Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Jack’s Winning Words 6/20/07
“Get the right people on the bus. Get the wrong people off the bus. Get the right people in the right seats.”
(Jim Collins) Jim gives some good advice on how to build a team. It can work in sports, in your business…if fact, it can work whenever you’re trying to put together a group of people to get things done. ;-) Jack

FROM L.P. IN MICHIGAN: A portion of this quote was used in the Bridgebuilders Learning Event we had at church a couple weeks back: "Get the right people in the right seats". It struck me as an interesting metaphor especially in relation to seating on a bus which, at first glance, appears to have two types of seats (driver & passenger). I know on the Ann Arbor bus I pick my seat carefully since you are likely to be sharing with someone and sometimes some seats are broken. This, however, is not unlike on a grade school bus. But I never thought of "correct" assignment aside from knowing when to give up your seat for someone else. So I suppose I am still figuring out how the metaphor works for building a team because one leader and a bunch of people getting dragged along behind doesn't sound ideal to me.

FROM G.G. IN INDIANA: It can also apply to the people in you life ... you might call it your "life team".

FROM GOOD DEBT JON IN OHIO: People get off at different stops, for different reasons.

FROM J.L. IN MICHIGAN: As a person who has had to develop many teams, sometimes you don't know the right from the wrong until the process is half way do you deal with that problem? If you are a sports team, you trade them off, but, in real life, it's a lot harder than that, ,especially with volunteers! Good quote though, because, it's so true!

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