Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Winning Words 5/20/09
“This is an exciting world. It is cram-packed with opportunity. Great moments wait around every corner.” (Richard Devos) These seem to be words meant for our time. Sometimes it’s difficult to write words like exciting, opportunity and great. It depends on whether we look at the world using a microscope or a telescope. ;-) Jack

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: It is a very exciting world....we never know what's going to happen when. It keeps us on our toes. Early this morning, while walking our property, I was amazed at the miniature world wake awake already. We have a habitat for Red Winged Black birds and sometimes the "noise" is astonishing! I will admit though, I would rather be in that "world" than the "real" world most days, as the "real" world isn't always pleasant.
However, each world is full of wonder if you are able to move the mess aside. FROM JACK:
Isn't that "early morning" world a "real" world? I'm sure that the worm isn't too happy when the robin is pulling it out of the ground. This morning I took a centipede from beside my computer and placed it outside in the "real" world. I'm sure it wasn't too happy about that.

"There's Treasure Everywhere" (Calvin & Hobbes) JACK'S REPLY: ...and it's in the eye of the beholder.

FROM J.C. IN HONG KONG: wow, how elitist can you get! devos is out of touch with most peoples' realities. maybe he needs to do more walking through land-mine fields ... there's some great moments for ya .. well, no doubt those folk weren't part of his intended audience ... by the way, microscopes AND telescopes can both be quite amazing ... JACK'S REPLY: See, you're focussing in on the messenger instead of the a lot of church-people do. I thought about microscopes and telescopes and decided to use the illustration as a way of pointing out that use them to look at the extremes...and neglect what is seen without them. Even that has its problems. The point being: This is an exciting world...and there are opportunities...and the next
exciting opportunity can be just around the corner. Don't miss it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think when things get lean and narrow, and small, they have a new chance to grow into a healthier bigger. Like a mustard mustard seed, auto smaller focussed again auto company, Jesus' wide path that many narrow path that few choose, small church, even big churches evidently go in the direction of containing many small groups within them. Lean and narrow and small is cram-packed with opportunity, if we can only see it that way.
S.H. in MI