Friday, January 22, 2010

Winning Words 1/22/10
“I showed you the world through my eyes. Now you show it to me through yours. And so we
learn” (Pam Brown) Pam lives in Australia…poet, musician, film-maker, artist, librarian, teacher. She’s a teacher in many ways, but she is also on the lookout for new ideas. Is there an idea that you have learned and can share? ;-) Jack FYI: Winning Words now goes daily to almost 400 people, most of whom I know. Some of you forward them on to others or post them on websites. I want you to know that I enjoy having you as a reader. If you want to add a name, or if you want your name to be dropped, just let me know. Interesting give and take is posted on the blog.


FROM RI IN BOSTON: That quote might just as well be credited to you. Thanks for generating WW, plus the good will and inspiration you impart to so many people, by its distribution and those who "pay it forward". FROM JACK: Thanks for the encouragement.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: My favorite way to look at the world is through the eyes of my grandsons. Everyday is filled with little miracles!!! Love it. And love your Winning Words too. THanks for sharing them with so many! FROM JACK: You are blessed.

FROM MOLINER CF: Some great ideas never see the light of day because the thinker has no idea how to implement it. Just air the idea and someone will know what to do with it. FROM JACK: In your company, did you do both? MORE FROM CF: Absolutely! We bounced ideas off each other all of the time and
Brainstormed regularly. FROM JACK: A regular Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.

FROM PRDL IN OREGON: Jack, that you have 400 readers is a tribute to your well chosen mottos, quotes and sayings! Each day you inspire the whole group of us! Thanks for your willingness to give of yourself in this helpful gift of your time for our good! Joy and Peace FROM JACK: We learn from each other, don't we?

FROM MOLINER JT: I don't know if I told you but my G-son Seth Teske is in Haiti assisting on an Orth surgery team. Long hours but worth the effort. We pray for his safe return. FROM JACK: You can be proud...In fact, we're all proud of the care-givers like Seth.

FROM SG IN TAMPA: What a fantastic way to share your thoughts and to stay connected. It sounds like good old American entrepreneurship with something more important than money. Are you international? Yesterday we were at Wide World of Sports at Disney and met many people from all over the country and the world, too. One of the salesclerks had a name tag from Traverse City, MI. She said that she is a snowbird but there are far fewer in her mobile home park this year. FROM JACK: WWs is not limited to the USA. Canada and Hong Kong are regularly heard from, to name two. Most of the 400 are personally known by me. Others are friends and relatives of those folk. One church has all of its council members and committee members on the list.

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