Tuesday, February 05, 2019

Jack’s Winning Words 2/5/19
“Arriving at one goal is the starting point of another.”  (John Dewey)  Dewey was one of the great thinkers and educators of the 20th century.  He’s considered to be the founder of pragmatism.  (If it works, it’s good…or something like that.)  J.D. was a strong advocate for democracy.  I wonder if there might be some rumblings from his Vermont gravesite?  Returning to today’s quote…Dewey said that it’s always good to have a goal,  What’s yours?   ;-)  Jack.

FROM HONEST JOHN:  I look always to have some meaning and purpose in my life.===JACK:  Before your current "purpose," was there another?  I sense that there is an overarching purpose that goes back to when I first cared about having a purpose.  How to carry it out has changed with time and circumstances.===JOHN:  I would say bout the same thing.    Somehow my meaning in life was integrally tied to God's purposes....my role changes as my abilities diminish....

FROM HAWKEYE GEORGE:  Good (As Usual) thoughts!===JACK:  I try to put the thoughts into words...into Winning Words.

FROM TAMPA SHIRL:  When I was teaching I remember John Dewey as saying learn by doing! I checked him on google and it goes on forever! My goal is to enjoy each day and to be helpful when I can. Today is my Frank Lloyd Wright class===JACK:  What a great opportunity....to learn more about one of the world's great architects...and an "unusual" person as well.

FROM ST PAUL IN MESA:  my guess is that his grave site could become a small volcano!   am wondering what Trump had to say tonight?

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