Monday, July 02, 2007

Jack’s Winning Words 7/2/07
“He neither slumbers nor sleeps or takes a smoke.”
(Unknown) I heard these words sung in a spiritual yesterday on NPR. What a great definition of the omnipresence of God! God is ALWAYS there for us. As an aside, my father would often say, “I’m going to get some smokes.” You don’t hear that expression used much anymore. ;-) Jack

FROM P.H. IN MINNESOTA: does this have anything to do with holy smoke??

FROM REV. J.S. IN MICHIGAN: Combine that with the gospel lesson on "The Kingdom of God is near"...sending out of the disciples...and you have a gospel rarely heard in mainline Protestantism any more. That non-slumbering God is not wishy washy but comes in power and acts in power. Fortunately, it is a loving power...but loving power does not translate to God being a wuss. That loving power comes to save but if we reject it, we condemn outselves. When we can understand that, we can begin to understand the urgency of spreading the gospel to all the world.

FROM L.K. IN OHIO: Without the so-called "problem of evil", we could have ONLY evil in the world....if we won't let GOD BE GOD, then we are free to choose to refuse or reject what is ours. I'd rather not do that.

FROM P.O. VISITING IN PRAGUE: Unless you're in Prague! We've been eating in outdoor restaurants even when it's cold just because the interiors are so smoke-filled!

FROM B.S. NEAR ORLANDO: I used to go fishing with some gents and they smoked. So I told them ,either you all quite smoking orI am not going fishing with you any longer. They all quit. Incidently, some where in time, we also stopped selling tobacco in our pharmacy. It was one of the best things we did besides helping people day and nite. I hd a close friend who always said he wanted to die being shot by a jealous husband while jumping from a 3 story bedroom window. He died of cancer too. How rotten , he smoked c igars.

FROM J.O. IN MICHIGAN: I'm so glad that He is who He is and does what He does. It is so amazing how He just takes care of the things that we stress out about...I think that is one of His ways of telling us who He is. I love it!

FROM MOLINER, G.S.: Thank heavens we don't. My Dad died from "smokes".

MORE FROM G.S.: Rolled his own in WWII, otherwise Chesterfields. Stole a few of his in 6th grade - got dizzy and sick.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My father was a smoker too. In fact, he did die of lung cancer. But he enjoyed so many, many, many innumerable hours of his smoking that I wonder if it was somehow all worth while. Thinking about the Native Americans and their peace pipes. The Natives in ethnic tribes all over the world smoking. Our U.S.A. tobacco companies did a number on smokers I think doctoring up the cigarettes. People can become more peaceful smoking. Must be that God who is perfect doesn't have the need and always helps us one way or the other.