Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Jack’s Winning Words 2/19/19
“The difference between you and God is that God doesn’t believe he’s you.”  (Anne Lamott)  A book in my collection is called, Come, Let Us Play God.  It has to do with ethical choices that we make in life. But, in general terms, it can mean that we want the Lord’s Prayer to read, “My will be done.”  There may be times when we don’t understand God’s action or inaction, but there’s never a time when He doesn’t understand us and our situation.   ;-)  Jack

FROM HONEST JOHN:  THE difference is that He can be us (Jesus) but we can't be him...try as we may===JACK:  IMO, that's how the unknowable becomes knowable.  Jesus helps us to "unscrew the inscrutable," as one of my professors once said.

FROM JT IN SJ:  Significant. Amazing isn’t the that in spite of My will God does know best.  I’m so glad to live His plan instead of mine!===JACK:  Some people see the song, "My God and I," as being too syrupy.  Maybe so, but it does seem to say that "my God and I" are partners in working out a plan for my life.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  This is so true!  We have a tendency to believe we can control everything around us!  We worry, we try to control and we are in Great Hands who is our pilot not co-pilot!===JACK:  Robert Scott, WW2 pilot wrote a memoir, "God Is My Co-pilot," which became a best-seller (and a movie).  He felt the presence of God beside him in combat missions.  In this life, many of us experience the presence of God beside us.===JUDY:  I have watched that movie a few times.  Gary’s Uncle Mike has a huge library of movies and that is one of them.  It’s a good one too!  and God IS Good all the time!

FROM BB IN CHGO:  My dad enjoyed all of them including Og Mandino and I think you’ve quoted him in previous Winning Words.===JACK:  I remember that your
 father liked the Og Mandino and Zig Ziglar type of books.  I believe that all of us could learn from them...even some pastors.

FROM KFWB:  I always liked Steven Covey; my current self-help book is "the life-changing magic of tidying up ....the Japanese art of decluttering......."  by Marie Kondo.  She is helping me see the value of "letting go" of stuff and losing the emotional attachment to "things".  It is very helpful, but I have mixed feelings of morphing our home from a family of 4+dog, to an empty nester "nest"  : )   Stephanie and Rose are afraid they'll come home and find all their stuff gone (I wouldn't do that); so is Mark.====JACK:  Been there; done that! The longer you hang on to stuff, more stuff accumulates.  After awhile the children accumulate their stuff, and there's no room for the "precious" things.  The good thing is when the children come back and find welcoming parents.  Enjoy each segment of life, because that's what memories are made of.

FROM DLaM:  There is great safety in the good old L,P.  Credible Source who gave it to us as well. ===JACK:  I'd like more information.

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  I enjoy Anne Lamott's books. She has a unique way of putting things into words that I identify with. I definitely felt the presence of God in my car, as I raced to the hospital after Bill's heart arrest at the YMCA.  I felt strengthened to received whatever news the Drs would give me when I arrived, as I knew he might not have survived, or would be in a vegetative state, considering the circumstances. We were  blessed that he did survive, and lived an active life for 16 more years. (After 9 heart by-passes!) I have never mistaken myself, or anyone I knew for God...So glad I'm not the one judging our earthy lives!!===JACK:  You've lived the faith experience more than once.  You know ,firsthand, what the word, survivor, means.  Thanks for being an inspiration.

1 comment:

Maggie said...