Monday, January 11, 2010

Winning Words 1/11/10
“Deal with the consequences of your actions, ‘cause life ain’t no video game.” (Ikkaku, Hosaka, & Kawabata) What I know about this trio is that they create video games for Nintendo. Sometimes, after we do and say certain things, we’d like to be able to push a button marked, REPLAY. Too bad! We just have to move on, hoping that we can do better the next time. I, H & K will have more to say this week. ;-) Jack

FROM NL IN FLORIDA: Isn't that the truth. It's cold in Florida, 38 this morning. FROM JACK: It's snowing and 19. Crisp and beautiful!


FROM SH IN MICHIGAN: I have a funny Nintendo story. My daughter was born in 1983. She was about 5 or 6 or 7 or somewhere thereabouts when Nintendo first became popular. A lot of her friends had a Nintendo machine. We didn't have a real big budget and were not buying her a Nintendo machine. She was so cute. She got a small box, the right size and drew Nintendo buttons and stuff all over it and made herself a "make-do"
Nintendo machine to play with. That's one of our family's stories of being poor in the old days but it's really richer with treasure and thankfulness and appreciation than if there had been a real Nintendo. And, at age 27, she still seems to be able to do her engineering job OK and not lack from not having the real Nintendo experience. FROM JACK: Imagination is good for all of us, especially engineers....and those trying to learn to play the accordian.

FROM INDY GENIE: you're blog is making me laugh again today....i don't know the story behind the accordian but it made me laugh!

FROM PRJS: Do you suppose that Harry Reid would like to hit the REPLAY button??? FROM JACK: Apart from the political aspects of your question....When I was in "Luther League" I remember having a discussion with our youth leader, who was the pastor's wife. The question was: "Should you never tell a lie?" or, "Should you always tell the truth?"

FROM SG IN TAMPA: Have you ever played a video gamer? FROM JACK: Pong! BTW, does Tampa's weather today remind you of Moline winters?

FROM RI IN BOSTON: Bring 'em on. There are some "cool" Japanese people out there. FROM JACK: What's the difference between COOL and HOT?

FROM MOLINER CF: "i'm sorry" is a viable way of dealing with the consquences of what we regret doing and saying.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: I wouldn't hit a replay button, I would hit a delete button and then say...oops sorry.

FROM CJL IN OHIO: One of the problems is that people don't take time to think about consequences. They just act. FROM JACK: ...which reminds me of the saying, "Look, before you leap."

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