Friday, October 25, 2013

Jack’s Winning Words 10/25/13
“The happiest people are those who help others."  (Scott Pelley)  The 4th Saturday in October is Make a Difference Day, a day for doing things to improve the world around you.  Here are some things that people have done…go to a park and pick up trash…rake the leaves in your neighbor’s yard…volunteer to work in a soup kitchen, or go to a thrift store and offer to sort clothes.  Making a difference can make you happy!    ;-)  Jack 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YOU make a difference in our lives. There is so much good going on in our world and so many people encouraging and giving hope and a kind word to others, we all need to hear those words to counter and make the ones which seek to destroy and curtail life lose their power over us, keep it up and best wishes to you until you come back later on Monday.
S.H. in MI