Monday, July 22, 2013

Jack’s Winning Words 7/22/13
“People come into your life to teach you valuable lessons.  Time helps you understand why.”  (Rubyanne)  MLK Jr was inspired by Gandhi, who was inspired by Naoroji (I haven’t heard of him, either).  We all have people who come and go in our life, but there are some who’ve really made a difference.  Several come to my mind.  So, I’m glad that the quote says, “people.”  Who has come into your life…and stayed?    ;-)  Jack

 FROM RI IN BOSTON:  People from all walks of life have one way or another entered my life, some only briefly, and contributed to my understanding and personal attitude about the things that matter to me.  I know there are some who I can't remember by name, but they were there and they left their mark on my path in life.====JACK:  I'm currently reading a book (One Man's Meat by E.B. White) that was assigned reading in Freshman English.  I wish I knew then what I know now, and I would have done better in that class.  The professor was better than I knew, and she is still teaching me today.  I recall her asking, "What's the rest of that book's title?"  Only a few knew.  I've never forgotten.  ====RI:  I look back too, and know I could have done much better in some classes.  I suppose I was learning then about all the things worth learning more about, all the years of my life.  I can see that I'm coming up short.====JACK:  Sometimes we learn without realizing that we are learning.  I like the words of RLS:  "The world is so full of a number of things...I'm sure we should all be as happy as kings."

 FROM BLAZING OAKS:  I ALWAYS UNDERSTOOD THAT GHANDI WAS IN INSPIRED BY HENRY DAVID THOREAU'S IDEA OF PASSIVE RESISTANCE, AND THEN  BACK ACROSS  THE POND, MLK JR. WAS INSPIRED BY GHANDI...HAVE YOU EVER ENCOUNTERED THAT EXPLANATION?  FOR SURE MANY PEOPLE HAVE COME INTO MY LIFE TO  MAKE A DIFFERENCE AND HINDSIGHT AND THE PASSAGE OF YEARS HIGHLIGHTS HOW MUCH!  MY LATE HUSBAND COMES TO MIND. HOPEFULLY, WE HAVE BEEN THAT INSPIRING PERSON TO SOME OTHERS...I'M  SURE YOU HAVE BEEN, AND ARE!!====JACK:  I would have expected that Gandhi would be inspired, first of all, by someone from the land where he grew up.  Naoroji was very famous in India, espousing the same things interested Gandhi.  I believe that Thoreau's influence came later in his life.  It's interesting to read about Naoroji, someone new to me.

 FROM SHARIN' SHARON:  A sundry and diverse number of people have come into my life to teach me to trust God and many of them were unlikely candidates and despite the fact that we don't keep in touch so much, in some way I found that I grew to trust them and I believe in my heart that they have stayed and I would still be trusting them if we got together again tomorrow.====JACK:  Many expressions of "thanks" these day are by e-mail.  Recently we've been re-reading letters from the past.  To see the actual handwriting is irreplaceable.  It's almost as though time has rolled back.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A sundry and diverse number of people have come into my life to teach me to trust God and many of them were unlikely candidates and despite the fact that we don't keep in touch so much, in some way I found that I grew to trust them and I believe in my heart that they have stayed and I would still be trusting them if we got together again tomorrow.
S.H. in MI