Thursday, January 28, 2016

Jack’s Winning Words 1/28/16
“Life is like an ever-changing kaleidoscope—a slight change, and all the patterns alter.”  (Sharon Salzberg)  The kaleidoscope was invented 200 years ago and continues to entertain young and old with its ever-changing patterns.  Life has its ever-changing patterns, too.  Today is not like yesterday, although there are those who would like it to be so.  God embraces change.  That’s what growth is about.  Children become adults.  The seed becomes the flower.    ;-)  Jack

FROM DR JUDY:  Oh, if only the religious fundamentalists and conservatives (of all religions) understood that God embraces change. (And not to mean that it's time to change BACK to a former state of being.) Today is not like yesterday, and was never meant to be so!====JACK:  The late Senator Everett Dirksen (Ill) once said (when criticized by GOP colleagues for changing his vote on a certain issue) :  "People who don't change their minds are either in an insane asylum or in a cemetery."====JUDY:  There are still s few wise people. Glad their words can be heard by others. Even if one at a time.====JACK:  Tomorrow's Winning Words will refer to another.
FROM TARMART REV:  ...and the flower fades into oblivion for the moment?!====JACK:  The Easter lily is an example of a flower that contains a new flower in its bulb...a resurrection!====REV:  A sweet example, in deed!!====JACK:  I once had a church member who would skip Easter services, because she was allergic (or didn't like the smell of) Easter lilies.  Question....Should we have eliminated the use of Easter lilies because of her?====REV:  I'm sure she must have been a precious saint who would take upon herself to step aside personally so the rest of the saints could celebrate one of the most sacred Sunday's of the church calendar.   I had a mole located in the middle of my eye brow...the woman specialist noted in her pre-surgical sheet of instruction that we were not to wear any cologne as she was allergic to them. She too said she didn't attend worship services because of that fact. I had to bathe that morning instead of just smelling good (just kidding!)

FROM JK IN CALIFORNIA:  Thanks for this, what a great message. Luke had tryouts for the Highschool baseball team yesterday! He is growing into that flower!!!====JACK:  Congratulations! As a parent, I had the same feeling when David had his tryouts.

FROM E AND R:  so true!  our baby boy born Jan 18. Zander Sebastian DiBiase====JACK:  A baby changes everything in a family...a real kaleidoscope.

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  What myriad changes we've seen come to pass in our lifetime!! Like the recent cartoon showing a panicked face with the caption "OMG, I almost went to the toilet without my phone!" Life has become crazy in many ways, but what an exciting time to be alive! I'll bet our ancestors never could have imagined a Presidential  campaign situation like we're experiencing today...!  One thing that doesn't change is our Almighty,ever loving God, who makes the patterns beautiful, if challenging.====JACK:  Just wait until the driverless cars start zipping along our roads.  It's happening in Michigan where a test city for driverless cars has been built where the cars can be operated and experimented with.

FROM TAMPA SHIRL:  Yes, that is what makes life exciting, don't you think?  It is particularly exciting for me to see our children and grandchildren grow and develop their talents.=====JACK:  On Monday a grandson is moving away to his own nest and a new job.  It happened once to me, too.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  There's something reassuring knowing that tomorrow will be "normal" but it's nice to be able to look forward to doing something completely different too.  That's the joy of life.====JACK:  Didn't you once write that you've traveled to almost everyone of the 50 states?  It sounds like a kaleidoscope experience.

FROM KF IN MICHIGAN:  I love kaleidoscopes!  Takes my mind off "things"; I have 4, one of which I made!====JACK:  One moment we like change.  The next moment we like things to stay the same.  I like the prayer petition..."Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven."

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