Thursday, August 11, 2016

Jack’s Winning Words 8/11/16
“Where there is doubt, don’t!”  (Ben Franklin)  Have you ever had misgivings about doing a certain thing…but did it anyway, and it turned out to be a disaster?  You (and I) should have followed Ben’s advice.  I have a little book of Franklin’s sayings taken from his Poor Richard’s Almanack.  It’s hard to believe that he was a school dropout at age 10.  But, somehow, by private study, he learned foreign languages and philosophy and science…and common sense.    ;-)  Jack

 FROM IKE AT THE MIC:  On that theme:  Ikeism #223:"Don't ever let  your education get in the way of your intelligence"   #123:"You fail in life in one of two ways,you do without thinking or you think without doing"   #157:"You will never accomplish anything,if you are concerned about every possible obstacle that might occur"====JACK:  Are you Ben, reincarnated?

FROM TARMART REV:  Now you know why "Jack's Winning Words" is such a hit for us followers of common sense, Jack!!====JACK:  Just yesterday, someone told me that some Winning Words really hit home...which means that some are just words.  It's like some sermons I've preached, too.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  It's amazing to read and learn about people's lack of formal education but how they taught themselves how to read and write and cipher.   One can do much with hard work, persevance and hope.====JACK:  Forbes Magazine reports that 1/3 of millennials regret going to college.  Maybe it's the frustration in not getting to job they wanted...or the debt incurred.  There never was a day when I regretted my college education.

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  He certainly had a bright mind, and a curious one, tho from what I've read in his wonderful biography by Walter Isaacson, it would be no picnic being his wife!  Or his mother!! Imagine being the 10th son in the family!   I think we've all had an experience where we did something overruling our better judgment, and can identify with Ben's admonition!====JACK:  I can remember more than once when my parents said, "Don't" and I did it anyway.  Hey.....Isn't how Adam and Eve responded to the Father in the garden?

FROM SBP IN FLORIDA:  It's been years since I've actually thought about Poor Richard's Almanack. Google! Here I come! At any rate, your quote today resonates in many ways with some adages and a Schulerism I have taped on my desk.
When the idea is not right; God says "NO!"
When the time is not right; God says, "SLOW!"
When you re not right: God says, "GROW!"
When everything is right; God says, "GO!
====JACK:  I haven't seen that one before....It's good.  BTW, "GO" always seems to remind me of Monopoly.  "Collect $200!"

FROM ST PAUL IN ST PAUL:  not sure i follow this one,  Jack.  is Ben saying don't doubt or don't do the project.  i think it and your comment could be taken either way.    just wondering... ====JACK:  I take it to mean....when there's a question as to whether an action is right or wrong, don't do it.  I think that Ben's adages are simply common sense...what first comes to mind, with no hidden meaning.  But, that's only my observation.  You can make it mean whatever you want it to mean.

1 comment:

SBP said...

It's been years since I've actually thought about Poor Richard's Almanack. Google! Here I come! At any rate, your quote today resonates in many ways with some adages and a Schulerism I have taped on my desk.

When the idea is not right;
God says "NO!"

When the time is not right;
God says, "SLOW!"

When you re not right:
God says, "GROW!"

When eveything is right;
God says, "GO!"