Thursday, April 23, 2009

Winning Words 4/23/09
“Don’t pray when it rains, if you don’t pray when the sun shines.” (Satchel Paige) I’m going to have to re-examine my Prayer List. Most of them are “rain” prayers. A friend of mine begins each day by getting out of bed and saying, “Father, I thank you for the night and for the pleasant morning, bright. For rest and food and loving care, and all that makes the world so fair.” He does it, rain or shine. :-) Jack

FROM MOLINER LIZ: The "Our Father" is my default prayer. Rain or shine.

FROM MKH IN MICHIGAN: I always thank Him at the end of the day maybe I need to start the day that way too. I will try it! AND...I almost always thank Him for a beautiful day.

FROM D.K.: Why doesn't he sing it? FROM JACK: Maybe "he" does.

FROM MOLINER C.F.: There's an episode on M*A*S*H wen Father Mulcahey tells a soldier. "Lots of promises are Made to God in a foxhole." Too bad some people only think of prayer when they want something. FROM JACK: Journalist Ernie Pyle, popularized the phrase, "There are no atheists in foxholes," during WW 2.

FROM JDR IN CALIFORNIA: Really, love this one.

FROM MOLINER G.S.: Good way to start the day.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: We always start our day by praying together, and my husband always starts with Thanks....there is no better way than to start with thanks.

FROM T.S. IN MICHIGAN: Reminds me of Luther's Morning and Evening Prayers

FROM J.T. IN MINNESOTA: This WW grabbed me as it holds a very special memory. My Dad was a baseball fan. My brothers and sister and I grew up in northern Minnesota in the 1940's. We well remember the day an electric bulb in the kitchen first lit up our little home. Before that we used kerosene lamps, Mom had a heavy flat iron, Dad hand turned the separator twice daily after hand milking 7 cows. I remember Dad leaning his ear into our battery operated radio to listen to the world series. He was a St Louis Cardinal fan and had seen Satchel Paige pitch many years earlier when he was a teen ager. Satchel Paige pitched on the Negro team as he was not allowed on a major league team but Dad was a fan of his. He loved telling the story of how remarkably Satchel Paige pitched. Dad had been mightily impressed. So when your winning words were from him, as you can see, it was reminiscing time for me. Thanks for all the WW. I read every one and send many on to family and friends. Have a great week and aren't the long days lovely?

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