Tuesday, November 21, 2006

“A woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle.”
(Gloria Steinem) I don’t know if this is really a Winning Word, but I think it’s funny and typical of what Steinem would say. What are some of your favorite things? ;-) Jack

FROM GOOD DEBT JON IN OHIO: A woman without a man is the last woman of that lineage

J. B. HAS THIS WORD: It seems some women think they can't exist without a man. I just read a biography of the much married Elizabeth Taylor. She would be an example of that, I think.

L.S. CHIMES IN: I like my bicycle, although I dont love my bicycle.

FROM B.S. IN FLORIDA: Hi one of my Dad' s (relatives) never married, so I asked one time whether or not she missed life without a male companion, and she said to me as she gave me a hug,"Bobby, you're all the man I need or want", so some people choose to remain single in life. When I shipped out to sea, I discovered early on, that a sailor's life was very lonely, and not for me.


Anonymous said...

Does this mean that a woman with a man is like a fish with a bicycle?

Anonymous said...

bicycle, a vehicle consisting of two wheels, one behind the other, connected by a simple framework of steel tubing. It is equipped with handle bars and a saddlelike seat, and is propelled by the feet of the rider or, if it is a motor bicycle, by a small gasoline motor.
bicyclic, 1. of or forming two circles, cycles, etc.
2. in chemistry, containing two fused rings in the molecule.

Anonymous said...

I can say my man, whom I love, drives me crazy more frequently than my bicycle does. And probably vice versa. And Gloria with this hard-to-figure out saying makes me a little crazy too. What on earth can she be thinking of? I saw the movie "Happy Feet". The penguins have little bit longer legs, maybe they would be good to ride the bicycle.