Thursday, June 26, 2014

Jack’s Winning Words 6/26/14
“Charity sees the need, not the cause.”  (German Proverb)  Do you ever feel guilty hanging up on a caller asking for donations, or when you toss the mail requests for money (keeping the coins enclosed in some)?  We recognize we can’t give to all charities  without short-changing others.  A friend wears a sweatshirt with 80-10-10 printed on the front…80% for self, 10% to save, 10% for charity.  He says it works!    ;-)  Jack

FROM TARMART REV:  I've found myself a bit more charitable as I have gotten older . . . still hard to "let go" at times when I know the need is there to do so. 0;-/====JACK:  Since there is no such thing as Superman (or Superrev), we have to learn to prioritize (time and giving).

FROM PH IN MINNESOTA:  it has worked well for us over the years.  keep on truckin', Jack, and have a good day now... ====JACK:  One of the tasks of ministry has been the sowing of the seed (preaching, teaching, living); and, then, waiting for the harvest.  The result of the sowing requires patience and a faith that God will bring the seed to fruition.  I've seen it happen.

FROM FM IN WISCONSIN:  I don’t wear sweatshirts very often, but maybe I should get one printed, 70% for self, 17% for charity and 13% savings!    It is working for my wife and myself!   I like the word today, don’t worry about the cause, but be sensitive to the need.====JACK:  Sweatshirts come in different sizes.  Yours should be labeled, Xtra-Large.

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  I used to feel bad about not being able to give to so many desperately needy causes, but now find I do all I can for my favorite charities, and the church,  and feel there are others who will support the ones I cannot. I like the saying today, putting the focus in the right place. We do at every age what we can....Eleanor Roosevelt once said, "When You Cease to make a contribution, you begin to die". Enough said.====JACK:  I once remember the church deacons coming to me with a problem....A man who was a tither was not paying his bills.  They wanted me to talk with him about cutting back on his church giving in order to pay what he owed to others.  I can't recall what I did.  What would you do?  WWJD?

FROM SBP IN FLORIDA:  I marvel at the numerous needy. guilt provoking operations there are that find me! I do, however, contribute regularly to a number of solicitors that I believe do put to intended use most of the contributions received.====JACK:  I like the biblical advice..."Be wise as serpents and harmless as doves."  I guess it can apply to our charitable giving choices, too.

1 comment:

SBP said...

I marvel at the numerous needy. guilt provoking operations there are that find me! I do, however, contribute regularly to a number of solicitors that I believe do put to intended use most of the contributions received.
BTW...I finished (I read it a few pages at a time.) And I love the Epilogue, especially, because Bell went where I hoped he was going....and I agree. I like the quote, "And now I see God everywhere." Me, too.