Thursday, April 18, 2013

Winning Words 4/18/13
“A table, a chair, a bowl of fruit and a violin; what else does a man need to be happy?”  (Albert Einstein)  There are many Albert quotes, but this one seems to show his humanness.  Can’t you just see him sitting there with a bowl of grapes, playing, “Eine keine nachtmusik?”  When riding with my grandchildren we sometimes alternate the choice of radio stations.  It’s been a learning experience for them and for me.    ;-)  Jack

 FROM MT IN PENNSYLVANIA:  Nice choice today...and oh, how much simpler life would be if more and more people could be happy with less and less.  I visited your blog for the first time, and was delighted to see what lively connections you have built through Winning Words.  It is truly a wonderful, and worthwhile mission.////JACK:  I'm reminded of this line from Omar Khayyam..."A jug of wine, a loaf of bread and thou beside me."

 FROM RP IN MICHIGAN:  Someone to love.////JACK:  I wonder if Einstein was ever in  love?

 FROM WALMART REV:  With a beautiful Italian wife as I have, we would have to add a little cheese in that picture!////JACK:  Aren't you the BIG cheese in your family?

 FROM RI IN BOSTON:  Apparently Einstein was a man of complex thinking and down-to-earth thinking, the latter coming through in these Winning Words.  Recently your WW quoted Niels Bohr about "the future" and it reminded me of Einstein's comment, "I don't concern myself with the will be here soon enough."////JACK:  As you were behind locked doors in Cambridge, did you have thoughts about the future?
////RI:  Actually I was in Milwaukee.  But amazingly, the news reporting there of the situation, was as thorough as the Boston news media did it here.  Everyone was talking about the manhunt, and the coordinated effort by all the authorities to apprehend those young men.  I spoke with H by telephone and she told me that the area all around our home was void of people and was like a ghost town.  On Saturday, most people in Milwaukee were talking about the outstanding manner in which Boston dealt with the situation.

 FROM BLAZING OAKS:  For me, a recliner, tasty snack, and good book at the end of the day... whatever floats your boat, as the cliche goes! "Happiness always looks small while you hold it in your hands, but let it go, and you learn at once how big and precious it is." (writer Maxim Gorsky)////JACK:  For me: a chair, a computer and some messages from friends....That's what floats my boat.

 FROM FACEBOOK LIZ:  Like.////JACK:  I wonder if Al would ever have a Facebook account?////LIZ:  He was too smart for that.

 FROM PLAIN FOLKS CHESTER:  If you don't have a violin, step on the cat's tail.////JACK:  ...or the cat's gut.

 FROM KF IN MICHIGAN:  Well, you know how I feel about music. However, I have given up (temporarily) on my flute, piano and recorder. But still playing "the voice" : )  Can't live without all kinds of music!////JACK:  ...even country and western?

 ROM AW IN ILLINOIS:  The gift of Faith and love of a good woman.!////JACK:  Life has been good, hasn't it?

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