Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Winning Words 8/21/12
“God, I don’t understand.”  (Ken Boa)  A WWs friend in Santa Barbara knows Ken Boa personally and has good things to say about him.  That caused me to do some internet research.  Today’s quote is the title of Boa’s book, which is described as “a book for people who struggle with faith.”  It’s no secret that many people are looking for answers to difficult situations in life.  Are you one who has questions for God?    ;-)  Jack

 FROM HAPPY TRAILS IN NOVA SCOTIA:  Sometimes I wonder if I have a God for questions. ////FROM JACK:  Jesus would understand that.

 FROM SHARIN' SHARON:  I would like to know why there are some of those scriptures in the Bible admonishing homosexual behavior and, if they were only meant for a time, did God know that they would cause so much pain and tear the churches up so much? What's been in His Mind all along? Also, I would like to know if somehow, at some deep level, especially realizing all that anti-Semitism has done to the Jewish people and affected back on to all of us, especially since we now have the Holocaust to be so impacted on the whole world, should we believe the Jews and Christians are really at some deep level now reunited in One Church and it's just to know that consciously? God, I don't understand whether I've thunk wrongly about some theological stuff and which direction I should go to be on the same page with you now and why are things like this?. I pray you are a consistent God and I pray you help reconcile the divisions in Your Church.  Thanks for these WW too.////FROM JACK:  When God sees you coming, he's going to have set aside some extra time.

 FROM SAINT JAMES:  Yes, I do, especially at a time like this.  I try not to ask "why me?"; rather, I try to ask "what should I do next?"////FROM JACK:  There are times when I need to sit down and do as the song suggests..."Count your many blessings."  Another song comes to mind..."No matter what may be the test, God will take care of you."

 FROM BLAZING OAKS:  I feel that God is in charge, all the time, but we often can't see the "big" picture!  Of course we will have questions for God until the day when "we know, just as we are known"...With so much injustice and misery in the world, we have to trust the outcome to Him. Meanwhile, we plug along doing our  "bit" in our little corner, even when we feel "God, I don't understand."////FROM JACK:  The BIG picture also shows that "the misery" in this world is far outweighed by the many blessings that we take for granted.  Foe example, this morning a piece of Grape-Nuts got into my slipper, and it was an aggravation while I walked.

   FROM CL IN SANTA BARBARA:  Well done.  Here's another profundity for you, from my former pastor at Fourth Pres in Bethesda -- "You go nowhere by accident this week." Dick Halverson would say this in his benediction each Sunday.////FROM JACK:  I had to look up accident...An unforeseen circumstance.  "The Lord is my shepherd."

  FROM RG IN ARIZONA & MICHIGAN: You bet; I have many questions! My concern is that the problem is most likely related to my ability to understand the answers I get!!!////FROM JACK:  A Bible verse comes to mind.."Who knows the measure of man's mind?"  (1 Corinthians 2:11,12)  It's worth reading and pondering.

 FROM CJL IN OHIO:  Why anything....beginning with me!////FROM JACK:  As Luther wrote:  "I believe that I cannot, by my own reason or strength, believe in God, or come to him, but the Holy Spirit has called me through the Gospel, enlightened me with his gifts, and sanctified and kept me in true faith."

 FROM CC IN MICHIGAN:  I was watching LL World Series with Japan yesterday and watched a youg player bat with a leg kick that carried his leg over the plate and outside of the batter's box.  He then returned his foot the the batter's box.  I know if he gets hit by a pitch on the "over the plate leg'" he is charged with a strike.  But is he out for having one foot completely out of the box, if he makes contact before his foot hits the ground part or partically inside of the box?  The batter's box has always been a rule black hole for me.  The plate is 6" from the batter's box and the player can be called out if he steps completely out of the box.  If you player's foot is larger than 6,", he could step on the plate and hit the ball.  I am seldom at a loss on the rules, but this one confuses me.  The reason I wrote you was your latest quote on "Winning Words,"  which are very thought provoking for me.  Have you viewed the link listed below, An Interview with God?
////FROM JACK:  During your interview with God, you might ask him for his interpretation of the batter's box rule.  And there would probably be some "purists" responding, "I still don't understand."  As Joe Garagiola wrote: "Baseball Is a Funny Game."  I always think of Joe when I see his son doing the news on WDIV-TV.  BTW, "God, I Don't Understand...Baseball," would be an interesting book.  Perhaps, in your spare time......

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  There are so many things I don't understand about God and the way He works.  I'm just glad He knows how I work and forgives me anyway.////FROM JACK:  I like this translation of Romans 11:34:    "For who can know the LORD's thoughts? Who knows enough to give him advice?" ////MORE JUDY:  I don't know about you, but sometimes I try to tell Him what I need and when I need it and how it need it.  It's a big failing of mine.  But, I'm working on it.  :-)

 FROM CL IN MICHIGAN:  Don't we all???????????????////FROM JACK:  From the beginning of our life, we learn by asking questionS.


Anonymous said...

I would like to know why there are some of those scriptures in the Bible admonishing homosexual behavior and, if they were only meant for a time, did God know that they would cause so much pain and tear the churches up so much? What's been in His Mind all along? Also, I would like to know if somehow, at some deep level, especially realizing all that anti-Semitism has done to the Jewish people and affected back on to all of us, especially since we now have the Holocaust to be so impacted on the whole world, should we believe the Jews and Christians are really at some deep level now reunited in One Church and it's just to know that consciously? God, I don't understand whether I've thunk wrongly about some theological stuff and which direction I should go to be on the same page with you now and why are things like this?. I pray you are a consistent God and I pray you help reconcile the divisions in Your Church.
Thanks for these WW too.
S.H. in MI

Ray Gage said...

You bet; I have many questions! My concern is that the problem is most likely related to my ability to understand the answers I get!!!