Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Jack’s Winning Words 9/26/07
“I am an expression of the divine, just like a peach is, just like a fish is. I have a right to be this way.”
(Alice Walker) Alice is one who wrote The Color Purple and won a Pulitzer Prize. Her quote here seems to express the philosophical idea of animism. What do you think? Are you like a peach or a fish? ;-) Jack

FROM E.A. IN MICHIGAN: I disagree that this is a statement that one could attribute to animism. Such would be "giving life to inanimate objects." The peach and the fish are living developing objects as she is. And this she attributes to the divine and the rights that He has bestowed on all thngs living. Anyway, that's my interpertation.

FROM T.S. IN MICHIGAN: Reminds me of what we proclaim through the Nicene Creed - " I believe in God the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible."

FROM GOOD DEBT JON IN OHIO: People are really fond of rights, even if it impedes the rights of others. Here I don’t see Alice impeding anyone else’s rights, but it seems she may have been better off to finish with, I am “privileged” to be this way.

FROM REV. J.S. IN MICHIGAN: It depends upon what she means by the word "exprssion." For example, my words are an expression of me. My words are created by me and in that way are my expression. If she means it that way, it has no relationship to animism at all....which is hardly a philosophical idea.

FROM C.H. ON CAPE COD: I'm hesitant to so easily speak of "rights." I think we too quickly/easily assume we're "entitled" to things... If I understand Alice Walker correctly - I'd respond by saying I don't think our being an expression of the divine is so much a right as a gift. Imago Dei is something that was God's prerogative, not our 'right.'

FROM REV. P.H. IN MINNESOTA: i am a peach with a pit in it!!!

FROM B.S. NEAR ORLANDO: REPLY: for years I have said, " how can anyone taste a peach and deny the existance of God", also I could have said, " look at the beauty of a girl, of a guy, how can you deny the existance of God?"

MORE FROM B.S.: In Apple blossum time in Orange, New Jersey, we'll make a peach of a pear.


Anonymous said...

It seems to me that all that has been created is done so as a direct expression of the One who created it. Being created in the likeness and/or image of the Creator seems to be a different distinction entirely. Being created "differently" completely dismantles any idea of created "equally". One can't be different and equal.

Anonymous said...

My choice is to be like a fish because I like being in a school so much.

Anonymous said...

Is this sort of like "I believe that God has created me and all that exists." ?