Thursday, November 10, 2016

Jack’s Winning Words 11/10/16
“Cast all your anxiety on the Lord, for he cares about you.”  (1 Peter 5:17)  A woman once told me of a time when it was extremely hard for her to pray the Lord’s Prayer, especially the petition, “Thy will be done.”  She was standing beside her son’s casket.  The words stuck in her throat.  Finally, after a long pause, she said them, and relief came to her.  Whether the concern be a death…or an election, ”Take your burden to the Lord and leave it there.”    ;-)  Jack

FROM TL IN MICHIGAN:  Thanks, Jack.  My household is divided (on the election results) and this I know to be true.====JACK:  Is the division of what are family values?====TL:  No those are rock solid.  Thank you for the vision.====JACK:  What I meant by that...What are the "family values" that the winning party stands for, and how important are they among other issues.  Was this an election about values?====TL:  Respect, unconditional love, honesty, independence, security, support.  The winning party stands for Independence and security. Very important.
FROM RB IN MICHIGAN:  Now we can refocus our attention on:  "Seek the Kingdom of God first again"  That's what will make America great as a unified body in Christ.  It's hard to watch the people here in NY over the last three days.====JACK:  I can just imagine the kind of protest there would be if the election had gone the other way.  In fact, the "winners" had actually said what it would be if they turned out to be "losers."

FROM HONEST JOHN:  Many times when you take things to the Lord, you can't just leave them there....witness Jeremiah.====JACK:  Not all are activists.  Each has needs and talents.  God knows and understands.  My knowledge is often flawed, but I seek to understand.====JOHN:  Think of A D Mattson.   He said "Rise up O Men of God".  Was so much better than "Sit down, O Men of God." ====JACK:  Many of our generation of Augustana pastors have received their social ministry ideas in A.d.'s classroom.  Some express their concerns in one way, and some in another.  One of my favorite poems is by Christopher Morley...The Power-House.  "Out for my evening stroll  I discovered on 84th Street  A power-house quietly humming to itself,  And though I lived near-by  I had never known it was there.  Some people are like that."

FROM CR ON THE WESTSIDE:  Great counsel Jack.  Lots of very sad, worried, scared people right now.====JACK:

FROM ST PAUL IN ST PAUL:  an old college roommate of mine lost a 42 year old daughter to brain cancer yesterday.  Sarah was an ELCA pastor and a real sparkler.  so  very sad.  I will forward  your WWs to the family today. thanks.====JACK:  There are issues far more important than an election, but our God is concerned for whatever grieves his children.

fFROM BLAZING OAKS:  Right! Be so busy enjoying your life, that you have no time for hate, regret, or fear. (recovery because as author Rachel Wojo says, "Prayer trumps panic. Every. Time."  Lots of praying going on amid our anxious "losers"! Timely quote in WW for today!

FROM JT IN MINNESOTA:  I'm working on it.  I know God cares for the sparrow and the flowers.  The world is a perfect and lovely place.  So here we are. I counting on him listening to calmer voices.  However he has not done that in his history.  I have hope and I am willing  to see what happens.  I just hope his views on people who are not blue eyed and blond will be tolerant.  Thanks for your prayers.====JACK:  God has an unlimited supply of patience and far as I know...and we can be thankful for that.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  One of our choir anthem was "Cast Your Cares upon the Lord, cast your cares on Him, cast all your anxieties all your pain and He will care for you."  I may have missed some refrains but I have never forgot the song!====JACK:  That verse is both in the OT and the NT.

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