Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Jack’s Winning Words 4/16/14
“Sometimes the wrong choices can bring us to the right places.”  (Unknown)  Each of us has come to a fork in life’s road where we’ve had to make a choice of direction.  Have you ever wondered, “What if?”  Robert Frost’s “The Road Not Taken” speaks to this dilemma.  Life is a matter of choices, good or bad.  There’s a song, “My God and I,” which says that we don’t walk alone, and, because of that, things’ll work out.    ;-)  Jack  

FROM HONEST JOHN:  Many choices don't involve right or wrong...they are simply "choices". ====JACK:  "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."  Is it also that way with right and wrong...and with good and evil?  ====JOHN:  I don't think so.   Otherwise we relativize God.     Some choices simply don't involve ethical considerations

FROM SHARIN' SHARON:  I've taken choices at times where I didn't even think the specific choice was really anything of importance, so simple to make because it seemed just a small matter of convenience or expediency and undoubtedly not any risk at all and later found my whole life and the lives of people I deeply care about are tremendously impacted because I took that fork in the road. Now who could figure something like that out, except God being in our lives and "helping" all the time in a way that I never even thought about "rebelling" against.====JACK:  We have a jar on our kitchen counter labeled, "Co-incidences or Miracles?".  Every time an "A-HA" happening occurs we write it down on a slip of paper and place it in the jar.

FROM TARMART REV:  “Sometimes the wrong choices can bring us to the right places.”  This week, Pilate's choice reminds me of such a one . . . to the right place and in the fullness of time. -Happy Resurrection Sunday to you and your wife, Jack . . . Passover Celebration as well to our Jewish friends there in West Bloomfield.====JACK:  As I look back, it's interesting to see the long and twisting road that has brought me to where I am today.  At one of the "twists" I see you coming into my office and introducing yourself.

FROM MW IN ILLINOIS:  Thanks for the winning words today, it was perfect for what has occurred in our family's life this week.====JACK:  I happened to see your Facebook post today with the picture of your family.  I recalled the years...  I like the hymn, "Blest be the tie that binds our hearts in Christian love."

FROM RS IN TEXAS:  Someone asked me once if I could go back and change anything in my life what it would be.  Upon reflection, the answer was "nothing".  Only because every decision takes you down a path.  So, as an example, had I chosen to make the military a career, who knows what that would have brought, but for sure I would never have met my first wife, had my daughter and subsequent grandchildren, and wouldn't have met and married G.  So, no regrets from that standpoint.  Not to say I haven't learned (I hope!) from some choices I made that I would make differently today.  But more and more I believe God has a plan for all of us, and sometimes what seems to be bad puts us where we need to be.====JACK:  I remember how proud your parents were when you had been accepted into the program to be trained as a helicopter pilot.  When was the last time you were at the controls?  Life is made exciting daily because of the forks that continue to appear.

FROM PLAIN FOLKS CHESTER:  Always take the road to the right.====JACK:  You've got the right idea!  Did you use this cadence when you were in the Marines?
WHEN I WAS BORN MY DADDY LEFT! left, right, left.
LATER ON MY MOMMA LEFT! left, right, left.
I GOT DEPLOYED MY WOMAN LEFT! left, right, left.
COME ON! left, right, left.
LOUDER! left, right, left.
COVER! left, right, left.
AGAIN! left, right, left.

FROM TAMPA SHIRL:  Everything happens for a reason.  But we do have choices to make all through life, or course.====JACK:  Do you think that by giving us the ability to use free will, God also chooses to limit his will? 


Anonymous said...

I've taken choices at times where didn't even think the specific choice was really anything of importance, so simple to make because it seemed just a small matter of convenience or expediency and undoubtedly not any risk at all and later found my whole life and the lives of people I deeply care about are tremendously impacted because I took that fork in the road. Now who could figure something like that out, except God being in our lives and "helping" all the time in a way that I never even thought about "rebelling" against.
S.H. in MI

SBP said...

No need to post. We visited a Museum of History this afternoon (Mardell's 89th birthday). And among the exhibits was a picture of Mohammed Ali and this quote, which I thought was notable. "Service is the price you pay for your room on earth."