Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Winning Words 8/8/12
“Don’t make an elephant out of a mosquito.”  (German Proverb)  I like this one better than “making a mountain out of a molehill.”  One of those “mountain builders” was described to me in this way:  “He majors in minors.”  We need to be reminded that some things are more important than others.  When you make a “TO DO” list, are the easiest things put first, or last?  Which reminds me…I should make a list.    ;-)  Jack

FROM RI IN BOSTON:  The easiest things go to the top of the list.  That way a number of things can be gotten out of the way quickly and it looks like you're really making progress.////FROM JACK:  "Looks like..." are the qualifying words.  What is reality?  So many things in this world are judged on "looks" rather than on "reality."

FROM PH IN MINNESOTA:  you are an insomniac!   go to bed and sleep like a baby.////FROM JACK:  I can't sleep, because that buzzing mosquito keeps bugging me////PH RESPONSE:  Here in Minnesota we just get a gun for those critters.

FROM TAMPA SHIRL:  Usually they are in the order that I hope to do them.  Yesterday early voting was on the top of the list.The summer in Florida is a good time to do what we normally did in the spring or fall up north-clean closets and drawers, wash curtains, etc.  My list is very short today.  But  it does feel so good to cross items off the list, doesn't it?////FROM JACK:   I find that I usually make a list when "things pile up," like on my desk.  As I glance over, it's not quite at that point.  BTW, I vote by absentee ballot, and I use the ATM..

FROM CJL IN OHIO:  Hard: first or last?////FROM JACK:  Most important is at the top.

FROM PLAIN FOLKS CHESTER:  Don't just make a list...prioritize.////FROM JACK:  #1 - Go to the dictionary and look up pryorateyes.

FROM AW IN ILLINOIS:  This one struck home with me..  I have lost lots of sleep over " mosquitoes" . Usually not worth giving them a second thought.////FROM JACK:  When I would tease my sister, she'd call me a a mosquito in the darkened bedroom. ////MORE FROM AW:  Hi Jack...Just reminded me  of one I heard on radio many years ago...A talk show host was talking to a friend on telephone when  the friend said very very calmly...."my new Cadillac was stolen this morning" The host reacted with  surprise at the callers calmness....and he blurted out....something like  "wow! if that was me I would be very upset and  not calm about that at all!  To which the  caller replied "It's only metal.".....That  little perspective "It's only metal" has surely defused many situations for  me.

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