Friday, September 14, 2018

Jack’s Winning Words 9/14/18
“And the Lord changed his mind…”  (Exodus 32:14)  What?  God can change his mind?  God was angry with the behavior of his people and was determined to destroy them…Moses pleaded for another chance.  God listened, and the prayer was answered.  Sometimes God’s will seems to be carved in stone…but this Exodus story says that it’s good to keep on praying.  I’ve found that the best prayer is “Thy will, not my will, be done..and I hope that they’re the same.”   ;-)  Jack

FROM SUES:  Now I know why I read your daily offering!===JACK:  Now, I know why I write them.  They're for people like you...and me.

FROM DR JUDY:  In the spiritual/metaphysical community, when we request or vision something we say, “This or something better.”===JACK:  What a great way to end a prayer.  Thanks for the new thought!

FROM RJP IN NAPLES:  Changes mind?? Maybe God really is a woman??===JACK:  Now, that's a funny one.  Somewhat related....Definition of a Catholic priest:  Someone who dresses like mother and wants to be called, father.

FROM ST PAUL IN ST PAUL: more good words, Jack.  thanks!===JACK:  I generally haven't thought of prayer as a way of getting God to change his mind.

FROM STARRY KNIGHT:  Nice! I go to New York in 10 days to meet my team at Universal :):) I'm praying for great things!!===JACK:  "Thy will be done!"

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