Friday, January 05, 2007

Jack’s Winning Words 1/5/07
“Tomorrow, tomorrow, not today, all the lazy people say.”
(German Proverb) I need to cut this one out and post it, except for the word, lazy. I feel more comfortable being called, a procrastinator. How about the song from Annie: Tomorrow? Do you have any comments about putting things off until tomorrow? ;-) Jack

FROM MS IN WF: Can I get back to you on that?

Song: Tomorrow Lyrics[ANNIE]
The sun'll come out TomorrowBet your bottom dollar That tomorrow There'll be sun! Just thinkin' aboutTomorrow Clears away the cobwebs, And the sorrow 'Til there's none! When I'm stuck a day That's gray, And lonely, I just stick out my chin And Grin, And Say, Oh! The sun'll come outTomorrow So ya gotta hang on 'Til tomorrow Come what may Tomorrow! Tomorrow!I love ya Tomorrow! You're alwaysA dayA way!

FROM JL IN MI: My daughter Kimberly would work on a report 3 weeks before it was due and get an A and Andy would work on a report 5 minutes before it was due, and get an A. Life is funny like that isn't it? I tend to do things as needed.

FROM DAZ: Didn't Scarlet say--- I'll do it tomorrow , for tomorrow is another day.


FROM JH IN BG: This is a good one.... I just bought one of my nephews a shirt that said
"Procrastinators United will meet tomorrow"...

FROM GOOD DEBT JON: Words, even “prevaricator” goes down smoother than the more succinct “liar.”

FROM SH IN SF: I'm usually so busy with a lot of things that I keep putting off doing housework until tomorrow. I know the German Hausfraus don't do that. They arise every morning and start sweeping off the front steps.

FROM FM IN WI: my main shortcoming is that I frequently an unable to put things off until tomorrow. I wish I could be more patient - more willing to deal with the evil of one day without crowding in more and more. When there is something before me, I tend to do it now - unfortunately permitting things, at times, to get in the way of relationships. Thanks again for your words - cause a person to think and reflect! I did put off for a day responding! Maybe I'm learning in my old age!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sometimes by waiting a bit, a problem will seem to take care of itself. Also, I have found that waiting and considering a situation a little longer can produce a better solution than the immediate obvious one. So, for today, I think I'll go fishing!