Friday, November 19, 2010

Winning Words 11/19/10
“God works in moments.” (French Proverb) People, through the ages, have been intrigued about “What happens at death?” The Bible simply says that we shall be changed, “in the twinkling of an eye.” A “blink” is a billionth of a second, and a twink is much faster than that…which is to say, that life can be changed for us in twinkling moments. I believe that God is in those twinks. ;-) Jack

FROM GF IN MICHIGAN: Me too FROM JACK: To celebrate this thought, I'm thinking of eating a couple "Twinkies" today.

FROM FRTW IN MICHIGAN: I was just particularly touched by this meditation. Thank you FROM JACK: I think that most of us have had those "twinkling" moments when God has boldly appeared. We need to remind ourselves that God is always beside us, even when we think that we are alone.

FROM CJL IN OHIO: Where would we be if we didn't believe that God is there in everything that happens? and even the stuff that doesn't. FROM JACK: Where would we be? We'd be like many lonely, discouraged, frustrated and negative people living out there in God's world, oblivious to his presence.

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