bedbug.”  (Elbert Hubbard)  Ogden Nash wrote: “God in his wisdom made the fly And then forgot to tell us why.”  I wish that he would have used bedbugs…but it wouldn’t rhyme.  On the other hand, the worker bee is vital to our food chain, and their dwindling population is a real problem.  However, today’s quote is about taking reliable advice.  Who is it that you listen to?    ;-)  Jack

 FROM TARMART REV:  Jack’s Winning Words, of course . . . each morning around 6 am CSDT! ====JACK:  So, today you won't be listening to the advice of any bedbugs?====REV:  The birds & the bees and bed bugs have been extinct in my life for some time now!

 FROM MICHIZONA RAY:  For myself, I listen for what seems true and holds true. I have to avoid the foolishness that so often flows from the mouths of those who "know". I can't say I listen to a particular someone; rather, I listen to what people say and what they do. In the end, I think the only thing we "know" to be true is what is inside the hearts and minds of our souls. Our experience is irrefutable. The hard part is making sense of it. Then one has to add Faith and belief, which often makes the task even more complicated. The rest of it is all the stuff of our own world, construed through incomplete information, personal perspectives, imagination, and wished-for outcomes. We spend a lot of time in this realm because it serves to distract us from the important task of the aforementioned. Of course my conclusion is sourced from my own experience and the foolishness of my own distractions.====JACK:  Ultimately it comes down to personal judgment.  As Shakespeare put it: "To thine own self be true."

 FROM SHARIN' SHARON:  My hope is that God is actually speaking through His people, whether it's the writings in the Bible, the sermon, hearing often the words of institution, the doctor, the neighbor, the homeless, the child, after yesterday's WW now I will listen to Tim Tebow very seriously, the challenge is to not listen too much to my own inner voice of insecurity and fear and worry and feelings of not being loved, forgiven, etc. We are trying to encourage the bees in our yard.====JACK:  One of my favorite Old Testament stories is when God spoke to Balaam through the mouth of his ass.  (Numbers 22:21-38)  God sometimes communicates in unusual ways, so we always need to be alert.

 FROM BLAZING OAKS:  I HAD A WHIMSICAL PAINTING OF NOAH AND THE ARK & PARADING ANIMALS, 2 BY 2, WITH THE CAPTION,  "IF NOAH HAD BEEN TRULY WISE, HE WOULD HAVE  SWATTED THOSE TWO FLIES!"  SO THANKFUL WE DO HAVE "SAGES" IN OUR LIVES WHEN NEEDED, AND THAT ALMIGHTY CLARIFYING ABILITY TO  LAY THINGS OUT IN PRAYER!  CERTAINLY IN OUR DAY AND AGE THERE ARE A PLETHORA OF BOOKS COVERING A MULTITUDE OF SUBJECTS AND SITUATIONS, TO TURN TO, AND EXPERIENCED PEOPLE, AS WELL.  WITH OUR  INSTANT COMMUNICATION, WE ARE  SO BLESSED, IN COMPARISON OF YEARS AGO. (OF COURSE THERE IS SOMETIMES A "DOWN" SIDE TO THAT AS WELL!!)====JACK:  If God came in the form of a man, isn't it possible that he could come in the form of a fly to communicate his love to other flies.  It's possible, because with God, all things are possible.  I wonder if God could appear in the form of a bedbug, too?====OAKS: Interesting thought!  And as you say;, with God, nothing is impossible!!   I wonder if Hindu reincarcation includes flies....suppose it could....

 FROM RI IN BOSTON:  I listened a lot to my father, and he gave me some sound advice all the years that he lived.  He relates well to your WW today because he happened to be a serious beekeeper.  He knew a lot about bees (apiculture) and kept hives near the orchard.  My father seemed to be a "bee whisperer", very confident about working around the bees, and he would open the hives and remove honey frames without wearing a head-screen or coveralls.  He seldom got stung.  My dad frequently told stories about some of the "bedbugs" he had to work with at the factory, but he was too informed himself to take advice from them. ====JACK:  I'm allergic to aspirin.  They give me hives.  So when the TV ad recommends taking an aspirin a day, I don't listen to that advice.

FROM JT IN MICHIGAN:  That's a hard one.  I listen to people whose opinion I value, who are concerned with an issue and DO NOT have an axe to grind.  I do not listen to people who denigrate another because they don't agree with them.====JACK:  Denigrate has some interesting synonyms....    bad-mouth, belittle, cry down, decry, deprecate, derogate, diminish, dis (also diss), discount, dismiss, disparage, kiss off, minimize, play down, poor-mouth, put down, run down, talk down, trash, trash-talk, vilipend, write off.  That about says it all.

 FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  First and foremost, I try to listen to God.  Sometimes I can't get His message so I use advice from my husband.  He is wise and knowledgeable.  I'm a good listener, I think, and will listen to most anyone.  Sometimes it's hard not to give advice, especially when it's not wanted.  Then I close my mouth and open my heart.  ====JACK:  The Greek word, angelos, means messenger from God.  That's where the word angel comes from.  It's good that you have an angel for a husband.

 FROM EEC IN MICHIGAN:  I just read a long article on the dwindling population of the bee in I think Time magazine, at the dentist's office. It was scary.====JACK:  I think that each created thing has a place in this world, whether we realize it or not.  The bee is one creature whose work is very important, as we can see.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Jack’s Winning Words 8/14/13
“It’s OK to be outspoken about your faith.”  (Tim Tebow)  After each football game Tim Tebow kneels in prayer, and he’s been criticized for that   Things religious have always had a place in his life.  His parents were missionaries.  His belief is “Faith, Family and Football, in that order.”  The Sermon on the Mount begins, “Don’t hide your light under a bushel.  Let it shine.”  Is that, Tebow-ing?  BTW, Tim turns 26 today.    ;-)  Jack

 FROM MICHIZONA RAY:  Putting God first certainly doesn't mean you can't play football; nor does playing football mean you're not putting God first. I'm glad his priorities include keeping God at the forefront of his life while performing in his job -- something we all need to do. Whether or not he is going to succeed as a quarterback in the NFL is another issue.====JACK:  Vince Lombardi said something similar when talking to his players.  "There are three things important to every man in this locker room. His God, his family, and the Green Bay Packers. In that order."  And he was a successful football player and NFL coach.

 FROM HONEST JOHN:  I suppose my Swedishness  is coming thru but I think sometimes we can let our light shine too brightly so that it blinds us to reality====JACK:  You're right!  Most Swedes are more comfortable praying privately.  ...and they feel that they are following the advice of Jesus:  "But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.".

FROM HY YO SILVER:  I share a birthday with Tim Tebow and Magic Johnson!====JACK:  You also have the same birthday as Mark "the Bird" Fydrich.====HY:  I didn't know that. Cool!

 FROM SHARIN' SHARON:  Does Tebow go off the field and use his time off the field to do something in the community? I would like to see praying people at people's hospital beds or working in the soup kitchen or articles in Sports Illustrated or something with pictures of him and his family in a Bible study at church, to some of us non-sports people football just seems like a distraction from life and not really very serious--sorry sports fans, maybe it's because I never played and experienced "being on the field and challenged by the game".====JACK: Here is some information about Tebow's life beyond the football field.  He was born in the Philippines where his parents were missionaries.. He's gone back with them throughout his entire life to work at their association's orphanage and to preach in villages across that country. As a college athlete he spoke in U.S. schools and prisons and at church conferences and youth group meetings.  He's also started a nonprofit organization, the Tim Tebow Foundation. Its priorities are:  A wish-granting program for children with life-threatening illnesses.  A charity to create children's playrooms in hospitals throughout the world.  The Foundation also helps support a Christian home for 49 orphans and 13 staff in Mindanao, Philippines.

FROM TARMART REV:  Two men "out-spoken about their Christ-like faith" (that's you and me, Jack), letting their Christ-like lights shine while traveling down two different pair of tracks that brought them together for a time and then sending them on aways apart for another season of ministry, and then bringing them back together for a enjoyable season once again . . . interesting thought for me to ponder today, finding me very appreciative of the fact!!====JACK:  Life is a mystery.  I love mysteries (sometimes).

FROM FACEBOOK LIZ:  thank you for reiterating our most basic right as americans... seems it is being usurped by political correctness these days. tebow can't tebow anymore.when i was agnostic, i was never offended by others' beliefs or the symbols of their beliefs. i am offended, however, by the govt's attacks on christianity, while awarding the utmost respect to the "peaceful" religion of islam.====JACK:  Religious freedom in the USA applies to all religious groups.  Many immigrants came to this country in the 19th century, because they didn't have that freedom in their homeland.

 FROM BBC IN ILLINOIS:  Ahh but then aren’t there verses about not acting like the Pharisees, insted “not letting your right hand know what your left is doing” or, not praying for spectators to observe your pious behavior but in private, behind a closed door where those who give in secret are rewarded in secret?  Sometimes my heart is warmed by these guys who express their faith publicly and other times it seems like grandstanding.  Hmmmm.====JACK:  I'm satisfied to let people pray as they choose,,.whatever their posture.  I had an opinion about Tebow-ing until I read more about Tim's background.  That's the case with most (if not all) of our prejudices   I'm exasperated by those who think their's is the only way that counts. 

 FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  More and more people are being outspoken about their faith.  More tv programs include faith....Duck Dynasty for instance.  Hopefully, this will be the start of a push-back from people who want to remove God from this country.====JACK:  A country is somewhat like a family.  You take what you get and try to make the best of it.

 FROM BLAZING OAKS:   Tim has made a name for himself in a good way;, if you are a committed Christian.  A  few years ago he would have been idolized, instead of inspiring snide remarks and satire.  Our sons were admired for being Christian Athletes, and  both older boys were Spirngfield "Athlete of the year", so it didn't hurt their chances. Our value system has changed as a nation.  I love football, and also our Lord,  so I do hope he has a chance to show what he can do in the NFfL.
I tend to be outspoken, myself. (Did You Guess?)  Until I joined my two bridge clubs, they never offered grace at our we never miss.  And these are good people, but not used to praying aloud....until now.:-)====JACK:  In Sunday School we used to sing..."Jesus bids us shine with a clear, pure light, like a little candle burning in the night.  In this world of darkness we must shine...You in your small corner, and I in mine."

  FROM ANONYMOUS:  Football season is starting soon! Hooray! Tim Tebow amazed us here in Florida....most of us. A winner in so many ways. Whether he makes it in pro football is iffy....for many reasons.....but it's gratifying to see that he doesn't compromise . As God has a plan for each of us, I believe, His plan for Tim Tebow is just early in the game.--------

FROM TAMPA SHIRL:  Yes, and he is very popular down here.  BTW have you read Duck Dynasty? My grandchildren introduced the series to me, and the book is all about this guy's faith , how got there, and how he lives his faith.====JACK:  You're the second person who's mentioned Duck Dynasty to me.  Is that some like Swamp Men, Mountain Men and Ice Road Truckers?====SHIRL: No. I don.t think so.  It has a constant Christian basis for living.====JACK:  Have never seen it.  Probably watching Tigers' baseball instead.


Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Jack’s Winning Words 8/13/13
“Old men are dangerous.  It doesn’t matter to them what is going to happen to the world.”  (George Bernard Shaw)  I’ve read that the oldest soldier on active duty is a 79 year old doctor at Ft. Benning, Col. William Bernhard.  Clint Eastwood, in Gran Torino, was a crotchety old man, but, really, he was a caring person.  When GBS commented on the elderly he overlooked those who do care about the future they’ll never see.   ;-)  Jack

 FROM HONEST JOHN:  Frankly Freed, I see you as incredibly dangerous...who knows what Winning Words is really about?====JACK:  Writing Winning Words is like composing a mini-sermon.

 FROM RI IN BOSTON:  I think old men are cantankerous, not actually dangerous.  We complain a lot, primarily because life could and should be better than it is.  Any man with children or grandchildren does care about the sort of life they will have in the future, hoping theirs will be better than ours regardless that we won't benefit from it.====JACK:  I think that each age should celebrate it's own joys and limitations.  This morning I talked with someone who will participate in an Ironman Triathlon.  I'm not able to participate in such an event, but he doesn't have grandchildren, either.

  FROM SHARIN' SHARON:  Actually, my mother-in-law is 93 years old and she repeatedly says that "They don't tell any good news in the news. They just tell bad news." She keeps threatening not to watch the news--since it makes her so unhappy--but so far she hasn't been able to do that. Our congregation has an outreach ministry to an assisted living and sometimes I try to think how a person would preach the Gospel to a bunch of people who get their news from TV shows, how to say something reassuring and comforting about Jesus being alive and involved in this world to a bunch of old people who watch the news. TV just isn't capable of informing completely. I wonder what old people George Bernard Shaw knew.====JACK:  I wonder if GBS was looking in a mirror when he made that comment about old men?  As far as TV news is concerned, I have a remote control and know how to use it.

 FROM TARMART REV:  ... or those who do care about the future they will see! "It was by faith that Moses . . . instead of enjoying the fleeting pleasures of sin . . . was looking ahead to his great reward" (Hebrews 11:24-26).====JACK:  I like Moses.  He saw a Promised Land beyond the obvious one.

 FROM FACEBOOK LIZ:  that's a bunch of bs!  the new divide in this country is age... "young people are lazy." "your generation got us into this mess."====JACK:  That's the problem with generalizations.  I don't like items which say, "One size fits all."  These words by Edward Wallis Hoch seem to fit..." There is so much good in the worst of us, And so much bad in the best of us, That it hardly behooves any of us To talk about the rest of us."  Even "The Greatest Generation" is a generalization.====LIZ:  LAL.

 FROM GTRIHARDER:  It seems as parents, most of us care about the condition of the world our children and (hopeful) grandchildren will live in.  Politicians, however, seem to be able to separate this and care more today.   A parent would never saddle his/her child with huge debt, a polluted place to live in, a world with a dwindling number of wildlife and plantlife species.  Politicians don't seem to care.====JACK:  I think you need to pay another visit to the Optimist Club.  Having said that, I have been thinking about you and your family, what with the terror alert in Pakistan and other parts of the world.  Additionally, I, too, am concerned about how we are misusing our irreplaceable planet.  If I were an old man I might not be concerned about what's left after I'm gone, but I am concerned.  A song that I know applies to all of us...."This world is not my home, I'm justs passin' through...."

 FROM BLAZING OAKS:  It probably matters to old men who have children, grands, and "greats" who will inherit whatever conditions are left by dangerous old whom it doesn't matter!  Shaw tended to be cynical and negative, (but witty!) but of course there is a kernal of truth in his observation. For SOME old men...  I laugh remembering his exchange with Sir Winston Churchill: He sent Churchill two tickets for Opening night to his  new play, saying , "Here are two tickets for Opening Night for you and a friend, if you have a friend."  Churchill replied, "Can't make it for OPENING night...will come for second performance, if there IS a 2nd night". They must have enjoyed each other!====JACK:  I wonder why Shaw didn't add...."Old women are dangerous, too."?  Maybe it's because he lived during a time when women did not wield as much power as they do today.

 FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  Old George was probably having a bad day.  I don't agree with his assumption as I know I lot of older people who care about this grand world we live in.  My dad was in his 80's when he tried to work on the AuSable River to stop some drilling that might have polluted the river. ====JACK:  As a generalization, many older people seem to have a set of values different from those (some of them) of the "throw-away:" generation.

 FROM PLAIN FOLKS CHESTER:  Today is yesterday's dream.====JACK:  ..or nightmare.

FROM CJL IN OHIO:  Good observation about GBS.  I think GT is an exemplary film.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Jack’s Winning Words 8/12/13
“The first hour of the morning is the rudder of the day.”  (H. W. Beecher)  Jimmy Durante said, “You gotta start off each day with a song.”  A friend of mine sings a hymn when he gets up.  We all have our routines.  Mark Twain said that you should start off the day by eating a live frog.  After that, nothing else in the day will seem so bad.  A list of suggestions by successful people began, “Don’t check your e-mail.”  Oops!    ;-)  Jack

 FROM SHARIN' SHARON:  Right after I wake up, and right after I pray to God in thanksgiving that I can pray to him again today, always pray that He will give my husband patience and wisdom as he drives again the distance between here and his job, that He will keep my husband safe on the roads. After I've said that prayer, the whole day follows suit. Funny to be living here in Mo-Town and realize how much Detroit--car town--has really become my home.====JACK:  Even though I live in a suburb, I, too, count MoTown  as my town.  You can find good and bad in any place and situation...depending on what you're looking for.

 FROM TARMART REV: And just think . . . you get an extra hour more than me each morning!! ====JACK:  Time zones and Daylight Savings Time are ways in which we try to play tricks with the mind.

 FROM RJP IN NAPLES:  My 85 year old Aunt was a big band vocalist in the 40s thru the 60s and sang with many of the great performers from Bob Hope down and she tells us her favorite was Jimmy Durante..... Kind, gentle, giving and funny. Too bad today's generation does not have a Durante.====JACK:  Here in Detroit we have the famous Madonna, whose 55th birthday is next Friday.====RJP:  Infamous might be another term to apply.====JACK:  I thought about using that word, but I wanted to start off the day by "pulling your chain."====RJP:  And you are sooooo good at it!!!!!!!!!

 FROM FACEBOOK LIZ:  i check my email, facebook & the drudge report.====JACK:  We each do the thing that works for us.  One day, when my son was here on a business trip, I happened to see when he opened his e-mail folder...over 300 of them.  I can see why looking at them is not the first thing he does in the morning.

FROM ANONYMOUS:  For many, it appears, WW is another ...rudder of the day.

 FROM EMT SINGS IN MICHIGAN:  I drink a glass of water, take 2 calcium, read the daily mediation from my Daily Guidepost book AND read my email with special interest in Winning Words!====JACK:  I used to listen to an early morning radio show which began with this song..."Roll out of bed in the mornin' with a great big smile and a good, good mornin'.  Get up with a grin, there's a new day a tumblin' in."   Now, I like to listen to hear Dave Wagner (WRCJ) play the "SOUSALARM", a Sousa march each morning at 7:15.

 FROM ME IN NEWPORT BEACH:  I sweep the entire outside-driveway and courtyards.  Sometimes with a song and a chestbeat.====JACK:  Song:  "Hi Ho, Hi Ho, it's off to work I (don't) go."

 FROM BM IN MICHIGAN:  I guess I can picture Mark Twain hitting his head against the wall & being asked why he is doing that.  I assume his response would be that “it feels so good when I stop”====JACK:  Another of his animal quotes that I like is this one:  "A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way."

 FROM MOLINER JT:  A must -- Prayer !!====JACK:  Martin Luther wrote this brief prayer which could be used at the beginning of the day.    "In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.  Amen.      I thank you, my heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ, Your dear Son, that You have kept me this night from all harm and danger; and I pray that You would keep me this day also from sin and every evil, that all my doings and life may please You.  For into Your hands I commend myself, my body and soul, and all things.  Let Your holy angel be with me, that the evil foe may have no power over me.  Amen"

 FROM BLAZING OAKS:  I love it when I don't have to jump up and hustle to get somewhere first thing.  A nice leisurely  breakfast with the  paper, and devotions....that  is ideal....We who are retired can enjoy some of those !  Like most elderly, I say a prayer of thanks that I CAN get up and "get going!"====JACK:  I still have to jump up and hustle to the computer at 5 am to send out Winning Words.  I don't "have" to, but it's become part of my routine.

Friday, August 09, 2013

Jack’s Winning Words 8/9/13
“The longest journey is the journey inward.”  (Dag Hammarskjold)  A nurse gave a little boy a stethoscope so he could listen to his heartbeat.  As he listened he grinned and said, “Is that Jesus knocking?”  What is that heartbeat?  What is the heart, the brain, the eye…all that stuff?  What makes it all work?  Ps 134 says, “I praise you Lord, for I am wonderfully made.”  A doctor told me, “It’s amazing how this body works.”    ;-)  Jack

FROM MICHIZONA RAY:  I think he is right about the inward journey -- it's unending. The removal of "the first beam in thine own eye" only leads to the discovery of the next, and then the next, and so, and so on. The body is amazing just like all systems of the world. But, for me, it is the system of the mind and the soul, which require no body, that are most intriguing to me.====JACK:  There is so much "unknown" in this world, that no one can claim to be Mr. Know-it-all."  I read this week that over 90% of the oceans are unexplored.  The figure should probably be higher.  I can imagine that the same figure applies to the brain.

 FROM SHARIN' SHARON:  My mother-in-law moved into an assisted living this past spring. She made a pretty fair adjustment but then, when her situation started to "catch up with her" started napping more. But now, interestingly, she has become friends with Clifford for whom she is crocheting a lap robe. The relationships between the sexes and also between the same-sexes is always mysterious and profound and frankly I'm kind of glad we don't understand how it works, where it comes from, but when we see it and the joy and beauty it brings to living just lift up prayers of praise and thanksgiving for how our bodies work. ====JACK:  What is it that causes people to be friends with one another?  That could stand some further study.  And that could lead to a study of why people become enemies.  As the song goes:  "It's a strange, strange world we live in, Master. Jack."

 FROM RI IN BOSTON:  When we use something that belongs to someone else, I think we are obligated to take extra care how we use it.  1 Cor 6:19 says, "Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, which you have from God, and that you are not your own?"  Our body is amazing and wonderfully made, and we should treat it with "extra care."====JACK:  I hadn't thought of the use of the body as being a "loaner" from God.  Last winter my grandson borrowed my front wheel drive car, because his rear wheeler was getting stuck in snow drifts.  He returned it washed and cleaned.  We return the body God gave us, somewhat the worse for wear.

 FROM BLAZING OAKS:  Dag was certainly an admirable man! Yes, we are fearfully and wonderfully made....I never acquired the habit of journaling, but my daughter has journaled for years, and it seems to lead to much deeper introspection.  I guess you have to find more time to sit quietly,  and I seem to keep "moving"!  Cheers to the thinkers, and to the ever-present need to delve inward...until we shed this mortal  coil!====JACK:  Mortal Coil....Now that's a phrase I haven't heard in a long time.  It's one we think we know, but I had to look it up..."the hustle and bustle of life."  To leave this mortal coil is to be done with all the distractions of be a be in "heaven."  George Beverly Shea used to sing this song:
THANK YOU LORD (Kurt Kaiser)
Early in the morning
While the world is still,
Before the daylight streaks the sky,
I would know his will.
I commune with him, my Savior,
And listen carefully
And seek the strength I need from him
While praying quietly.

Thank you, Lord, for hearing me.
Thank you, Lord, for knowing who I am.
Thank you, Lord, for seeing me.
It's so easy to get lost these days
In the shuffle and the noise.

Why not try to do this
When you wake up in the night
With problems racing through your mind
And sleep becomes a fight?
Try this simple method,
It soon will gain control
And rest will surely come again
And calm down all your soul.

Thank you, Lord, for hearing me.
Thank you, Lord, for knowing who I am.
Thank you, Lord, for seeing me.
It's so easy to get lost these days
In the shuffle and the noise.

 FROM TARMART REV:  "God is ALL heart!"====JACK:  In fact, he's the King of Hearts!

 FROM BBC IN ILLINOIS:  I love both the Hammarskjold quote and the little boy’s; thank you for the smile.====JACK:  My internist and I have some interesting discussions.  He'll sometimes start out the appointment by asking, "What do you think about the world situation today?"  I'll ask him, "What would you like to be, if you weren't a doctor?" 

Thursday, August 08, 2013

Jack’s Winning Words 8/8/13
“Visualize, prayerize, actionize and your wishes will come true.”  (Charles L. Allen)  If a genie gave you 3 wishes, what would they be?  We’ve all played that game.  But it doesn’t have to be make believe.  C.L.A., a Methodist minister, has written many books, including A Guidebook That Can Change Your Life.  Today’s quote suggests that wishes are in your hands.  Maybe it’s not as simple as Aladdin’s Lamp, but it works.    ;-)  Jack

 FROM TARMART REV:  ...very true, Jack...a smorgasbord full of them, just waiting to be acted upon... ====JACK:  Smorgasbord?  It looks like you're living in Swede country.  BYW, do you know the translation of smorgasbord?

 FROM TAMPA SHIRL:  One day at a time.  Last night we were at the cape for the launching of the rocket and it was truly amazing to see====JACK:  Where was the rocket headed?

 FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  The key words in that quote are prayerize and actionize.  You have to work for something you want very badly...not just sit and wait for God to drop it in your lap.  We want a cottage and are praying and working hard for it.  When it happens is up to us...if we are able to have one is up to God.====JACK:  First you had the vision of a cottage; then you prayed about it; finally you understand that it will come about because of a partnership.  BTW, does your vision include a working outhouse?

 FROM GOOD DEBT JON:  Ah, Yes.  Just don't stop after completing step one and two…. It's more fun to live in number one…And number two is essential...But only number three gets things done.====JACK:  It amazing how so many good intentions never reach fruition because of inaction. Someone prayed: "God save us from people who mean well."

 FROM PLAIN FOLKS CHESTER:  and advertize!====JACK:  Jesus talked about advertising, too.  During the Sermon on the Mount he said, "Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house."  (Matthew 5:15)

Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Jack’s Winning Words 8/7/13
“The more you know, the less you need.”  (Australian Aboriginal Proverb)  DNA tests show that the Aboriginal people are the oldest living group on earth, tracing their heritage back 75,000 years ago.  They’ve survived because of a “make do” attitude.  During the Great Depression my wife’s grandparents kept a cow in their backyard to provide milk for their children.  It’s amazing how the needy can become resourceful.    ;-)  Jack

   FROM HONEST JOHN:  My DNA has been traced back 77,000 years....came out of as far East as Khazakistan and then to Germny and now to USA...been immigrants many times.====JACK:  So, you don't subscribe to the Creationist's calendar which says that the Earth is between 6,000 and 10,000 years old?  That would mean that "you" were created before Adam and Eve.

  FROM BLAZING OAKS:  MY GOODNESS, THINK OF THAT! DNA GOING BACK  75,000 YRS!.DNA DISCOVERY HAS LED TO  SO MANY OTHERS!  DO YOU REMEMBER THE QUOTE BY RONALD REAGAN, "THE  NEAREST THING TO ETERNAL LIFE WE WILL EVER SEE ON THIS EARTH IS  A GOVERNMENT PROGRAM"? STILL STANDS TRUE TODAY....:-) ====JACK:  I'm glad for many government security, medicare, food and drug controls, FAA, etc.  I also do not see DNA testing as an invasion of my privacy.  And I don't care if they read this e-mail answer to you.

 FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  We are finding this true more and more.  We have family items and we have decided to give them to the kids they can enjoy them.  We will be downsizing when we move out of this big home.  We love it, but we find we can do with less and less all the time.====JACK:  An elderly friend of mine (older than I am) has certain buzz words and phrases.
Simplify!  He did that prior to moving uinto assisted living (and before).  He had too much STUFF.
10-10-80 - Give 10% to God; save 10%; spend the rest, 80%, on whatever you want.  And you will be rich.  He's done that since he was a young man and says that it works.

 FROM TAMPA SHIRL:  The glass is always half full, I think. Is that the Hubbard of Scientology? ====JACK:  L. Ron Hubbard would probably not say something like today's "words."  The Church of Scientology admires L. Ron, to such an extent that it describes him in hagiographic terms.

Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Jack’s Winning Words 8/6/13
“Positive anything is better than negative nothing.”  (Elbert Hubbard)  I can’t find it now, but I once had a book in my library titled, “You Can If You Think You Can.”  It helped lead me in the direction of optimistic thinking.  I must confess that I don’t always look at situations positively, but I try.  A Mayo Clinic study shows that having a positive attitude lowers your stress level and improves relationships.  I’ll buy that!    ;-)  Jack

 FROM MICHIZONA RAY:  Is it possible, do you think, to see the "negative" (or the destructive seed and fruit of something) without beng negative? Or, is this mannerism the real art form of Grace? It reminds me of the saying that although the idea is simple, the application is not necessarily easy. ====JACK:  The free will that is part of our heritage means that life is always involved with choice.  In order to choose the positive, there has to be the negative.  For every yes, there is a no.  Grace comes into the picture when we make wrong choices and come to regret them.

 FROM TARMART REV:  I have a book in my library too that deals with the same . . . it is called, The Little Red Train Engine" . . . "I think I can, I think I can, I think I can, I think I can!" Once a year I'm asked to read to our preschoolers . . . I enjoy reading it every time!!====JACK:  No wonder that being a Railroad Chaplain is part of your resume.

 FROM SC IN ILLINOIS:  I just think of the "Little Engine That Could" and I tell myself I think I can, I think I can.====JACK:  The railroad right of way in our community has become a walking/bike trail.  It will eventually connect up with other communities and be a trail across the state from Lake Michigan to Lake Huron.  In your city you can still hear the sound of trains and see them once in a while.

 FROM MY LAWYER:  How timely!!!  Nice thoughts for the day. ====JACK:  Sometimes we have to work to be positive amid negativity....but it's worth it.

 FROM BLAZING OAKS:  So very true..I'm thankful that God gave me an optimistic nature, which some simply do not have!  As Football coach Lou Holtz famously said, "Never tell your problems to anyone. Twenty percent don't care, and the other 80 percent are glad you have them."  Ha.  "you gotta accent the positive, eliminate the negative" as the old song goes.  I think you have to be intentional about positive thinking! It may sometimes be an effort!====JACK:  Coaches often have to rev up their teams with positive statements.  A friend of mine in a former football coach and has compiled a book of these quotes which.  It's titled, Winning Words of Champions.

 FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  Great words today.  Although most of the time I have been able to keep a smile on my face, I too succumb to melancholy once in awhile.  I will also confess my problems are so little compared to some I am ashamed to even pout about them.  So, it's a smile most of the time!====JACK:  I like the song, "Let a smile be your umbrella on a rainy, rainy day."  Since we're supposed to have some thunder showers later in the day, it will be a good song to sing.

 FROM DOCTOR JUDY:  I was just about to rename your book: The Little Engine That Could. "I think I can, I think I can.....". Tarmart Rev beat me to it.====JACK:  All of my readers (like you) were children once...and still remember some of the stories told to them.  I've read, "Unless you become as little children you won't enter the Kingdom of G-d."  You can draw your own conclusion from  that.

 FROM ANONYMOUS:  I'm not sure how this fits in, but I'm compelled to share least the source. Sunday's issue of The New York Times...Education Life pages 18 and 19....and especially the poem MotherFather by Travis Reginal. I found it to be one of he most touching heart rending poems I've read. Positive anything IS better!

Monday, August 05, 2013

Jack’s Winning Words 8/5/13
“It’s like driving your car at night.  You never see further than your headlights, but you can make the whole trip that way.”  (E.L. Doctorow)  It’s said that headlights will let you to see 120’ ahead.  Once it was so foggy that I could not see ahead.  I had to open the door and inch along, looking at the center stripe.  Sometimes life situations fog up our faith.  I can relate to the man who said to Jesus, “I believe; help my unbelief.”    ;-)  Jack

FROM SHARIN' SHARON:  Loved your WW this morning but especially because I am able to picture you driving along so slowly, car door open so you can know where the center stripe was. Thanks be to God you are still here with us!!! ====JACK:  That was only one of several "Thanks be to God!" situations.  We all have them...whether or not we're aware of them.

 FROM FACEBOOK LIZ:  before my dad jumps on this, it's "farther."  hope you pull over in such dense fog next time... & turn on hazards... :)====JACK:  I only prints what I sees.  I guess your dad with have to take the further/father thing up with the author, Professor Doctorow.  Re: Driving in the fog...Yes, sometimes people do stupid things and survive to learn from the experience.  It works the same way when we say certain things when our thinking is foggy.  I've learned from that experience, too.

 FROM TARMART REV:  ... I think of the time I flew in a corporate jet from Willmar to Olathe, Kansas for a three hour stop in which I was able to surprise my mother while they did their business there and flew back home. The whole trip going found me looking out the window at nothing but fog-like clouds engulfing everything outside the jet . . . didn't know we were going anywhere particular, just going!   The pilot was flying strictly by electronic instruments.  Kind of like us at times, flying through life in a fog . . . relying totally on the instruments of  faith in and on our “Master Pilot!” ====JACK:  There was a famous movie, released during WW 2, called, "God Is My Co-Pilot."  I didn't realize it at the time, but maybe God was sitting next to me on that foggy night.

 FROM BLAZING OAKS:  It's probably a good thing that we can only see 120' ahead in life....we might grow faint-hearted if we could see the whole journey ahead of us!  As Johann Wolfgang  von Goethe once said, "With knowledge comes more doubt".(  One day at a time, Sweet Jesus....have a wonderful one!!====JACK:  With the development of robotic operated cars, we won't need headlights...but I'd rather have some idea where I'm going.  During an airplane flight I'd like to see things as the pilot sees them.  Does that mean I'd like to see things as God sees them?====OAKS:  ON A PLANE, I READ OR SLEEP, RARELY LOOK OUT THE WINDOW, AS I HAVE A TENDENCY TOWARD MOTION SICKNESS....I WOULD GUESS YOU DO WANT, AND TRY TO SEE THINGS AS GOD DOES....YOU ARE MAKING YOUR SR. YEARS COUNT!!====JACK:  I like the Satchel Paige quote:  "Don't look back. Something might be gaining on you."

 FROM CH ON CAPE COD:  We were sailing in Maine with my father last week and it was so foggy one day, that we could not see any of the other boats anchored around us.  We were in our own world.  We had to take the dinghy to shore and back, and used a compass to keep us going in the right direction. ====JACK:  Sailing in the fog without a compass could land you in England.  Do you sound a foghorn in order to warn other boats?

 FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  How true!  If we just have the faith of a mustard seed!  We should be deeply grateful for such a "Grace-filled" God!  We inch along each day and pray we are on the straight and narrow path even those paths we can't see very well.====JACK:  This song comes to mind as I inch along today.  "Inchworm, inchworm, measuring the marigolds You and your arithmatic, you'll probably go far. Inchworm, inchworm, measuring the marigolds Seems to me you'd stop and see how beautiful they are."

 FROM AW IN ILLINOIS:  In today's comics, Peanuts,    Charley Brown told his new phylosophy:  " I only dread one day at a time."      Sounds reasonable to me.====JACK:  Charlie Brown never seems to grow up, and his wisdom always seems relevant.

Friday, August 02, 2013

Jack’s Winning Words 8/2/13
“We’re all born under the same sky, but we don’t all have the same horizon.”  (Konrad Adenauer)  I live in a neighborhood where there are many trees.  One of the drawbacks is that I never can see the horizon.  The sky is just---up.  A world view must involve looking around and seeing more than just where we live.  In fact, I’d like to see the world as the astronauts see it.  Or, maybe, figuratively, cut down the trees.    ;-)  Jack

 FROM TARMART REV:  ...not astronaut, but I can see a great friend, looking beyond Minneapolis/St. Paul, around Chicago and all the way to West Bloomfield, MI!! ====JACK:  That's quite a telescope that you have.  I see that Target has one on sale for $119.99.  Is that where you got yours?

 FROM JF IN TUCSON:  You and Conrad have underscored what Cal and I love about our location.  The trees we have in the back shield us from the drive-through alley, but the lack of any in the front allow us to see the majestic Catalina Mountains to our North.  What joy they are to behold for a multitude of reasons. ====JACK:  I'm always have a good feeling when I see horizons.  It's a freeing experience.....not cooped up anymore.

 FROM TAMPA SHIRL:  Have you read My Dream of Stars by a young Iranian immigrant to our country a few years ago?  It is an amazing story in my opinion of what can be accomplished here.====JACK:  Three of my grandparents were immigrants who sought new horizons.

 FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  We have trees but the big ones are in the backyard and our backyard in 20 feet higher in the front than in the back.  So, we can look passed the trees at Fish Creek.  The front yard is open to the cul du sac.  If you look beyond the homes, you can see a train about 3/4 of a mile away.  When there is fog off Lake St. Clair, the train sounds like it is coming right through the house.  On the other side of the train tracks is a horse boarding barn.  I am content with my horizon but I know there is a lot more passed the horse barn...a big beautiful world outside our windows.====JACK:  I saw a story about "A View From the Outhouse".:  It showed a picture of a bear, standing in the doorway, looking in.  That's one horizon I don't want to see.

 FROM JT IN MICHIGAN:  I'm particularly aware of the trees on summer holidays.   The lake directly behind my condo has fireworks almost every night for two weeks (what's that all about?) but I cannot see a single flare.  The trees are tall and thickly leaved.   I only hear the BOOM.====JACK:  It's the same thing in our neck of the woods.  We can't even see the flare when it's right next door.

 FROM BLAZING OAKS:  Different viewpoints even though under the same "sky" makes for a  diverse and interesting  interaction! Amazing how our horizons expand  as we learn, and experience, and grow older and hopefullyl, wiser!  I read a very interesting quote from Alvin Toffler:: "The illiterate if the 21st Century will not be those who cannot read or write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn." At the rate new  information is discovered, I think he is right!!====JACK:  Even views about what's wrong and right are subject to change.  It doesn't mean that there's no longer any right and wrong.  It's the "what" that changes.

 FROM ANONYMOUS:  Horizons? Trees? Comes to mind---"I think that I shall never see..A poem lovely as a tree...."And at least the first couple lines of the song Beyond the Blue oldie. The stimuli of WW and the comments are, for me, horizon expanding virtually every day.

 FROM RAL IN ILLINOIS:   I moved my chair around the other day so I could view the hummingbird feeder. I didn't see a hummingbird, but found a whole other busy bird world from my new place! It is good to change your view, and I always try to look through the eyes of love:)( Just like my Mama told me)- Happy Day!====JACK:  Do you remember the song, "My Mama Done Told Me?"

Thursday, August 01, 2013

Jack’s Winning Words 8/1/13
“Grant me the courage not to give up, even though I think it is hopeless.”  (Chester Nimitz)  Admiral Nimitz was named to head the US Pacific Fleet after Pearl Harbor.  It was a grim time, but he’s considered to be one of those most responsible for victory in WW 2.  In the down times, he never gave up.  His words seem almost like a prayer for people who are involved in life battles these days.  “Lord, grant me courage!”    ;-)  Jack

 FROM MICHIZONA RAY:  There are many situations in life that seem hopeless or actually are hopeless. Still, it seems hopeful that we continue on in our sojourn. Sometimes, even a hopeless situation serves a useful purpose -- like character. It's not always about being successful, getting what we want, or winning, is it? I had a basketball team one year that never lost a game. I think that team learned the least of any team I had coached.====JACK:  I guess that there are hopeless situations when life is seen within the boundary of "time."  It's when we escape that boundary that we can truly hope.  I like baseball because there is no clock.  The game is never over til it's over.

 FROM TARMART REV:  That's one for those "rainy days' we will all have one day or another! Today . . . the sun is shining brightly and weather is most beautiful . . . I've lived too long to bet it will be this way forever . . . nice to have a "save" tab on the computer.====JACK:  If your world were all sunshine, Minnesota would be like the Sahara Desert.  Thanks God for the rain and snow and for times when it's even 40 below.

 FROM SHARIN' SHARON:  Actually, your WW brings up a subject I am struggling with this week. Our Monday night Bible study group discussed this past Monday the movies we have been watching during the summer, among them a movie about Dorothy Day. One person said we, as Christians, love people without any thoughts of "results", no matter what--we love them no matter what. I offered up that I love to see results, love to see a homeless person get back on their feet, love to see a homeless person with clean feet. There was a scene in the movie where Dorothy was washing homeless peoples' really bedraggled looking feet. For me, I wonder if it is really hopeless for me to love through everything without seeing change--and particularly positive change in something that has to do with another person. Can I love that much that a result to my prayers doesn't matter? Can I love that much that I can accept everything and have only love for everyone going out of me? Actually, during the Bible study discussion I felt convicted--would love to be able to love totally like that, but I didn't feel very loved by the person sharing their ability to do this kind of loving, felt sort of hopeless. "Lord, grant me courage not to give up, even though I think it is hopeless."
Thanks for the WW again this morning.====JACK:  Change is always happening, whether we're aware of it, or not.  In many situations we want to see "immediate" results.  I remember hearing about someone asking a wise person, "How long is eternity?"  The answer:  "A little sparrow would fly to the top of a high mountain and remove a grain of sand.  After a thousand years the sparrow would remove another grain of sand.  When the mountain was no more, the sparrow would go to another mountain, and to another, until all of the mountains were gone.  Eternity is that long and longer."  How patient are we when it comes to waiting for results in God's world?

   FROM FACEBOOK LIZ: LAL====JACK:  We all like to have help in fighting life's battles.

 FROM CZB IN COLORADO:  Joyce, a friend of mine, was admitted to the hospital yesterday with fever.  She's been fighting pancreatic cancer with hope and grace for over a year now and sent this out this morning.  She needs prayers and support right now and I'd like to ask that you say a prayer for Joyce today.  You're the first group that came to mind because I know your hearts and the your faith. If you don't know her, she deserves it.  She's an amazing Christian woman who has been an inspiration to many and has certainly strengthened my faith.====JACK:  I will certainly add Joyce to my Prayer List....praying as I do in the Lord's Prayer, "Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven."   A couple of days ago a Jewish friend told me about a mutual friend who's cancer had returned with a vengeance.  My friend was in the synagogue that evening and the rabbi suggested praying for those in need.  My friend prayed for the man in the hospital.  The next morning my friend received a call from the man's wife...."A miracle has happened!  Things have turned around for the better."  Hmmmm.   "I believe, O Lord, help my unbelief."  I will offer prayers for your friend, Joyce.  She's, God's friend, too....  He knows, and he understands, and he cares.

 FROM RI IN BOSTON:  Sometimes the circumstances deter us from even attempting something because succeeding at it seems so unlikely.  We give up before we even give it a try because we believe it's hopeless.  I have to admit there have been too many times when I gave up too quickly, but my young son convinced me to keep trying and it worked.  Isn't there something in the scriptures about "the little children shall lead them?" ====JACK:  In the children's story,  the little engine probably wouldn't have made it to the top of the mountain by saying, "I think I can't, I think I can't."

 FROM HAWKEYE GEORGE:  I lost my voice for 2 years, due to stress, in one of my struggles to avoid bankruptcy. Didn't quit the fight.====JACK:  Medals are given to war heroes who wouldn't give up, in spite of personal loss...backup support, limbs, friends.  Those who fight and win personal battles, may not get medals and recognition, but they are heroes, just the same.

 FROM DONNA THE BADGER:  Love this - thanks====JACK:  Ordinary people have their down times.  Out-of-the-ordinary people hang in there.

FROM PLAIN FOLKS CHESTER:  ANOTHER "Plain Folks Chester!"====JACK:  There's only one "Plain Folks" Chester.  Chester Nimitz's nickname was, "Admiral," a somewhat higher rank than PFC ====PFC:  He gave me rides in his boats

 FROM ANONYMOUS:  Courage! Advancing age demands courage.....everyday courage! Along this path are challenges..frightening realities, etc., etc., etc,.Because I know that God has a plan for me, I know that I'm not treading that pathway alone. He's here. He gives me courage.