Jack’s Winning Words 5/1/07
“The best thing you can do when it’s raining is to let it rain.” (Longfellow) There are some things that you just can’t do anything about, so make the best of it. One of my favorite movies is Singin’ In The Rain with Gene Kelly, especially that part where he’s dancing in the rain. Remember? ;-) Jack
FROM J.L. IN MICHIGAN: I love the rain. And I especially love "Singin' In The Rain". In fact, it was my grandson, 2 year old Joshua's absolutely favorite movie, and still is! He delights in the silly routine with Donald O'Connor when he was dancing and falling down and running into the wall.
FROM A FRIEND, H.S.: Jack, did you know that Hollywood used milk instead of water when they filmed that? Milk showed up better on the screen.
FROM J.C. IN HONG KONG: What a glorious feeling!
FROM D AND J IN CA: A good friend of ours died recently. He had a number of bit parts in the movies including the role of the cop while Gene Kelly did his dancing in the rain---his name was Bob Whitney.
FROM GOOD DEBT JON IN OHIO: I know we agree on this one.
FROM REV. J.S. IN MICHIGAN: Remember the old saying about the person who didn't know enough to come in out of the rain???
FROM M.L. IN GRAYSLAKE: my friend mary and i never missed an opportunity to hoist the umbrellas and perform in the pouring rain. if we were lucky, scotty was around to join us. i still find joy and peace in a good storm.
FROM C.L. IN MICHIGAN: I sure do remember that great dance scene It seems like only yesterday.
FROM MOLINER, D.S.: Rain usually does cleanse.
FROM D.S. IN THE DETROIT AREA: I love this one (It's SO true) AND 'Singing in the Rain'
FROM D.P. IN THE TWIN CITIES: Yup! Don and I went to see that show when we were in New York several years ago. The rain was amazing!!!
FROM B.S., NEAR ORLANDO: Hi, We thought "Singing in the Rain" was great. A real expression of joy and freedom of action, But to wear good dancing shoes in the rain is a no,no. (remind me to tell you some day about the experienc e my Aunt Laura had with the Mexican workers who tended on contract the sugar beet crop )> We loved to dance. It was a combination of artistic expression, the love of exercise, and the joy of freedom to do something beautiful. We admired good dancers. especially friends who excelled in the art of dancing. And we hoped to gain a better understanding of technique. We used to drive up to Menomenee Falls to go to the Schaubenhof in a snow storm to be able to dance on a wooden floor to the music of the Red River Boys. and others, and then drive back in a storm so we could open the store on Sunday to help people who were sick. And to argue with Matt to get him to go to Sunday school. We regret that we stayed home so many Sat.nites with the children when we should have been taking them to dances and encouraged them to learn and to socialize. One of the most family orientated dinner dances I truely enjoyed was a Pure Milk Assoc meeting which included a dinner dance. Here entire families interacted with each other in a positive way. It was a plus, plus situation. Now about yourvgrandmother telling you tyo come in out of the rain, shucks, I mowed lawns in the rain, wearing my oldest clothing, or no clothing, because it was a hell of a lot cooler than in the hot sun. And so long as the mower operated. I kept going. I remember one time I laid sod in the rain.
MORE FROM B.S.: Hi, I feel so forntunate. Rain has usually been a blessing for the environment. I have never been exposed to a flood, but hurricains that we survived, and unfortunately others didn't. We did have a flood on the farm one time and we dug several acres of potatoes by hand that were under water, and then subsequently those we didn't eat or give away immediatley rotted. What a shame. We did have rain one time for an entire week, and when we walked on the land, water came up through our toes and since we couldn't take the team out on the land and we went over every inch of the farm pulling weeds by hand, I said to Unlc John, "now can we go fishing", and he said," follow me" and we spent the entire day cleaning and greasing the fertilizer attachment on the grain drill. The only time we stopped was to feed and water the animals, and after they were cared for, we could go and have a meal. we ate to live
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