Friday, August 07, 2009

Winning Words 8/7/09
“Regret is an appalling waste of energy. You can’t build on it; it’s only good for wallowing in.” (Katherine Mansfield) Kathleen (birth name) was born in New Zealand and experienced a somewhat checkered life. Her words about regret probably come from the heart. I don’t think that she was one to wallow (Isn’t that an interesting word?). I hope that we wouldn’t be wallowers, either, as far as regrets are concerned. ;-) Jack

FROM R.I. IN BOSTON: The word regret reminds me of the word regress, both of them being about going backward. That can be negative and a waste of time. However, I believe one can "build on" regret. Wasn't regret of his former self (before his conversion) what made St. Paul such a powerful instrument of God?

FROM S.H. IN MICHIGAN: I hope that we wouldn't be wallowers, either, as far as regrets are concerned. I know what it feels like to befriend someone who has gotten stuck in the past, God only knows how others have felt in befriending me and from time-to-time finding me stuck in the past. Regret--maybe one of the most dangerous emotions that divides community? "You can't build on it" - interesting line.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: I will have to ponder wallowing...I'm still pondering ponder. However, regret is something I do sometimes. I regret words I've said, things I did but mostly I regret things I didn't say and didn't do. That's the hard part. Regrets though are just a slight indentation on my part....perhaps forgiving myself is even harder. FROM JACK: The success comes from building on the regrets, not from the wallowing.

FROM CJL IN OHIO: You can't change them

FROM MOLINER C.F.: A person without regrets is a person without conscience. FROM JACK: K.M. had her regrets, but she chose not to wallow in them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope that we wouldn't be wallowers, either, as far as regrets are concerned. I know what it feels like to befriend someone who has gotten stuck in the past, God only knows how others have felt in befriending me and from time-to-time finding me stuck in the past. Regret--maybe one of the most dangerous emotions that divides community? "You can't build on it" - interesting line.
S.H. in MI