Friday, April 17, 2009

Winning Words 4/17/09
“Shall we make a new rule of life: always to be a little kinder than necessary.” (Sir
James Barrie) After reading something about his life, I can see why Sir James wrote this sentence. In the life
of the world and in our personal lives, this rule would be a good one. Perhaps, in our small corner, we can put it into effect today and see if brings about some changes. ;-) Jack

FROM S.G. IN TAMPA: I love the thought and action.

FROM GOOD DEBT JON: Great quote and practical idea that brings great benefits. My wife has always practiced this and I have learned by watching her. Or as I wrote in a recent song for her; "Everything I know about love, I've learned by watching you."

FROM PR J.S. IN MICHIGAN: I was at my daughter's house today and took a test to determine which Disney character I was....It turned out that I am Peter Pan!!! Interesting. Maybe you re Smee? Or Nana? FROM JACK: Some people say that I'm GOOFY!

Why is it necessary to be kind? Shouldn't it come naturally?

I can't say it's necessary to be kind but I can't say it's particularly natural either. Perhaps I've mentioned before that my pastor has encouraged the people of our congregation to aim for 150 acts of kindness in 2009 in honor of the 150th anniversary of our congregation. Thus, what it means to be "kind" has been on my mind a bit. I've questioned, does something "kind" have to be spontaneous or instinctual? The bumper sticker "practice random acts of kindness" keeps running through my head. And what if it doesn't come naturally, and I have to cajole myself into doing the "kind" thing, does it count? Perhaps. Some things come naturally ... giving up my bus seat for the obviously pregnant woman standing. Some things take effort ... rolling down my window to greet the man with a sign standing a few feet from my car while I wait through the light. It's still something I think about. Maybe, like most things, it just takes practice.

It affects people makes them wonder what motivates you or what you are up to...

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: I'm a little late on replying to this but I really enjoyed it. How simple a statement! Kindness matters! To quote Jewel..."Only kindness matters!"

FROM B.S. NEAR ORLANDO: Jack this is great.I am going to send it promptly to my grandchildren.

And every step I take reminds me I am getting closer and closer to Heaven. What a blessing!

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