Thursday, June 21, 2007

Jack’s Winning Words 6/21/07
“I don’t pretend that we have all the answers, but the questions are certainly worth thinking about?”
(Arthur C. Clarke) What are the questions you’re thinking about these days? I read recently that Clarke’s movie, 2001, A Space Odyssey, was named one of the best films ever made. It raised questions for me. ;-) HAL

FROM GOOD DEBT JON IN OHIO: The questions (the right ones) are the hardest part of any project. Try asking questions that, if answered, will add to the body of existing knowledge. If you can do that you will have a worthwhile inquiry to pursue.

Stanley Fish: Think AgainCan the existence of a God beyond human comprehension be proved?

FROM J.S. IN MICHIGAN: Can anything be proven or must we make a priori judgments in order to facilitate human knowledge. I am in the midst of reading Walter Isaacson's biography of Einstein. It is fascinating. I just read that when they checked out one of his theories on the bending of light by gravity that he commented after it was shown to be valid, "I would feel sorry for the poor Lord if it didn't check out. Because the theory is correct!" Great position.

FROM F.M. IN WISCONSIN: One of the questions that I have relates to the several of the recent decisions of the Supreme Court, and one member of the court, Clarence Thomas, and how significant his 'vote' is in these decisions - decisions which will have important effect on our nation, our freedom and our ability to select and elect leaders who will offer real leadership.

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