Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Jack’s Winning Words 7/11/07
“Pretend that every single person you meet has a sign around his or her neck that says, ‘Make me feel important.’”
(Mary Kay Ash) Maybe it’s the spouse sitting across the table from you, or the worker in the next cubicle. Maybe you’re trying to sell a Mary Kay product to someone. To make others feel important is more than a gimmick; it’s just a nice way to treat people. Try it with the next person you meet today. ;-) Jack

FROM C.P. IN WISCONSIN: You are so right-to make others feel important-it is a nice way to treat people. There is enough criticism and expectations in the world!

FROM M.L. IN ILLINOIS: many years ago, i started verbalizing the things that i noticed about people, pointing out their beauty of one sort or another. i was surprised by their reactions, some positive, some uncomfortable, some wondering, "who is that crazy woman?". i also started hugging people who appeared as if they needed it. again, reactions varied. i was most pleased by the goodness that i felt. these acts of love fed my own needs. i continue to practice this behavior on a daily basis. is it a selfish or selfless act? i suspect it doesn't matter.

FROM P.O. IN MICHIGAN: It is, isn't it? --- both on the giving and the receving end!

FROM C.B. IN NEW HAMPSHIRE: I really like this one. To often we’re focused on ourselves and how we look and feel… I like it. I’m going to share it with my team at the office.

FROM B.S. NEAR ORLANDO: Hi, this is positive thinking. It is an excellent idea to try to perfect and use to gain companionship with good people. Another person to emmulate is Dale Carnegy (?), I had his name on the tip of my tongue. HIs book is how to win friends and enfluence People. Lindo Ameche and I worn out our first book, and bought another. 25 cents at the time. Excellent book.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good morning, Pastor Freed,
You're the first person I'm encountering today and you've been able to impact my whole day in a wonderful way and I'm going to try to convey to everyone else I meet how important and special they are, maybe in ways we will delve into as we further experience life today, so the Good News is travelling all around and thanksgiving lifted up. Thanks for your strengthening messages!!!!