Friday, October 12, 2012

Winning Words 10/12/12
“You may delay, but time will not.”  (Ben Franklin)  A sermon that I’ve preached more than once is titled, “Come Before Winter,” based on an incident in the life of St. Paul.  The gist of it…There are things that need doing before it’s too late.  Getting the yard work done before the snow flies.  Writing that letter to someone before it’s too late.  The sand in the hour glass keeps falling.  Let’s work on that “to do list”…today!    ;-)  Jack 

FROM BD IN MICHIGAN:  Here it is my last official last day at work before retiring and my "to do list" is greater then the hours left. This is one case where my to do list becomes someone else's to do list! What a great feeling!////FROM JACK:  It seems as thought the sand goes faster through the glass, as it gets closer to the end.  How long ago did begin your first days on the job?  Yesterday?

 FROM TRIHARDER IN MICHIGAN:  I think I've supplied you with my saying before:  "Procrastination is a means of avoiding a bad decision" or "Never be in a hurry to make a bad decision."////FROM JACK:  I remember once delaying going to see someone in the hospital...and then it was too late.

 FROM DM IN MICHIGAN:  Which leads me to think about, how many important things one can do in a day.  Everything important to me  and right now this is …getting my plants in for the winter but now after work I will be in the dark doing this….that to do list keeps getting longer every day!!!.   Unfortunately, the list doesn’t get shorter even after we do a few things on the list, the list continues to grow.  Oh well as long as the list exist we will have things to do ….right? ////FROM JACK:  The point of the St. Paul story was that he was in prison during the winter, and it was cold.  He wrote to his friend Timothy, asking him to bring a coat.  "Come, before winter!"  Timothy put off going until springtime.  Paul died during the winter.////DM:  Yikes!!!!  I guess this mornings ww  may have benefited poor St. Paul!////JACK:  2 Timothy 4:9-22

 FROM PLAIN FOLKS CHESTER:  Why is it always too late to do it right when there is always time to do it over?////FROM JACK: 
 "The clock of life is wound but once  And no one has the power  
To tell just when the hands will stop,  At late or early hour.   
Now is the only time you own;  Live, love, work, and with a will;  
Place no faith in tomorrow, for  The clock may then be still."
Sometimes late at night  I lie awake and watch her sleeping
She's lost in peaceful dreams  So I turn out the lights and lay there in the dark
And the thought crosses my mind  If I never wake up in the morning
Would she ever doubt the way I feel  About her in my heart
If tomorrow never comes  Will she know how much I loved her
Did I try in every way to show her every day  That she's my only one
And if my time on earth were through  And she must face this world without me
Is the love I gave her in the past  Gonna be enough to last
If tomorrow never comes

 FROM CJL IN OHIO:  That's worth repeating.  Perhaps tht's the sum of what we are trying to get across to our people.  I hope you get a chance to give that sermon many times....and that people take it seriously!
////FROM JACK:  Did you ever pull a sermon out of the barrel?

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