Thursday, April 30, 2009

Winning Words 4/30/09
“If I were asked to give what I consider the single most important advice, it would be this: Expect trouble as an inevitable part of life and when it comes, hold your head high, look it squarely in the eye and say, ‘I will be bigger than you. You cannot defeat me.’” (Ann Landers) Ann still gives good advice, even if it’s from the grave. Just like what was said in yesterday’s WWs, the right attitude is key. ;-) Jack

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: Attitude is a choice. One of my favorite quotes is from Robert Frost and it goes along with today quote..."Always fall in with what you're asked to accept. Take what is given, and make it over your way." Ann was one of my favorite articles to read daily. She had wonderful advice and this was the best! FROM JACK: Two of my favorite Frost poems are "Mending Wall" and "The Road Not Taken." Both, in their own way, have something to do with ATTITUDE. MORE FROM JACK: From Mending Wall, I particularly like the lines...
Before I built a wall, I'd like to know What I was walling in, Or walling out.
That, to me, says alot about our attitudes on many subjects

FROM A DIVORCEE: Of all the good advice Ann Landers dispensed, if she thinks this is the most important, I'm listening... Thanks, Ann (and Jack) for just what I needed to hear! FROM JACK: I like the words of Jesus: "In the world you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world." (John 16:33)

FROM MOLINER C.F.: Isn't that what Goliath said to David?

FROM B.S. NEAR ORLANDO: you hit the nail on the head sir.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Winning Words 4/29/09
“If someone offers you a gift and you decline to accept it, the other person still owns the gift. The same is true of insults and verbal attacks.” (Steve Pavlina) This quote caused me to do a double-take. I hadn’t thought of it that way before. Pavlina is a writer and speaker who helps people motivate themselves to improve their lives. To have the right attitude toward people is part of that process. ;-) Jack

FROM PR J.S. IN MICHIGAN: The gift of Grace is that way. It is offered but we have to be open to receive it. The Universalists miss that understanding of God's graciousness but it is clearly biblical. FROM JACK: Grace seems to be a difficult gift for some to accept...or to offer.

FROM J.N. IN MICHIGAN: Have you noticed how many motivational speakers sound like what Christians can hear from the pulpit most Sundays? This thought first occurred to me at a Staff Development program twenty-five years ago. I didn't hear anything that day from the two speakers that I hadn't heard in a slightly different presentation many Sundays in church. FROM JACK: I always thought of myself as a Sunday motivational speaker.

FROM MOLINER C.F.: While you still own insults and attacks, you've had a chance to share them.

FROM CJL IN OHIO: That's one I'm going to save....on my computer! Thanks!

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: "Rings and jewels are not gifts but apologies for gifts. The only true gift is a portion of yourself." Ralph Waldo Emberson

This was a great quote. Just been swamped lately. But I am saving this one.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Winning Words 4/28/09
“There are two enormous powers operating in the world, and one of them is fear. It is the greatest power of all, save one, and that is faith.” (Smiley Blanton) Blanton was a psychologist who worked closely with Norman Vincent Peale. He also worked with Freud. Swine Flu, the economy, climate change, violence…there are many scary things out there in the world. I’m reminded of this saying: “I don’t know what the future holds, but I do know who holds the future.” Faith is the antithesis of fear. ;-) Jack

FROM T.L. IN MICHIGAN: Jack, this is one of the best editions you have written. Again, thank you, for my daily bread.

FROM C.S. IN WISCONSIN: Maybe some of the press should practice their faith or find it so they would quit spreading the fear.

FROM PR J.S. IN MICHIGAN: C. Fitzsimon Allison's book FAITH, LOVE AND WORSHIP deals with exactly that theme. It is one of the best books I have ever read.....

FROM T.S. IN MICHIGAN: You've hit my hot button on this one. I'm a "fear the Lord" guy. I know that perfect love drives out all fear, but perfect love is not going to be achieved on earth. I so often feel that we miss the importance of both fearing and loving God. He becomes so much more powerful to me if I have that feeling of fear along with love. As Martin would respond to each commandment - what does this mean - We should fear and love God ..... Fear is the beginning of wisdom as Solomon records for us in Proverbs. Likewise in Ecclesiastes he ends with a very interesting phrase of when all is said and done - what is important is to fear God and keep his commandments. Fear of God, for me, is one of the greatest evangelism motivators.

FROM R.I. IN BOSTON: Is there actually something "out there" such as fear, or is fear something of our own creation? Doubt and fear seem to strike together, when we apparently have no other mental resources to call upon.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: "There is nothing to fear but fear itself". I don't know who said it, but it is certainly true. I am reminded about the Chicken Little story. People hear a little part of a story and suddenly the sky is falling. Happenings must be put in perspective. "Fear not," said the angel, "For I have brought you good news!" FROM JACK: FDR said it. The Chicken Little reference seems to fit.

FROM L.P. IN MICHIGAN: At a children's sermon many years ago I learned this song. I used
to sing it even when I was older and had to go out to the barn alone at night to put the
horses up. Every now-and-again it pops into my mind.

I will not be afraid.
I will not be afraid.
I will look upward
and travel onward
and not be afraid.

He said he will be with me.
He said he will be with me.
He goes before me
and stands beside me
so I'm not afraid.

You must have taught us this since 'many years ago' I was listening to your children's
sermons. Do you recall if there were other verses? FROM JACK:
His arms are underneath me. His arms are underneath me.
His hand upholds me, His arms enfold me, So I'm not afraid.

FROM S.G. IN TAMPA: I have just returned from the beautiful wedding of our first grandchild- a grandson- to be married in Port Clinton, Ohio. That occasion was more than enough to give one faith in the future. Then one of our youngest granddaughters received her First Communion in West Palm Beach, and I was able to be there, too, because of Southwest's great schedule. Our generation has lived through a lot of years with World
War II, President Kennedy's assassination, the polio vaccine, etc

FROM MOLINER C.F.: Fear pushes us over the edge. Faith provides the parachute.

FROM CJL IN OHIO: That's what keeps us going...

Monday, April 27, 2009

Winning Words 4/27/09
“I cannot do everything, but I must not do nothing.” (Lady Caroline Cox) Lady Caroline has traveled around the world trying to improve the quality of life and medical care for the ill and needy. She was in our area last week to establish a chair for Global Health and Social Justice at Oakland Univ. On that occasion, she said, “It’s a privilege to be able to make a difference.” Perhaps there is some way in which you and I can make a
difference in our corner of the world. We must not do nothing. ;-) Jack

FROM CJL IN OHIO: Remember Judge/Gov Youngdahl's words at our opening convocation: I cannot do everything but I can do something...... FROM JACK: Do you remember all of this stuff (from when we became pastors), or do you consult a file, or do you make it up?

FROM P.H. IN MINNESOTA: good words, Jack. i could have used this quote in my sermon yesterday. it would have fit perfectly.

FROM BBC IN ILLINOIS: your post interested me enough to read about Lady Caroline - have never read about her before. what an amazing and inspirational woman.

FROM M.L. IN ILLINOIS: so many people ask, "what can i do?". my first thought and sometimes response is, "more than nothing." it is interesting to see where the conversation goes from there! FROM JACK: It reminds me of something that happened in Wisconsin, when I was a Pastor there. A woman's husband died, and the next door neighbor, a policeman, came over and asked if there was anything that he could you. She answered, "Thank you. You can spade my garden."

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY IN MI: Great Winning Words for a Monday morning! To sit back and do nothing is a terrible waste. Activate and motivate! Two good words to begin to make a difference! FROM JACK: Activate and motivate! I like it.

FROM J.C. IN HONG KONG: If I'm not mistaken, Baroness Cox also founded CSW (Christian Solidarity Worldwide) or at least was/is deeply involved in it. I have heard (and taped) her more than once here in HK. She is deeply pro-Burma in addition to her other many endeavours. FROM JACK: Thanks for the feedback. I had not heard of her before, but I've not heard of a lot of people, and a lot of people haven't heard of me, either.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Winning Words 4/24/09
“We don’t see things as they are; we see them as we are.” (Anais Nin) I got some new glasses not long ago, and I can see things better. There might be an improvement in this world, if there could be some way to get people to see things differently…or, at least to see things from more than one point of view. ;-) Jack

FROM R.I. IN BOSTON: Perhaps "seeing" instead of "doing" is one of our shortcomings. Our world might improve if we read a book instead of watching a TV drama, if we actually played sports instead of eyeballing the games, if we dined on healthy food instead of eating what looks good. Our minds are often as static as our backsides.

FROM M.T. IN PA: So true!

FROM BOBBY BURNS: O wad some Power the giftie gie us To see oursels as ithers see us!

FROM CJL IN OHIO: That's what we try to do in the Church. Change the receptor & see things from another's point of view.

FROM MKH IN MI: I do try to look and things from other perspectives. I especially try to look at things from my husband’s perspective even though most times he is wrong! Kidding!!! Tee Hee Hee

FROM OUTHOUSEJUDY: My grandson, 4, just got glasses. He was near-sighted and far-sighted plus has a bad stigmatism. When he got his glasses he was amazed at all the letters on the signs....and he has learned all his ABC's so fast it's unreal. His mother was told he had a learning disability...come to find out...he couldn't see much of anything at all! An of my favorite sayings from Helen Keller is..." The most beautiful
things in the world are not seen or touched...they are felt by the heart."

FROM B.S. NEAR ORLANDO: you have illustrated a real difficult task I think it is extremely difficult for the average person to see a different viewpoint with out some discussion and understanding of a particular situation. Our legislators appear to want to build prisons rather than extend the utmost help to educate our children and others who want to go to school extensions. the churches too need to extent themselves in this

FROM E.A. IN MICHIGAN: There is also a different way to "see"things better. I am reading a book by Samego called Blindness. There is an epidemic of blindness in the country and he examines how different people react differently in different situations. Quite interesting.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Winning Words 4/23/09
“Don’t pray when it rains, if you don’t pray when the sun shines.” (Satchel Paige) I’m going to have to re-examine my Prayer List. Most of them are “rain” prayers. A friend of mine begins each day by getting out of bed and saying, “Father, I thank you for the night and for the pleasant morning, bright. For rest and food and loving care, and all that makes the world so fair.” He does it, rain or shine. :-) Jack

FROM MOLINER LIZ: The "Our Father" is my default prayer. Rain or shine.

FROM MKH IN MICHIGAN: I always thank Him at the end of the day maybe I need to start the day that way too. I will try it! AND...I almost always thank Him for a beautiful day.

FROM D.K.: Why doesn't he sing it? FROM JACK: Maybe "he" does.

FROM MOLINER C.F.: There's an episode on M*A*S*H wen Father Mulcahey tells a soldier. "Lots of promises are Made to God in a foxhole." Too bad some people only think of prayer when they want something. FROM JACK: Journalist Ernie Pyle, popularized the phrase, "There are no atheists in foxholes," during WW 2.

FROM JDR IN CALIFORNIA: Really, love this one.

FROM MOLINER G.S.: Good way to start the day.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: We always start our day by praying together, and my husband always starts with Thanks....there is no better way than to start with thanks.

FROM T.S. IN MICHIGAN: Reminds me of Luther's Morning and Evening Prayers

FROM J.T. IN MINNESOTA: This WW grabbed me as it holds a very special memory. My Dad was a baseball fan. My brothers and sister and I grew up in northern Minnesota in the 1940's. We well remember the day an electric bulb in the kitchen first lit up our little home. Before that we used kerosene lamps, Mom had a heavy flat iron, Dad hand turned the separator twice daily after hand milking 7 cows. I remember Dad leaning his ear into our battery operated radio to listen to the world series. He was a St Louis Cardinal fan and had seen Satchel Paige pitch many years earlier when he was a teen ager. Satchel Paige pitched on the Negro team as he was not allowed on a major league team but Dad was a fan of his. He loved telling the story of how remarkably Satchel Paige pitched. Dad had been mightily impressed. So when your winning words were from him, as you can see, it was reminiscing time for me. Thanks for all the WW. I read every one and send many on to family and friends. Have a great week and aren't the long days lovely?

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Winning Words 4/22/09
“Who knew that dog saliva could mend a broken heart?” (Jennifer Neal) Lucy yells, “Dog germs, dog germs!” when Snoopy suddenly licks her face. But someone with a broken heart doesn’t seem to mind at all. Most of us have our dog stories, and all of us can tell of broken hearts. Sometimes the two go together. “Old Shep” is a song that fits…in a way. ;-) Jack

When I was a lad
And old Shep was a pup
Over hills and meadows we'd stray
Just a boy and his dog
We were both full of fun
We grew up together that way
I remember the time at the old swimmin' hole
When I would have drowned beyond doubt
But old Shep was right there
To the rescue he came
He jumped in and then pulled me out
As the years fast did roll
Old Shep he grew old
His eyes were fast growing dim
And one day the doctor looked at me and said
I can do no more for your dog
With hands that were trembling
I picked up my gun
And aimed it at Shep's faithful head
I just couldn't do it
I wanted to run
I wish they would shoot me instead
He came to my side
And looked up at me
And laid his old head on my knee
I had struck the best friend that a man ever had
I cried so I scarcely could see
Old Shep he has gone
Where the good doggies go
And no more with old Shep will I roam
But if dogs have a heaven
There's one thing I know
Old Shep has a wonderful home

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: There is nothing like the love of a dog for its master. My greatest heartbreaks have come from having our dogs die. There was Schatize, Laddie, Taffy, Buddy, and the dearest..SuSu. Now both of our offspring and families have dogs....Chief and KoKo.....all mutts and rescue dogs. Dogs love so unconditionally it's hard not to have your heart broken when they pass. But the years of sad eyes, no no's, get downs!, tail wags, licks (yes, dog germs and all), and pure boundless love make it all worth it!

FROM J.N. IN MICHIGAN: So many dogs, so many stories. Research now tells us what humanity has known for generations--that dogs, and cats, can comfort us, lift our spirits, help us heal, and so on. My favorite dog/cat story is this: call a dog and they come; call a cat and they take a message and tell you they'll get back to you later.

FROM MOLINER C.F.: Go to you and search Jimmy Stewart. or Johnny Carson. Jimmy does an "Ode to Beau" that's a tear jerker. Worth the time to find it.

He never came to me when I would call
Unless I had a tennis ball,
Or he felt like it,
But mostly he didn't come at all.
When he was young
He never learned to heel
Or sit or stay,
He did things his way.
Discipline was not his bag
But when you were with him things sure didn't drag.
He'd dig up a rosebush just to spite me,
And when I'd grab him, he'd turn and bite me.
He bit lots of folks from day to day,
The delivery boy was his favorite prey.
The gas man wouldn't read our meter,
He said we owned a real man-eater.
He set the house on fire
But the story's long to tell.
Suffice it to say that he survived
And the house survived as well.
On the evening walks, and Gloria took him,
He was always first out the door.
The Old One and I brought up the rear
Because our bones were sore.
He would charge up the street with Mom hanging on,
What a beautiful pair they were!
And if it was still light and the tourists were out,
They created a bit of a stir.
But every once in a while, he would stop in his tracks
And with a frown on his face look around.
It was just to make sure that the Old One was there
And would follow him where he was bound.
We are early-to-bedders at our house--
I guess I'm the first to retire.
And as I'd leave the room he'd look at me
And get up from his place by the fire.
He knew where the tennis balls were upstairs,
And I'd give him one for a while.
He would push it under the bed with his nose
And I'd fish it out with a smile.
And before very long
He'd tire of the ball
And be asleep in his corner
In no time at all.
And there were nights when I'd feel him
Climb upon our bed
And lie between us,
And I'd pat his head.
And there were nights when I'd feel this stare
And I'd wake up and he'd be sitting there
And I reach out my hand and stroke his hair.
And sometimes I'd feel him sigh
and I think I know the reason why.
He would wake up at night
And he would have this fear
Of the dark, of life, of lots of things,
And he'd be glad to have me near.
And now he's dead.
And there are nights when I think I feel him
Climb upon our bed and lie between us,
And I pat his head.
And there are nights when I think
I feel that stare
And I reach out my hand to stroke his hair,
But he's not there.
Oh, how I wish that wasn't so,
I'll always love a dog named Beau.

FROM MOLINER LIZ: Couldn't live without my labs!

FROM J.B. IN WISCONSIN: My heart is not broken, but because of some badly herniated discs, I have been nearly bedridden all month and my precious dog, Snoopy, has been my beloved constant companion. (I believe my husband could be nominated for sainthood for the outstanding care he has given me.) God has blessed me richly.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Winning Words 4/21/09
“We would fain see others perfect, and yet our own faults we amend not.” (Thomas a Kempis) See if you can figure this one out, if I tell you that another word for “fain” is “rather.” Try using “fain” in a sentence today, and see if you get a reaction. Thomas lived 600 years ago as a monk in Germany. Another quote of his that I like: “Man proposeth and God disposeth.” ;-) Jack

FROM MOLINER LIZ: Personally, I feign recognizing my own faults... so as not to appear too arrogant! Just kidding. FROM JACK: What faults? Feign is different from fain. FROM LIZ: I no. Ha!

FROM PR J.S. IN MICHIGAN: "Ferris Fain was an outstanding first baseman" Is that the sentence you were looking for? FROM JACK: I fain would accept it. "Gladly is another word for "fain."

FROM CJL IN OHIO: You're a real historian. Thanks, I needed that!

FROM MOLINER C.F.: There wath a lot of lisping going on in those days wathent there?

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: I would fain accepted your invitation for tickets to Hawaii!

FROM J.C. IN HONG KONG: Thine winningest worbles for this morn do not disappointeth, therefore I shall not disposeth, yea, but fain forwardeth.

FROM B.S. NEAR ORLANDO: I know darn well I'll never become perfect any more. There was a time in life when I kept trying, hoping before I Passed on I would have achieved some success. Except I have achieved some sort of success. I no longer chase girls.or, try to eat too much ham. shucks.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Winning Words 4/20/09
“Every step I take reminds me that, wherever I am going, I am always on the march to
eternity.” (Dom Helder Camara) Before there was TV, movie theaters would show news film titled, The March of Time. Camara’s words remind us that each step we take is a step in time toward eternity. Carl Sandburg’s poem, Limited, speaks to this. I’ll post it on the blog. It’s a favorite of mine. ;-) Jack

THE LIMITED by Carl Sandburg
I AM riding on a limited express, one of the crack trains
of the nation.
Hurtling across the prairie into blue haze and dark air
go fifteen all-steel coaches holding a thousand people.
(All the coaches shall be scrap and rust and all the men
and women laughing in the diners and sleepers shall
pass to ashes.)
I ask a man in the smoker where he is going and he
answers: "Omaha."

FROM R.I. IN BOSTON: "Limited" is up at the top of my list too. Poignant and thought provoking, and short enough to memorize. I'm frequently mindful of it.

FROM D.C. IN KANSAS: Thanks for Camara again! FROM JACK: D.C. is the one who guided me
to this author.

FROM MOLINER C.F.: Some people are so focused on Eternity, that I wonder if they
appreciate today. FROM JACK: "Today is the first day of the rest of your life."

Friday, April 17, 2009

Winning Words 4/17/09
“Shall we make a new rule of life: always to be a little kinder than necessary.” (Sir
James Barrie) After reading something about his life, I can see why Sir James wrote this sentence. In the life
of the world and in our personal lives, this rule would be a good one. Perhaps, in our small corner, we can put it into effect today and see if brings about some changes. ;-) Jack

FROM S.G. IN TAMPA: I love the thought and action.

FROM GOOD DEBT JON: Great quote and practical idea that brings great benefits. My wife has always practiced this and I have learned by watching her. Or as I wrote in a recent song for her; "Everything I know about love, I've learned by watching you."

FROM PR J.S. IN MICHIGAN: I was at my daughter's house today and took a test to determine which Disney character I was....It turned out that I am Peter Pan!!! Interesting. Maybe you re Smee? Or Nana? FROM JACK: Some people say that I'm GOOFY!

Why is it necessary to be kind? Shouldn't it come naturally?

I can't say it's necessary to be kind but I can't say it's particularly natural either. Perhaps I've mentioned before that my pastor has encouraged the people of our congregation to aim for 150 acts of kindness in 2009 in honor of the 150th anniversary of our congregation. Thus, what it means to be "kind" has been on my mind a bit. I've questioned, does something "kind" have to be spontaneous or instinctual? The bumper sticker "practice random acts of kindness" keeps running through my head. And what if it doesn't come naturally, and I have to cajole myself into doing the "kind" thing, does it count? Perhaps. Some things come naturally ... giving up my bus seat for the obviously pregnant woman standing. Some things take effort ... rolling down my window to greet the man with a sign standing a few feet from my car while I wait through the light. It's still something I think about. Maybe, like most things, it just takes practice.

It affects people makes them wonder what motivates you or what you are up to...

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: I'm a little late on replying to this but I really enjoyed it. How simple a statement! Kindness matters! To quote Jewel..."Only kindness matters!"

FROM B.S. NEAR ORLANDO: Jack this is great.I am going to send it promptly to my grandchildren.

And every step I take reminds me I am getting closer and closer to Heaven. What a blessing!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Winning Words 4/16/09
“A culture that values and measures human worth by personal income and wealth instead of character, integrity and generosity…is a casino economy.” (Jim Wallis) I think that this is appropriate after many of us have spent time measuring our income and wealth for the IRS. Maybe we need to take some time to re-measure our wealth. Some of the richest people I’ve known were poor by the world’s standard. ;-) Jack

FROM S.H. IN MI: Last night I caught the tail end of an interview on PBS right before the
Lehrer News Hour. The discussion was on leadership and the one gentleman was talking about the situation where people producing American cars have lost the sense of producing the best car possible. That the Japanese and German, even with their plants in the United States, evidently have this pride in workmanship. I'm wondering if there is some sort of connection between people who think of themselves as having character, integrity and generosity and the products they make as also having character and integrity and even generosity--being reliable and sturdy and working for a long time, etc. I wonder why our culture has gotten so bogged down in thinking about people and the things we produce so much in terms of money? Is it a natural evolution of the state--a rising and falling, gaining and losing and gaining again human values? Something, no matter how much we struggle to stay on a higher plane, that is always bound to turn on a dime and sink again? Anyway, thank goodness for the Japanese and German to show us pride in workmanship can be done, even in our own country. Just trying to understand here and appreciating Jim Wallis

FROM M.L. IN ILLINOIS: remember george bailey?

FROM PR J.S. IN MI: A lot of pastors need to read that one....too many too concerned
about their incomes and not so concerned about their tasks.....

FROM MKH IN MI: We, Americans always seem to want for more, yet by the overwhelming rest of the world's standards even our poor are rich, we sure miss the boat don’t we?

FROM EMT SINGS IN MI: Ain't it the truth!

FROM GOOD DEBT JON: You probably meant “reconsider” verses “remeasure.” Remeasure could
only yield the same results (less momentary inflation and debasement) reconsidering would
be changing your perspective relative to another’s. JACK'S REPLY: Stet

FROM MOLINER C.F.: No reason you can't be rich and wealthy also. Nothing wrong with
having money. It's how you use it.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: I once read about the poor in America. Poor in America is only having one tv. There are some truly homeless people of course. And they need our help. But, with the way things are going towards socialism...we may all need help. FROM JACK: The "S" word doesn't scare me. In the Church we've been trying to help the help-less ever since the time of Jesus.

FROM CJL IN OHIO: I thought that's what we were about when we preached- a different kind of wealth... FROM JACK: "Lay not up for yourselves treasures on earth etc."

FROM F.M. IN WI: And some of the poorest I have met and known were some of the most charitable!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Winning Words 4/15/09
“I wish I were a humble puddle that would reflect the sky!” (Dom Helder Camara) This
martyr wrote: A Thousand Reasons For Living. I’m going to use some of his words from time
to time. Think about what he said today and wonder what it is that you (and I) reflect to
those around us. Picturesque, describes this quote for me. ;-) Jack

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: I yearn to daily reflect God's great love, kindness, grace and mercy to all who I meet. It's a hard task sometimes, but it's always my goal at the beginning of each day.

FROM R.I. IN BOSTON: What I like about the idea of being a "humble puddle" is that children like to play around puddles.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Winning Words (4/9/09)
“The right temperature at home is maintained by warm hearts, not by hot heads.” (Unknown)
I started saving Winning Words when I was a teen-ager. I cut this one out of our church bulletin one Sunday. The quote works at home, in the church, at work and with personal relationships, in general. Most of us can describe a hot head, but how about a warm heart? What are the characteristics? ;-) Jack
Winning Words 4/8/09
“Happy moments, praise God. Difficult moments, seek God. Quiet moments, worship God.
Painful moments, trust God. Every moment, thank God.” (Quoted by Rick Warren) R.W. is a popular, yet sometimes controversial, preacher. I can’t argue with this quote from him; in fact, I support it. We all have our moments. It’s good to know that we are not alone when they happen. ;-) Jack
Winning Words 4/7/09
“It was one of those March days when it’s summer in the light and winter in the shade.”
(Charles Dickens) I was going to use this saying last month, and then I got sidetracked by Finnish proverbs.
If Dickens were living today in our neck of the woods, he would have written, “It was one
of those April days when we got over 6” of winter snow.” I guess they talked about the
weather in the 19th century, too. ;-) Jack
Winning Words 4/10/09
“And sometimes dying can be growth. Dying, for the people of G-D, is living.” (Unknown)
I’ve had this one lying by the computer for awhile. I think that it came from a hospice
article, but it seems to fit for Good Friday, when one of the messages is that death
can bring about life. This is one to ponder. ;-) Jack

FROM A.W. IN ILLINOIS: how appropriate!. Am reading Joni Tada Erickson;'s volume on heaven and what she is looking forward to. Lots of scripture based. Thanks for your faithful ministry.

Winning Words 4/13/09
“There’s nothing I can do about yesterday, and tomorrow hasn’t happened yet.” (John Daly) A news article reported that Daly spent his time at this week’s Masters selling souvenirs out of his motor home, instead of playing in the tournament. When asked about his personal difficulties, he responded with today’s quote. I had mixed feelings as I read the story. But his words are true for all of us. ;-) Jack
Winning Words 4/14/09
“The most effective way to do it is to do it.” (Amelia Earhart) Amelia was the first woman to fly solo over the Atlantic Ocean. She wanted to be the first woman to fly around the world, but during the flight she mysteriously disappeared over the Pacific Ocean. Many people just talk about doing things. She did them. Who are some of the doers that you know and who excite you? ;-) Jack

I think she flew off the edge. Anybody with any sense knows the world is flat. Remember Wrong Way Corrigan? Even he knew . Look at those pictures from space. Can't you tell it's just a flat disk floating around?

FROM S.G. IN TAMPA: In addition to all of the saints, I would say all of the women who went West in the covered wagons. FROM JACK: They were hardy women, weren't they...and slso the women of the Great Depression.

FROM J.N. IN MI: The best "doers" I know personally are Norm and Pat Kinnison, members of Good Samaritan Lutheran Church. With pastoral encouragement about ten years ago, Norm Kinnison established a Food Pantry at what was then Mount Hope Lutheran Church. It is running strong and successfully with over a dozen dedicated volunteers, congregational support, and donations of items and time from others. Almost as long ago, Pat Kinnison founded an outreach called Special Class for Special Adults (SCSA). Residents of area
adult group homes for adults with various disabilities are invited to attend bi-weekly gatherings on Saturday afternoons. Their class includes non-denominational Christian devotions, work with hand chimes, refreshments, and always-important fellowship. Norm and Pat's leadership of these two outstanding outreach activities has never faltered despite their own health and family concerns. They are modest about their accomplishments and always turn praise to God for blessing them with these opportunities.

FROM J.K. IN CALIFORNIA: I wanted to respond to this winning word. I think I did DO IT! I've been wanting to start singing more lately and my music director at church entered me in a BIG Christian singing competition. I was the only talent he sent from our church, which is second in size after Rick Warren's Saddleback church, in Orange Co. Anyway, I sang on Tuesday and it went really well. I had to go up to LA and stand in line for 5 hours. I sang acappella in front of 4 judges. It's the exact same format as American
Idol but it's CHRISTIAN. I find out in 2 weeks if I advanced or not and if I did I go to Nashville for a week of TV production and recording. It will air weekly just like Idol, and 1 singer is bumped off each time. The judges did like me, however, they audition in 9 cities with a total of 1,000 singers! They hit Detroit neext week! But it was a fun experience and I'll let you know the outcome!!!

Monday, April 06, 2009

Winning Words 4/6/09
"Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you'll start having positive results." (Willie Nelson) I think of Willie as an "outlaw" country singer and not as one who has philosophical thoughts on the subject of positive thinking. I guess we all have an enigmatic side to our lives. The Family Bible, a country Gospel classic, was written by Willie. He's one of my favorites. ;-) Jack

Sunday, April 05, 2009

Winning Words 4/3/09
"Being in love is like feeling the sun on both sides." (Finnish proverb) E.S. loved his Lord, he loved his family, and he loved the Detroit Tigers. Not long ago he went to a game at Comerica and say for 3 hours in the rain, with his Tigers cap on, waiting for the game to begin. They lost by one run. A lot of people are "fair weather" fans, but not Ed. Another Finnis proverb seems to fit. "A willing helper comes along without asking." The world needs for people like E.S. ;-) Jack
Winning Words 4/2/09
"A new day shows a new way." (Finnish proverb) When the doctor asked E.S. the secret of his long life, he said, "I eat lettuce instead of donuts." ...and he did. Maybe I won't live to be 96, because I like donuts. I like lettuce,, maybe 95. We can always learn by looking at, and listening to, new ways every day. ;-) Jack

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Winning Words 4/1/09
“Happiness is a place between too little and too much.”
(Finnish proverb) As far as I could tell, E.S. was a happy (contented) man. When times were tough and he needed a job, he became a door to door vacuum cleaner salesman. Would you volunteer to do that kind of work? He was good, because he believed in his product. There’s a lot of truth in today’s quote. You probably know of some examples, and I do, too. ;-) Jack

FROM M.T. IN PA: Good morning, Jack. This reminds me of a statement about love: "A flower can die from too much water as easily as from not enough." FROM JACK: I like it. It must be a Botanist Proverb.

FROM B.G. IN MI: Yeah, I think we are all going to have to gain a new, or renewed, understanding of “enough.” These are tough days for many. One can feel the anxiety in the air, as folks who may have come to think of “too much” as “normal” try to recalibrate.

FROM A.P. IN MI: I've made a similar comment to my husband through the years - that we (he and I) are the most fortunate ones, not too much to ruin our lives, not too little to be resentful, but just enough to be able to see the amazingness of this world. FROM JACK: Good communication between wife and husband is something to be listed under ASSETS!

FROM PR J.S. IN MI: For one thing it means to me that it is better not to be either a conservative (too little....leave everything alone and it will be well with you) or a liberal (zealots who want to control everything) in either the state or the church. FROM JACK: Everything in moderation, although sometimes we need to jump off of the fence....but, WHEN? That is the question.

FROM L.B. IN MI: We're enjoying the Finnish proverbs. I asked my distant cousin in Finland (our exchange student) for her reactions to them. Don't know if she'll have time or not.

FROM MOLINER C.F.: There's a lot of space between too much and too little. What's too much for me may be too little for you. Values figure somewhere in this equation. FROM JACK: It's in the eye of the beholder.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: I wouldn't volunteer to go door to door as a saleswoman, but, in the old days, I had been door to door many times with Girl Scout cookies! Happiness is having empty boxes of GS cookies and 12 little girls going to camp. FROM JACK: If it meant putting bread on the table, we'd do alot of things we wouldn't ordinarily do.

FROM INDY GENIE: If vacuum sales weighed out to be my best option at the time, I would certanly do it. I would, however, have to at least remotely believe in the product to sell it and live with myself. I remember several summers of selling the"Drink Maker", a carbonating appliance, at fairs. I've worked alot of jobs that some people may not consider doing. The key for me is to bring a sense of fun and gratefulness to whatever work I do. So far good.

APRIL FOOL: "Mix a little foolishness with your prudence: It's good to be silly at the right moment."

FROM J.H., THE TEACHER, IN OHIO: and optimal learning is the place between too easy and too hard!