Friday, April 30, 2010

Winning Words 4/30/10
“Honk if you love Jesus; text while driving if you want to meet him.” (Bumper Sticker – sent by PH) Here in Michigan, a law banning texting while driving is being considered. A ban on smoking in public places goes into effect tomorrow. Wearing helmets is mandatory for motorcyclists. Whenever a law is enacted, some are “fer” it, and others are “agin” it. I have a friend who’s a Libertarian. I’m not. ;-) Jack

FROM MF IN MICHIGAN: I am "fer" the smoking and texting ban, on the other hand motorcycle riders without helmets make good organ donors. FROM JACK: I saw that a state (I think it was NY) was proposing that all residents are required to be organ donors. Does that mean all residents will be required to ride motorcycles? MORE FROM MF: You have got the beginnings of a science fiction movie of the future where
the bad guys conspire to create a new black market for live organs, with the governments help, you will be worth more dead, and at the same time will be helping the new health care program. FROM JACK: On a more positive note, go to yesterday's BLOG and read the response from Paige.

FROM JK IN MICHIGAN: I noticed something funny the other day. Now that we have more laws being enacted that prescribe what is correct & what is not, I have perceived a tendency to be more judgmental with less unconditional love. Reminds me of how the law causes sin to rise up as discussed in Romans 5:20. I believe that we are entering a time of great healing - But I find the current season to be a challenge for maintaining faith. FROM JACK: The Ten Commandments have been called by some, The Ten Suggestions. The question becomes, Whose command are they? and Who does the enforcing? and Who interprets the meaning and the value of each?

FROM GOOD DEBT JON: I wear a seat belt without objection. It keeps me from having to walk back to the scence of the accident. FROM JACK: Laws with an enforced penalty seem to work. I remember buying a new car, when seat belts had to be ordered as an option. We ordered them.

FROM NL IN FL OR IN: That's Funny Jack. FROM JACK: But accidents, causing fatalities or serious injuries because of carelessless are nothing to laugh at.

FROM PO IN MICHIGAN: I'm boggled that the law is even necessary. Common sense seems to be in short supply these days. FROM JACK: Lots of stuff boggles my mind.

FROM RI IN BOSTON: I enjoy bumper sticker messages and that's a good one. My single satisfaction sitting at a stop light is reading the bumper stickers ahead of me. There is something about everything exhibited there...I wonder how much the bumper sticker industry contributes to the economy. FROM JACK: I have a daily calendar, "The Year's Best Bumper Stickers." One of them reads: "The TRUTH will set you free, but first it will piss you off."

FROM GUSTIE MN: Count me as against the law. I don't like the government controlling everything we do--most of those laws are just common sense and if people are dumb enough to do it--as long as they don't hurt someone else in the process--they deserve what they get! I don't know how on earth my kids ever grew up. The crib they used had been my husband's, no seatbelts in the cars, the toys must have had several things on them that are now outlawed! I had a crib mattress in the back end of the station wagon on long trips and
the kids would just crawl back there and take a nap if they were tired. Oh well! FROM JACK: I'm glad that food and drug producers have to follow the law. I'm glad that my children and grandchildren live in a time when there are laws for their own protection. I'm glad I don't have to go into a place and breathe someone else's smoke. Oh well!

FROM HAWKEYE GS: Your WW is always good for a laugh or thought. FROM JACK: ...or both!

FROM SH IN MICHIGAN: I'm ticked off that the tobacco companies doctored the cigarettes in the first place to get them to be more addictive. Can we get the government to make some laws against corporations doctoring our food, beverages, and cigarettes? How come it's always the individuals who get the brunt of the laws? Probably because we don't have any lobbyists working for us. FROM JACK: Do you remember this?

Smoke, Smoke, Smoke That Cigarette

Now I'm a feller with a heart of gold
And the ways of a gentleman I've been told
The kind of guy that wouldn't even harm a flea

But if me and a certain character met
The guy that invented the cigarette
I'd murder that son-of-a-gun in the first degree

It ain't cuz I don't smoke myself
And I don't reckon that it'll harm your health
Smoked all my life and I ain't dead yet

But nicotine slaves are all the same
At a pettin' party or a poker game
Everything gotta stop while they have a cigarette

Smoke, smoke, smoke that cigarette
Puff, puff, puff and if you smoke yourself to death

Tell St. Peter at the Golden Gate
That you hate to make him wait
But you just gotta have another cigarette

Now in a game of chance the other night
Old Dame Fortune was a-doin' me right
The kings and the queens just kept on comin' round

And I got a full and I bet 'em high
But my bluff didn't work on a certain guy
He just kept on raisin' and layin' that money down

Now he'd raise me and I'd raise him
I sweated blood, gotta sink or swim
He finally called and didn't even raise the bet

So I said "aces full Pops how 'bout you?"
He said "I'll tell you in a minute or two
But right now, I gotta have me a cigarette"

Smoke, smoke, smoke that cigarette
Puff, puff, puff and if you smoke yourself to death

Tell St. Peter at the Golden Gate
That you hates to make him wait
But you just gotta have another cigarette

(Ah, smoke it! Hah! Yes! Yes! Yes!)

The other night I had a date
With the cutest little girl in the United States
A high-bred, uptown, fancy little dame

She loved me and it seemed to me
That things were 'bout like they oughta be
So hand in hand we strolled down lover's lane

She was oh so far from a cake of ice
And our smoochin' party was goin' nice
So help me cats I believe I'd be there yet

But I give her a kiss and a little squeeze
And she said, "ah, Marty, excuse me please
I just gotta have me another, cigarette"

And she said, smoke, smoke, smoke that cigarette
Puff, puff, puff and if you smoke yourself to death

Tell St. Peter at the Golden Gate
That you hate to make him wait
But you just gotta have another cigarette

FROM LIZ IN ILLINOIS: Although I am one of your Libertarian friends (I hope!) the sensible Libertarian recognizes that there have to be certain laws for the safety of everyone. "My rights end where yours begin" is the rule. Everyone is free to text. Just don't risk my life while you're doing it. Helmet laws? My friend's dad was a neurosurgeon
who said, "Spread what brains you have all over the pavement, if you like. Just don't call me in the middle of the night to try to put you back together again if you weren't wearing a helmet." FROM JACK: A partial Libertarian?

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: Someone people don't like "Banning" laws of any kind. However, I find a large majority of people Need laws because they don't have common sense. I like my freedoms but I don't like texting while driving or smoke in my face when I'm out to dinner. Helmets....well, I don't ride motorcycles but I know people who didn't survive minor As for you not being Libertarian... I'm sure your friend is praying for your healing. LOLOL FROM JACK: My Liber-publican friend knows that I will never change...even with offering prayers.

FROM CJL IN OHIO: I'm sharing this with my friends who drive. Thanks!

FROM MO IN ILLINOIS: Clever quote! And true! It is a law in IL (recent) that you can't text while driving. Don't know how they will ever enforce it, but at least they can try. We've had no smoking ANYWHERE for a couple of years. It's been hard on smokers, but heavenly to those who have asthma, etc. FROM JACK: When I was growing up The Moline Dispatch comics page would have something called, "It's The Law!" and each day some strange law would be featured. For example, in Bexley, Ohio, it's against the law to have slot machines in outhouses.

FROM MO IN ILLINOIS: Funny! P.U.! My husband preached a sermon on that topic one time, using ridiculous laws still on the books. In Macomb, IL it is against the law for a car to impersonate a wolf! in Atlanta GA, you can't tie a giraffe to a telephone pole or a street light! It is against the law in Chicago, IL to eat in a restaurant that is on fire...It's illegal to catch fish, while on horseback in Washington, D.C. ,Anyone found under a sidewalk in Florida, is guilty of disorderly conduct! It's against the law in Kentucky to marry the same man/woman four times. (good grief) and horrors! In in Hartford, CT it's illegal to kiss your wife on Sunday!! And on and on...There is a fun game we have called It's the Law, and one has to discern if the ridiculous law presented is indeed a law or is false.

FROM DS IN MICHIGAN: I really do love this – will forward to our Exec. Board and a few Moms on our list.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Winning Words 4/29/10
“Do not use a hatchet to remove a fly from your friend’s forehead.” (Chinese Proverb) This saying is a reminder that we need to show sensitivity to our friends, if we are to keep them as friends. There is such a thing as acting without thinking. Maybe the practice of counting to 10 before swinging a hatchet isn’t such a bad idea. ;-) Jack

FROM MV IN MICHIGAN: Amen Jack. I really need to work on this personally! FROM JACK: It starts with putting away the hatchet and using something else.

FROM HS IN MICHIGAN: Too graphic! FROM JACK: Now that I've got you attention....

FROM LIZ IN ILLINOIS: NOW you tell me! FROM JACK: "Lay that hatchet down, babe, lay that hatchet down; hatchet wielding mama, lay that hatchet down." Do you remember that song?

FROM GOOD DEBT JON: This sounds like a summary of Obamacare. They'll get the fly but kill the economic will for folks to be self sufficient. The other explanation is proponents of government takeover of health care are not really friends (of freedom). FROM JACK: We have to watch out when you have a tomahawk in your hand.

FROM HAWKEYE GS: How about walking in the other's shoes first? FROM JACK: Try moccasins.

FROM MOLINER CF: If he is a true friend, he will appreciate the removal of the fly. FROM JACK: As for me, I'd rather deal with the fly than an ax in my head.

FROM SG IN TAMPA: We shouldn't even be thinking of hatchets at this stage of life. FROM JACK: If there are any hatchets, they should be this stage of life.

FROM PRJS IN MICHIGAN: It was my job one summer to cut down 126 Elm trees (when the blight hit) with an axe (hatchet). It works much better on them than on a forehead. FROM JACK: You might gain the attention of some blockheads by using an axe.


FROM PAIGE: I have to share a story about your quote yesterday. I'm an 8th grade science teacher and I have a student named Florisha. I love her immensely but she is a very challenging young lady! She has amazing potential but does not see it in herself. She is a student who continuously acts impulsively. In fact, it is something we have been working on because she is having a hard time making and keeping positive relationships. Yesterday, I printed your quote “Do not use a hatchet to remove a fly from your friend’s
forehead.” I gave it to her and asked if she understood why I thought of her when I read it. She got teary eyed and explained to me exactly why I shared it with her. She impressed me with the depth of her understanding, in fact. Yesterday afternoon, we had a staff meeting about a new check in, check out program where
challenging students have a "Parent" here at school that greets them in the morning, makes sure they have all their materials, and checks in with them at the end of the day to see how the day went. Florisha has been piloting the program and was asked to present to the staff how she felt it was working. At the end of her presentation, she decided to read your quote to the staff and to use it to explain to everyone she is trying to do exactly what you suggested. Start counting to 10 before responding. It was really impressive and
amazing to see her apologize to the staff for her challenges but promise them to keep trying. I loved it.
I often forward your quotes to the people they bring to mind. I can't tell you how much I appreciate each and every one. Thank you!!! I attached a picture of Florisha presenting yesterday. I was proud of her! FROM JACK: A response like yours makes Winning Words worthwhile for me.

FROM PRCH ON CAPE COD: Thanks for this one! In communicating to a family member recently I think I came on too strong... and these words were apt... with a big grin I forwarded this quotation and apologized for being too strong in my communication! Thanks, Nathan! (biblical pun intended!) FROM JACK: A song that I like was sung by the Mills Brothers.....

You always hurt the one you love
The one you shouldn't hurt at all
You always take the sweetest rose
And crush it till the petals fall

You always brea-eak the kindest hear-eart
With a hasty word you can't recall, so
If I broke your heart la-ast night
It's because I love you most of all

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Winning Words 4/28/10
“A man who’s willing to make a decision in the first place can always make another one to correct any mistake he’s made.” (HST) Truman was called on to make key decisions when he was President. A sign on his desk read: “The Buck Stops Here.” He realized that he was not perfect and might have to go back and make a corrected decision. Life would be better if we were to follow his example. ;-) Jack

FROM LIZ IN ILLINOIS: I heard one of the TV shrinks say, "You can always alter your course" the other day. Sometimes I forget that. FROM JACK: ...and sometimes the course is altered for us.

FROM SH IN MICHIGAN: I have one of your WW from 1/8/09 taped to the top of my computer. Now going to print out today's too and tape this WW on the other side of the top of my computer. Great thought for today and one I'll probably pass along to others. We need to always be aware of how much we and others can change and not make hard, final boxes which actually don't reflect the whole reality. FROM JACK: I have stuff taped by my computer. Once in a while I reread them and try to remember why I put them there.

FROM JK IN MICHIGAN: Funny, I shared something last night with friends the Lord had told me recently; "I have chosen you & I already know about the mistakes (you will make). I still choose you." FROM JACK: The Lord moves (in our lives) in mysterious ways...and it makes a difference.

FROM ML IN ILLINOIS: i've made some of my best decisions on the 2nd...3rd...4th try. FROM JACK: As the old saying goes..."If at first you don't succeed..."

FROM MOLINER TG: Did Harry Truman have a middle name? I remember shortly after he became president newspapers reported his middle name as "Ship". More recent accounts say he had no middle name but adopted "S" to have a middle inital. Having lived during the time so much scorn and a lot of jokes about his hayseed ineptitude were heaped on him during his presidentcy, he turned out to be one of our most underrated presidents and a darned good one. FROM JACK: You're right about the middle initial, S (without a period after it.) He would have preferred "damned" over "darned." SG (one of our classmates) and I would agree with your comment about his presidency. Maybe it's because it was our first chance to vote in a presidential election.

FROM MO IN ILLINOIS: I recently read his very large biography by David McCullough of TRUMAN, and it was well worth the read! He sure was one who took responsibility for what he decided and did or said.

FROM CJL IN OHIO: Have you read Merle Miller's HARRY TRUMAN: AN ORAL BIOGRAPHY? It'll give you a great perspective of this great man. FROM JACK: The brother of Don Johnson (from Class of 54) was an archivist at the Truman Library. He dresses like Truman (and looks somewhat like him) and goes around giving lectures as a Truman impersonator. History has been kinder to HST than the polls were when he was living. Mary and I visited his home in Independence.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Winning Words 4/27/10
“We are all infinite spiritual beings having a temporary human experience.” (Wayne Dyer – sent by RI) A favorite song of mine begins: “This world is not my home, I’m just’a passin’ through…” At least, this world is not a permanent home. Our bodies are temporary; our spirit is what is eternal. May we remember this when loved ones end their human experience. ;-) Jack

FROM JMC IN GVSU: go on youtube or google and listen to carrie underwood's song "temporary home". the end of the song definitely relates so you'd have to listen to the whole thing! FROM JACK: An excellent follow up to today's WWs. That's the whole point. I enjoyed listening to the song and seeing the video.
Old man, hospital bed,
The room is filled with people he loves.
And he whispers don't cry for me,
I'll see you all someday.
He looks up and says, "I can see God's face."
"This is my temporary Home
It's not where I belong.
Windows and rooms that I'm passin' through.
This was just a stop,on the way to where I'm going.
I'm not afraid because I know... this was
My temporary home."
This is our temporary home.

FROM CS IN WISCONSIN: This may seem long, but it's to the point and worth reading.

Ducks Quack, Eagles Soar Excellent point for life.

No one can make you serve customers well.....that's because great service is a choice.
Harvey Mackay, tells a wonderful story about a cab driver that proved this point.

He was waiting in line for a ride at the airport. When a cab pulled up, the first thing Harvey noticed was that the taxi was polished to a bright shine. Smartly dressed in a white shirt, black tie, and freshly pressed black slacks, the cab driver jumped out and rounded the car to open the back passenger door for Harvey .

He handed my friend a laminated card and said: 'I'm Wally, your driver. While I'm loading your bags in the trunk I'd like you to read my mission statement.'

Taken aback, Harvey read the card.. It said: Wally's Mission Statement: To get my customers to their destination in the quickest, safest and cheapest way possible in a friendly environment...

This blew Harvey away. Especially when he noticed that the inside of the cab matched the outside. Spotlessly clean!

As he slid behind the wheel, Wally said, 'Would you like a cup of coffee? I have a thermos of regular and one of decaf.' My friend said jokingly, 'No, I'd prefer a soft drink.' Wally smiled and said, 'No problem. I have a cooler up front with regular and Diet Coke, water and orange juice...' Almost stuttering, Harvey said, 'I'll take a Diet
Coke.' Handing him his drink, Wally said, 'If you'd like something to read, I have The Wall Street Journal, Time, Sports Illustrated and USA Today.'

As they were pulling away, Wally handed my friend another laminated card, 'These are the stations I get and the music they play, if you'd like to listen to the radio.'

And as if that weren't enough, Wally told Harvey that he had the air conditioning on and asked if the temperature was comfortable for him. Then he advised Harvey of the best route to his destination for that time of day. He also let him know that he'd be happy to chat and tell him about some of the sights or, if Harvey preferred, to leave him with his own thoughts.

'Tell me, Wally,' my amazed friend asked the driver, 'have you always served customers like this?' Wally smiled into the rear view mirror. 'No, not always.. In fact, it's only been in the last two years.. My first five years driving, I spent most of my time complaining like all the rest of the cabbies do. Then I heard the personal growth guru, WayneDyer, on the radio one day.

He had just written a book called You'll See It When You Believe It. Dyer said that if you get up in the morning expecting to have a bad day, you'll rarely disappoint yourself. He said, 'Stop complaining! Differentiate yourself from your competition. Don't be a duck. Be an eagle. Ducks quack and complain. Eagles soar above the crowd..'

'That hit me right between the eyes,' said Wally. 'Dyer was really talking about me. I was always quacking and complaining, so I decided to change my attitude and become an eagle. I looked around at the other cabs and their drivers. The cabs were dirty, the drivers were unfriendly, and the customers were unhappy. So I decided to make some changes. I put in a few at a time. When my customers responded well, I did more.'

'I take it that has paid off for you,' Harvey said. 'It sure has,' Wally replied. 'My first year as an eagle, I doubled my income from the previous year. This year I'll probably quadruple it. You were lucky to get me today. I don't sit at cabstands anymore. My customers call me for appointments on my cell phone or leave a message on my answering machine. If I can't pick them up myself, I get a reliable cabbie friend to do it and I take a piece of the action.'

Wally was phenomenal. He was running a limo service out of a Yellow Cab. I've probably told that story to more than fifty cab drivers over the years, and only two took the idea and ran with it. Whenever I go to their cities, I give them a call. The rest of the drivers quacked like ducks and told me all the reasons they couldn't do any of what I was suggesting.. Wally the Cab Driver made a different choice. He decided to stop quacking like ducks and start soaring like eagles.

How about us? Smile, and the whole world smiles with you... The ball is in our hands! A man reaps what he sows. Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up... let us do good to all people. Ducks Quack, Eagles Soar.

FROM PRJS IN MICHIGAN: Non-Biblical again!!! When we die, we die....completely....body and spirit (Unto Thee I give up my spirit)....We are not eternal. We are resurrected by the power of God. You are thinking of Odin and Thor when you talk about Immortals....going back to your Swedish heritage. FROM JACK: I'm glad that someone has the answer to what happens to us when we die. BTW, I have this posted above my computer...."I live in my own little world, but it's OK, they know me here."

FOM ML IN ILLINOIS: i use this phrase all the time. i thought it was a deepok chopra. i learned it from him when i saw/heard him speak years ago on the seven spiritual laws of success. FROM JACK: We all borrow from others, and that is good. Are there any original thoughts.

FROM PO IN MICHIGAN: That's lovely! FROM JACK: I thought so, too.

FROM RI IN BOSTON: As humans we are so limited, but our spirituality is boundless. Our body has a singular life while our spirit can prevail in many lives. Every day of my life I am inspired by so many lives that have now departed the world of humans, and I'm certain those same lives have infused many others besides me.
FROM JACK: Spirituality is a personal experience, in MY opinion.

FROM SH IN MICHIGAN: Fascinated for a few minutes this morning that "beings" and "experience" are related in these WW as the two nouns and "infinite spiritual" and "temporary human" are related as the adjectives. But, after the word "having" does "experience" become an adjective of "beings", that is that "beings" are defined by their having "experiences"? Usually thought that the most important quality that I have is being "human" but, after considering these WW perhaps that is of more mundane importance than being "infinite", "spiritual", "a being", and having "experiences." Being "temporary" might be of mundane importance, too, seeing as it is related to the "human" quality of existence. Infinitely spiritual at 6:21 in the morning

FROM HAWKEYE GS: we are a spirit with a mind in a body

FROM DS IN SAN DIEGO: right on target. Today's Winning Words reflects a large part of our discussions at our church's Men's Retreat we had this weekend. I have a close friend who often comments "This world is not my home". It can give you comforting feeling. FROM JACK: Can your close friend sing the song?

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: I've never considered myself as an infinite spiritual being but I certainly agree this is a temporary home. I look forward to my permanent one....some day, hopefully, not soon. FROM JACK: What do you think "infinite spiritual being" means?

FROM SG IN TAMPA: We know that, of course, but we are now at the stage of life that so many of our friends have taken their final journey. FROM JACK: Do you read the obituaries? I do.

FROM LIZ IN ILLINOIS: I like this one. That's all. I'm not going to yell. Or anything... FROM JACK: That's because you're spiritual.

FROM MO IN ILLINOIS: Yes: This is similar to the saying, "I'm not a human being having a temporary Spiritual experience; I am a Spiritual being having a temporary human experience".Same thing said a different way, eh? The older we get, and the more of our loved ones experience the "next step", the more we think of this!

FROM CJL IN OHIO: And remember it as a GIFT!
'Tis the gift to be simple,
'tis the gift to be free,
'tis the gift to come down
where we ought to be,
and when we find ourselves in the place just right,
'twill be in the valley of love and delight.
When true simplicity is gained
to bow and to bend we shan't be ashamed,
to turn, turn, will be our delight
till by turning, turning we come round right.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Winning Words 4/26/10
“It’s hard to beat a person who never gives up.” (Babe Ruth) An example of this comes from WW 2, when outnumbered American troops were called on to surrender. Their commander had a one-word answer…NUTS! They went on to win the Battle of the Bulge. Whatever your battle might be, hang in there, and remember what the Babe had to say. ;-) Jack

FROM PRJS: That's why I am still in the ELCA....Why concede the church to a bunch of nuts??? FROM JACK: We like to have a "salty" nut like you in the mix.

FROM GOOD DEBT JON: I am not sure this is on point for the blog but; I just met a crew that is removing freezer from a warehouse I bought. They drove all night in a single cab pick-up to get here (Columbus, Ohio) from Alabama and are down there working now. There work ethic and tenacity make me feel ashamed for whining about my cold and cough and minor ailments. These are some guys that want to work. FROM JACK: I am going to pay attention to people like that and remember to compliment them for the work they do. MORE FROM JON: Yeah. I agree. I bought them breakfast and coffee, water, etc. It is pretty impressive when I see how relatively easy I have it. My wife is great at recognizing folks for the work they do. Of course she is pretty great at everything. I hope you get to meet her one day.

FROM DMF: I like this one. FROM JACK: I wonder if the Babe really said it. Brainy Quote says he did. This one sounds more reasonable: "Cobb is a prick. But he sure can hit. God Almighty, that man can hit."

FROM HAWKEYE GS: What about Sir Winston: "Never, never give up!" FROM JACK: Another good one.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: I read a short story once about a little boy who was on a baseball team. Their team was losing 19 to nothing. When the dad asked the little boy if he was upset, the little one said "No...we haven't gotten up to bat yet!" I also think Helen Keller, Rosa Parks, Abraham Lincoln, and a little boy at my physical therapy sessions. The children's pt is down the hall from the adult pt, but they bring him in for a special
machine. He wears a little blue helmet and struggles to walk and talk, but he always has a happy smile on his face. Watching him work on that big machine is very humbling. He will not give up so neither will I! FROM JACK: Good examples of "hanging in there."

Friday, April 23, 2010

Winning Words 4/23/10
"The events of life are mainly small events. They only seem large when we are close to them.” (Mark Twain) When you live long enough, you see the truth of Sam’s words. The reverse can be true also. Small events, in perspective, can turn out to be major ones. I wonder into which category The Great Recession will fall. Can you think of some examples of small events that have turned out to be large? ;-) Jack

FROM RI IN BOSTON: Would a cow kicking over a lantern while Mrs. O'Leary did the morning milking count as a small event escalating into something huge? FROM JACK: That's a good example. How about the short flight by the Wright brothers?

FROM SH IN MICHIGAN: Reading a book which tells about Kristallnacht, 1938. 17 year old Jewish youth assassinated a German diplomat and this led to Nazis' first major nationwide terror attack on German Jews, during which practically all synagogues were destroyed. Jewish shops and places of work were decimated. Terrible as the attack was on the Twin Towers, I think the awfulness of it all has been dwarfed by the repercussions of the Iraq War and the angers and hostilities festoring towards us in the Middle East and what has happened to our own economy due to paying for the war. FROM JACK: Small conflicts have a way of escalating, even in the home. In the small manner, small good deeds have a way of escalating, too. Earth Day started with an idea in one person's mind.

FROM LIZ IN ILLINOIS: The Tea Party. Started small, growing every minute. FROM JACK: Have you ever attended any of their rallies?

FROM MO IN ILLINOIS: Like "Don't sweat the small stuff: P.S. It's all small stuff!" remember that book? A good reminder.;;;But it proves true in life, that you usually have a choice at some point in life, between a good one and a bad one, and if you choose the bad one, then you only have a choice of two bad things...and people dig a hole for themselves, which is hard to recover from. I haven't put that very well, but hope you understand!
FROM JACK: If only we were able to discern the difference between "stuff." But God has given us a brain and a heart and a conscience. That should help.

FROM GOOD DEBT JON: Small event: The 17th Amendment, passed in 1913 and first in effect for the election of 1914, amends Article 1 Section 3 of the Constitution to provide for the direct election of Senators by the people of a state rather than their appointment by a state legislature. Result: Nationalized representation loss of states’ rights. It is why you see East Coast Senators raising money in L.A. This small event under the guise of “fairness” gave up states sovereignty. 1913 brought the Federal Reserve, IRS, and cleared the runway for Socialism. Small event tragic results still today. FROM JACK: Was the Civil War the result of a conflict over states rights over against the union of states? I suppose that there are differences of opinions on that. I'm going to ask a friend who is a Civil War "expert."

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Winning Words 4/22/10
“Be content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you.” (Lao-Tzu) This was seen by JM in a doctor’s office. What an appropriate reminder to people who come to such an office with various concerns. Worry and “What if-s” have a way of trying to dominate our thinking. I like that part of the Sermon on the Mount which speaks about anxiety and what to do about it. ;-) Jack

FROM JM IN VIRGINIA: Again, "the birds of the air and the lilies of the field" was another "Dad" favorite -- Happy Earth Day! FROM JACK: Thanks for the reminder of a "very special" person...a real down-to-earth guy.

FROM RI IN BOSTON: That's the way I felt on my wedding day...and it hasn't changed much since.

FROM MK IN MICHIGAN: Often I am so able to do this, but you are right if I could just stay in that place. I will work on it! FROM JACK: Keep working on that positive attitude.

FROM GOOD DEBT JON: Priceless, but If everyone followed this advice, Jack, what would the politicians, poverty pimps, race baiters, war mongers, and haters have to do? FROM JACK: They would probably organize a protest against the concept.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: "Life is not the way it's supposed to be. It's the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference!" Found on an old card.

FROM GOOD DEBT JON: RI in Boston had the best answer today….

FROM MO IN ILLINOIS: I have a similar quote on my refrigerator, which was a favorite of my pastor husband (Since we often had to compromise on what we would REALLY like, and what we were able to do...) WANT WHAT YOU HAVE, AND YOU WILL ALWAYS HAVE WHAT YOU WANT. It has helped me innumerable times! Actually when you travel to India, or Thailand, or Haiti, etc. you find you have MORE than sufficient!!! Here in the states, our friends live the good life...

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Winning Words 4/21/10
“Never take someone for granted, because you might wake up some day and realize that you’ve lost a diamond while you were too busy collecting stones.” (Islamic quote) Maybe today’s that day to take an inventory of those diamonds in your life and determine to give them some special attention. ;-) Jack

FROM RI IN BOSTON: That quote is reminiscent of the story The Ugly Duckling...misjudging can lead to serious mistakes. It seems that we shouldn't question beginnings, but ought to dwell on endings instead.

FROM SH IN MICHIGAN: Thanks!!! I know what the first thing on my list to do is and will be giving some special attention all day.

FROM PRDL IN OREGON: Thanks, Jack, for being a diamond in so many lives! It's good to start the day with your optimism in mind!

FROM MO IN ILLINOIS: Certainly something to keep in mind! We may not even be aware that we have "lost" a diamond because we failed to nurture a relationship!! :-(

FROM MOLINER CF: "Diamonds are Man's best friend"

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Winning Words 4/20/10
“Worry is the darkroom where negatives are developed.” (Seen on a church sign) I like to see messages on church signs as I drive by. I don’t know if doing this is in the same category as texting, but it’s interesting. This message reminds me that negatives are often a problem. A positive attitude can help put worry in its right place. ;-) Jack

FROM HS IN MICHIGAN: Marvelous line! Here's to being an optimist, eh?!

FROM PRJS IN MICHIGAN: When negatives are developed, they become positives!!! FROM JACK: Are you positive about that? MORE FROM JS: Actually, I'm kind of neutral about the whole subject.

FROM GOOD DEBT JON: My favorite church sign was in front of a an ancient stone church in Marrietta, Oh. It read: "Stop, drop, and roll, doesn't work in Hell." MORE FROM JON: I am working on a song with a friend about a guy that see’s a sign in front of a church and reevaluates his life. Slow progress we haven’t worked on it in 6 months. We don’t have a chorus we like yet and may totally redo V-1

FROM JO IN MICHIGAN: That's a good WW..."negatives are developed in a darkroom"...I love it!

MORE FROM JON: I am working on a song with a friend about a guy that see’s a sign in front of a church and reevaluates his life. Slow progress we haven’t worked on it in 6 months. We don’t have a chorus we like yet and may totally redo V-1 FROM JACK: It sounds like a good start.

FROM SH IN MICHIGAN: This is actually a very good WW. I've learned that God is big enough to hold all my worries. There was once upon a time when I didn't think that and was in danger of not getting out of the darkroom but thanks be to God, He was even both inside and outside of the darkroom and therein lay my freedom, even from such terrifying worries.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Winning Words 4/19/10
“It’s difficult to steer a parked car, so get moving.” (Henrietta Mears) Most people I know, including myself, could stand to have this posted prominently. Procrastination is not only a big word; it’s also a big problem. When I really need to get moving, I make a list and cross out the accomplished tasks, one by one. ;-) Jack

FROM PL IN MICHIGAN: I have always been a great believer of lists....if I can find it! FROM JACK: On my list, I tend to tackle the easy ones first. But the most satisfying feeling comes when I can cross off one of the hard ones

FROM COPPER COUNTRY BL: This is a great word for today. I've been procrastinating contacting two people.

FROM LIZ IN ILLINOIS: How long do you think it will take you to post it prominently? Ha! Happy Monday. FROM JACK: I'm going to put it right next to my "Obama for President" poster so I can see it regularly.

FROM CS IN MICHIGAN: I love this one Jack....I too make a list and cross off the accomplishments one by one. FROM JACK: #1 on my list. I need to do that more often.

FROM MOLINER CF: Do you prioritize your list? FROM JACK: I just use Priority Mail at the post office.

FROM SH IN MICHIGAN: I believe my procrastination is directly tied into a fear of failure. If the goal seems really risky and my abilities way too limited, then I'm likely to keep putting off doing anything. The problem is basically the car--it's not only parked it's of an unlikely make and year to put on the road.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Winning Words 4/16/10
“There never seems to be enough time to do all the things you want to do.” (Jim Croce) “Time In A Bottle” is one of my favorite songs. Time is fickle. Sometimes it moves so fast, and sometimes so slow. And, then, there are times when we’d just like to stop it all together and, as Jim sings, put it in a bottle. But isn’t it the nature of time that it’s always movin’ on? However, if you could put it in a bottle…. ;-) Jack

FROM HAWKEYE GS: I was getting too busy so I tracked my time. With 168 hours in a week I had allotted 190 hours, including sleep & meals. Somethin' gotta change. FROM JACK: Try stuffing a 190 pound body into clothes that are for a 168 pounder.

FROM PL IN MICHIGAN: You just happen to pick our wedding song, Jack! It was 36 years on March 31. I happen to really like that song for so many reasons. FROM JACK: And now prospective grandparents...Time flies, indeed.

FROM PR JS IN MICHIGAN: "What is time?" FROM JACK: Augustine said, "If no one asks of me, I know; if I wish to explain to him who asks, I know not." That should satisfy you! MORE FROM JS: I was interested to see if you would use the Augustine quote....and you did. Good for you.

FROM GOOD DEBT JON: I like this quote by Dumas, but I don't know who he is. "It is time to make the time." — Henry Dumas: Was an American writer and poet And, another...
Time is selfish. If you ignore it, it turns its back on you... not giving you the time of day. But if you plan for it, pay attention to it, and respect it, it happily gives you all the hours and minutes you need. There is more than enough time to get healthy and live exceptionally. You simply must make the time. (Dr. Gerald Epstein)
FROM JACK: I took the time to Google Henry Dumas, and I'm glad I did.
MORE FROM JON: Agreed. "Time in a Bottle" is a classic about a timeless subject. That and Alvin Lee's "I'd Love to Change the World" are high on the list of songs I wish I had written. This week I am working on a song for my daughter. She turns 15 Tuesday.

FROM SG IN TAMPA: That is why we should enjoy each day regardless. By the way, tomorrow our neighbors are going to celebrate a long life of living of Pop, 100 years. His granddaughter and and husband live across the street, and they prepare the meals every weekend for Pop and Jack, who is slightly mentally challenged and who does a lot of handy work for everyone around. Pop sometimes rides his three wheel bike around the block and spends a lot of time working on its motor. On the Today program yesterday it was announced that he went 80 miles an hour, but I have never seen him go that fast. FROM JACK: I hope that the bike has a horn and the rider knows how to use it.

FROM DM IN MICHIGAN: Thank you for your thoughts.....They have helped me through a difficult stretch ...and will continue to do so, as I weather transitional storms.... FROM JACK: God has a way of entering our life in unusual ways.

FROM DMF IN MINNESOTA: After reading this I listened to the song. FROM JACK: What if you really could put time in a bottle? Great tune and great words.

FROM MOLINER CF: Maybe that's because we spend too much time doing some of the things we could do in less time. For the things we really want to do, we make time. FROM JACK: I like spending time writing Winning Words and answering comments like yours. MORE FROM CF: I love the mindcersize you give me every day. Keep it up.

FROM DS IN SAN DIEGO: One of my most favorite, but somewhat sad, songs. I love to listen to it. I have his album and all his music is meaningful. He died way to early. FROM JACK: The Croce puzzle has many pieces.

FROM MO IN ILLINOIS: As you age, it seems time FLIES! The days just seem to slip away. It's always later than I think! Ha ("Enjoy yourself, it's later than you think...enjoy yourself, while you're still in the pink...but that another song!!) Keep smiling! FROM JACK: Ahhh, a Guy Lombardo favorite, or as a friend of mine used to call him, Gus Lumbago.

FRO PRJM IN MICHIGAN: There are some moments one would never want in a bottle and other moments, the ones we want to keep, that are too huge for a bottle. FROM JACK: That's an interesting comment. I think that Jim Croce was thinking of the "positive" times. There are some people who "bottle up" the memories of "negative" times that they don't enjoy and appreciate the good stuff that's going on.

FROM NK IN WISCONSIN: the first thing that came to my mind when I read the first line was......"time to go Mary!........ FROM JACK: That had slipped my mind. I'll have to practice that line so I can use it this summer in Bluejay country.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: I would put my children's and grandchildren's first bubbly laughs in to listen to forever. Now, with video camera's etc, you can actual accomplish those feats. I heard my children's laughter and thought I had never heard anything sweeter...but "Granma, I love you", comes close!


Thursday, April 15, 2010

Winning Words 4/15/10
“Don’t tax you; don’t tax me; tax that man behind the tree.” (Old Colonial barb) I’m one of those strange persons who doesn’t mind paying taxes. When I think about it, I get services worth far more than the taxes I pay. I’ve had interesting conversations over coffee about today’s quote and the history of it. ;-) Jack

FROM LK IN OHIO: Everybody has a notion of the maximum amount or he/she is willing to be taxed freely. I don't mind being taxed. I do mind being overly taxed. I don't want the govt. telling me I'm not overly taxed. FROM JACK: I'm willing to pay for the services I get, locally and nationally. I happen to think I'm getting a good deal, and I don't expect it to be perfect.

FROM DAZ IN COLORADO: And those people who don't pay any taxes are really happy about the services they get. FROM JACK: By nature, we ALL want to get "a deal." I happen to think that I'm getting a deal.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: I bet a lot of people, most people don't feel the way you do. And you grandchildren and great grandchildren will not receive the same benefits you feel you have paid for. Interesting comment being at the Colonials didn't receive much for their money. We can manage our money much better than the government thank you. We'd like the chance to try it for a change also. FROM JACK: I don't expect everybody to feel as I do, but I am what I am. My family members are not concerned that they might not be getting what I'm getting. The fruit does not fall far from the tree.

FROM LIZ IN ILLINOIS: It's not necessarily the taxes we mind, it's how they're spent. RECKLESSLY. Certainly you are not oblivious to notorious government waste? That doesn't bother you? Why not? Give me your wallet. I'd be happy to spend the money in it as I see fit, if that's how you feel. FROM JACK: There's waste whenever money is spent. I've wasted my share. I'm satisfied that, given the chance choose, I made my choice. At least I was given a choice. If you were running for office, and I were given the choice, I might vote for you to decide what to do with my wallet. MORE FROM LIZ: Please tell me you wouldn't buy a $600 hammer at your Ace Hardware... FROM JACK: Of course not. That's common sense. But of course you know that common sense is in short supply among many folks on both sides of the aisle and on Main St, too.

IT'S MINE IS REALLY GREED RATIONALIZED. FROM JACK: Ah, finally someone seems to understand my point.

FROM RI IN BOSTON: I'm there with you in the "strange persons" group. FROM JACK: See, not everyone in Boston is not full of beans.

FROM PL IN MICHIGAN: My son lives in Canada right now and they are expecting our first grandchild. The humanity Canadians show to new mothers and fathers is just amazing. Because of their maternity and paternity leaves, mothers are able to stay home with their baby for a significant amount of time. My son, entering law schoo, will not have to go into a lifetime of debt for student loans like my daughter who lives in Chicago. The medical care my daughter-in-law has received has been outstanding. The cost?????...High
taxes but look at the services they get. Bottom line..when taxes equate to better services everyone benefits! So,I agree with you. FROM JACK: No system is perfect, so I'm sure that a segment of Canadians complains about the taxing system. Human nature!

FROM GOOD DEBT JON: Most Americans would have no objection to paying taxes for, roads, basic law and order, national security and the like. It is when the system is gamed and taxpayers money is used to pit one group against another problems arise.
· When education becomes a mandatory one size fits all progressive indoctrination; I object.
· When neo con lobbyists profit specifically from a war; I object.
· When the power of the government is used to crush mom and pop (secured) bond holders to benefit only unions, I object.
· When only one company called Serious Materials receives tax credits (director married to Presidential staffer); I object.
· When the IRS will decide if my health care insurance is sufficient; I object.
· When Halliburton, Bechtel, General Dynamics profit by billions from un-bid war contracts; I object.
Jack, other than the partial list above, I too, have no objections to paying taxes either.
FROM JACK: I expected to hear from you laying out your thoughts on taxation. I especially agree with your last line. I might not agree with a line or two in your list, but that's why we have discussions and elections.

FROM HAWKEYE GS: We need to pay taxes. What about a tax only on what you purchase or consume? Seems fair to me. FROM JACK: I think that your idea has been proposed at some time in the past. Is that what Forbes called, a Flat Tax? MORE FROM GS: No,it is called a Fair Tax. I didn't think much of it at first, but it makes sense to me - but I think there should also be deductions at yearend for medical expenses. BTW, I was at the Demo-Repub tea party that was on national TV last week. People are just sick of big and bigger govt - just like Germany started to be like in the 1920s - and we know what happened to that. I don't want my g'kids going to the bank to cash a check for $.02 - like you did. FROM JACK: The Tea Parties are not my cuppa tea, as you no dout know. And cashing the check for 3 cents taught me the value of money, when a penny meant a penny.

FROM CA IN MICHIGAN: Thanks again. I still enjoy your "words"

MORE FROM RI: Do I read a reference there to the Tea Party people who gathered here yesterday. They were feeling their oats but I think maybe they were full of beans. FROM JACK: Merely coincidental.

FROM MOLINER CF: Don't tax you, Don't tax me;Tax that man behind the tree.Make him dig down in his pocket, If he owns a car, make him hock it.I don't even mind if he taxes thee.

FROM PRGC IN SAN DIEGO: It may seem strange but I feel the same way. May have something to say about why we became pastors, shepherds, caregivers, prophets, leaders, justice for all seekers. FROM JACK: I think that we weren't sleeping during Ethics classes.

FROM BP IN FLORIDA: I too do not mind paying a fair tax. What I object to is the way our tax money is spent. I just returned from the Naples Tea Party with over 3000 other concerned folks. A peaceful gathering of Veterans, seniors working folks on their lunch time, and college students, from all walks of life, all economic strata and a variety of political persuasions. Interesting that 95% of the signs were home made and everyone was smiling and waving. A grass roots movement supporting the Constitution, not an ideological organized
campaign. How refreshing. What a true testament to the American system when the signs are about Liberty, God, the Constitution and individual responsibility. God Bless America FROM JACK: Were any of them there wearing Obama buttons?

FROM JT IN MINNESOTA: You are so right about paying taxes. We do surely get more than we pay for.(and while paying them it seems to hurt so that is a good thought.) My mother always said, it is so much better to pay taxes than to be in the position of not having to pay them. You would have liked my mom a lot. I did!!
FROM JACK: I wish more people could look at "taxes" like your mom did.

FROM SH IN MICHIGAN: This has been really interesting. I think the crux of the matter is whether we trust our public institutions or not. Right now, there seems to be a lot of distrust--of the government, of our schools, of the insurance companies, of the banks, of the doctors, of the lawyers, of the media, even of our churches. At some point, it seems like we have to risk some trust or things will completely fall apart. So
far, I'm preferring to err on the side of trusting and hope God is on that side too, or rather that I am on the side of God, along with many other people. What exactly in the heck does God think about how we organize ourselves to provide for everyone's needs down here on earth? FROM JACK: "Consider the birds of the air..."

FROM MO IN ILLINOIS: Good one on "tax day"! Whenever I have traveled abroad, I have been happy to come "home" and pay my taxes, but I think we all cringe at how our money is wasted, or goes for things we would never sanction...I just pray our democracy can withstand the pesky Tea Partiers. I don't know when opposition has been this vocal, verging on violent! Not the brightest bulbs in the building...?

FROM ML IN ILLINOIS: mark and i both believe that we should pay more taxes as should those who make more than we do. we do receive so much more than we give in taxes. just don't understand those who want to hold onto it all. after all, you can't take it with you. FROM JACK: and..Count your blessings!

FROM JS IN MICHIGAN: I couldn't agree with you more. Geez, you sound like a Democrat.

FROM LS IN MICHIGAN: I know you dont get into politics and rightfully so but I saw this article in the Voice of the people the other day and wondered if you wanted to comment on it??? This was penned by Norm Kinnison, a friend of mine, from Good Samaritan Lutheran Church (Pontiac) This does mirror alot of my feelings and ideas especially on this subject so here it goes: THE POOR DESERVES TO HAVE BETTER HEALTH CARE "This American served in the Marine Corps during the Vietnam war and gets a tear in his eyes every time he hears the national anthem. I also tried the U.S. Army out 10 years later only to find that once you're a Marine you will always be a Marine!!!
I also follow a socialist called Jesus Christ. A man once asked him how to get to heaven? My leader said. "Sell all your riches and give to the poor" He bowed his head in shame and went away. Am I willing to pay more taxes??? Yes !. Am I willing to give up some of my health care so the poor can have more. Yes!
I don't think the Democrats went FAR ENOUGH to help the poor. For those of you on the right, that want to tell me what I want, I don't need your help. This proud American already knows. Norm Kinnison
I work for and with Norm on the food pantry at our Church, Norm started this pantry out of our church years ago, long before I became a member.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Winning Words 4/14/10
“When you start with the wrong question, no matter how good an answer you get, it won’t matter very much.” (Jim Wallis – Sent by DC) Wallis is the founder of the magazine, Sojourners, and is an advocate for social justice. He is criticized by some for his advocacy. “What is social justice?” Can you give a good answer to that, or is it a wrong question? ;-) Jack

FROM PO IN MICHIGAN: I'm going to have fun with this one today. I have some problems with Jim Wallis tho I consider myself a justice person. Is it the 'social' piece ---- hmmmmm. FROM JACK: I expect to get some feedback on this one. The question is: "What is justice and how should it be applied to society?"

FROM PRJS: What is a wrong question? FROM JACK: One that gives you an earache.

FROM GOOD DEBT JON: The definition of social justice seems to change depending on whose ox is getting gored to lavish “justice” on the “victim” being championed by the abuser/hero. It is mans attempt to play God. Mostly by political hacks from the left or right imposing a sort of “misanthropic philanthropy.” The idea that social justice is achieved by raising costs more than 100 a month on 285 million that have health insurance to pay for 15 million that do not shows complete contempt and utter disregard for the 285 million. The current law controls every aspect of becoming an MD including where you will practice and how much you can make is the direction of the current state of “social justice.” The idea that you could buy insurance to replace a car you already wrecked is preposterous—but no more than forcing companies to insure preexisting conditions. The preexisting conditions clause will break insurance companies forcing out of business and
allowing the current government what it wants—a welfare program to replace real insurance—more dependence—higher costs—more control for the hero/abuser/government. Leftist social justice seems to have designs on creating a permanent underclass ever more dependent on government. A permanent voting bloc (much like the 2 million HC workers in the UK) only far larger. FROM JACK: I just asked a simple question.

FROM MF IN MICHIGAN: I don't think it is a wrong question, don't think I have a good answer either. I believe some things can become more fair, others will be unattainable. FROM JACK: A relative of my wife liked to have heated discussions. He would begin by coming into a room and asking, "What is justice?" -- and take off from there. MORE FROM MF: I loved Good Debt Jon's response, he nailed your question.

FROM SH IN MICHIGAN: Actually, my husband and I belong to a small Sojourners group. We just read within the last six months the book he wrote about economics. The wrong question "When is the economy going to get better?" The right question "What can we learn from this current economy so that we can do things better?" What exactly is social justice is a good question I think. But I pose the question that, when we learn some things from the current economy, what is it that always seems to keep a bunch of us people from taking
the path to do things better? There's where the sh** hits the fan. Seems like we can do things better but we need a heart for it. Maybe that's the same thing behind Jim Wallis being criticized for his advocacy. Pondering FROM JACK: I like your comment on turning a wrong question into a right question.

FROM BP IN FLORIDA: Toooo broad a question as Social is determined by the one asking. The courts handed down their perception of justice, but my grandson, ( for example) will never receive social justice as we see it. With this term you've hit a nerve and you know that's easy to do with me. FROM JACK: I don't let the courts determine what I think is justice; the teachings of Jesus guide me in my thoughts about people.

FROM MOLINER CF: Got to pondering the difference between Social Justice and Social Injustice. Is that the wrong question? FROM JACK: Social Injustice is the misuse of Social Justice. Each has to determine for himself/herself, what it is in their mind. From my point of view, a large segment of society is treated unjustly.

FROM PO IN MICHIGAN: Oh my --- I can feel the rusty gears in my brain groaning now. And I'm at the Synod House working on the assembly --- theme: For the Lord Loves Justice! FROM JACK: I'm glad to see that the synod believes...The Lord Loves Justice. Now, what is justice?

FROM MO IN ILLINOIS: Hard to argue with that one! I know of Sojourners Magazine, but do not subscribe to it. FROM JACK: I'm another of the non-subscribers who is an admirerer. I'll have to do something about that.

FROM SG IN TAMPA: That is very interesting question. Social justice used to mean-in the 40's and 50's- the right to earn a living wage and equal opportunity regardless of race or religion. When I belonged to the League for Social Justice in Davenport many years ago, those were the main concerns. Usually the pendulum swings too far in either direction. Today we need some common sense. FROM JACK: The mores of society change from generation to generation, but does basic justice? The Ten Commandments, for example, are a guide for justice, but the interpretation changes. I agree with regard to common sense. Someone said it: "Common sense isn't so common."

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Winning Words 4/13/10
“Sometimes it’s very difficult to keep momentum if it’s you that you are following.” (Tim Rice – from “Evita”) I have a real appreciation for those who write lyrics. Praise usually goes to the composer of the music. The music of Jesus Christ, Superstar is great, but the lyrics give it meaning. The quote has to do with choosing someone to follow. Is there someone who has been an inspiration to you? ;-) Jack

FROM SG IN TAMPA: The women who went West in the covered wagons. FROM JACK: They fit the bill.

FROM MOLINER CF: Different people gave me different inspiration at different times. For instance, Corporal Bertelli "inspired" me at Boot Camp at Paris Island. FROM JACK: I wonder if you thought so at the time. Sometimes we have to be removed from our teachers by time in order to appreciate them. MORE FROM CF: At the time, I was intimidated to death. Thats the Boot Camp way and he was good at it. But I realized later that he was just trying to keep me alive.

FROM SH IN MICHIGAN: Many, many people but especially all my pastors and also including one I've never met in person but read many of his books and get daily reflections from the Henri Nouwen Society, those who inspire me most are those that lead by example and by what they say the way to dying to the Lord and living to the Lord. People who risk decrease so others can increase and I seriously hope to be able to do that too

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: I get most f my inspiration from the Bible. I keep thinking, if Jesus can use Peter to build His church, there must be hope for me. Peter was a very real person....flaws and all....but he still managed to keep the faith. I also had a very special Sunday School teacher named Elaine Woike who guided my path to how I am living today. And of course, my faithful and strong grandparents and parents. FROM JACK: Sunday School teachers are very important people. I'm glad that I had a chance to meet Elaine. What a fine and humble person she was.

FROM HAWKEYE GS: I have 2 gurus whose words I follow: Peter Drucker, deceased; and Dr. John Albright, orthopaedic surgeon who has stared at my knees for 30 years.....and many, many more.

FROM ME IN NEWPORT BEACH: There have been, and are many, and the list would include Jack Freed both as a younger man, and his reemergence to me as a somewhat older man, with his Winning Words. Thank you for the inspiration on both sides of the age spectrum.

FROM MO IN ILLINOIS: I don't know if you remember Mrs. Ray Honeywell, pastor's wife of First Methodist Church in Moline when we were growing up. Tyke Fisher, Pat Melin, Jan nd I and several others went to MYF there, and she was one of my first inspirations as a pastor's wife. Pretty, vivacious, song leader, made beautiful hats (!)...Also the Sr. pastor's wife of the church we served (Elgin First Baptist) while Bill went to Seminary in Chicago. Two pastoral icons for me. I loved being a pastor' wife! FROM JACK: Yes, I remember the Honeywells. Pat Tillberg's mother was like that, too.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Winning Words 4/12/10
“Not all those who wander are lost.” (J R Tolkien “Lord of the Rings”) A friend of mine occasionally sends pictures of interesting places he’s discovered in his wanderings, like the old Packard plant in Detroit. I once came across a sign in Canada: Stiff’s Funeral Home. Sometimes when I wander through Google, I find unexpected “treasures,” too. Let you mind wander today. ;-) Jack

MORE FROM JACK: Power is the engine which drives vision. Without the power to turn today's vision into tomorrow's reality, vision is nothing more than impotent daydreaming, weak wishful thinking. Frank Price

FROM SF IN MICHIGAN: Since my retirement, I wander often. Never before had the time. So free and light! FROM JACK: One of my favorite writers was Sydney J. Harris. He would sometimes write about "things I learned while looking up other things." The "busyness" of work has a way of keeping us from exploring things.

FROM ML IN ILLINOIS: just today? it would be much more of a challenge to ask my mind not to wander. (to be clear...i'm not asking for the challenge!) FROM JACK: Some call it day-dreaming. I call it, using your imagination.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: We love old things...such as outhouse, barns, cemeteries, parks etc. And we love to travel, so many times we stop at strange but wonderful places to read what happened and to see the different barns, etc. I especially love to make my husband stop on the drop of a hat to take a photo of an old ouhouse. However, I, not my husband, get lost all the of time. I can't find my way out of a paper bag. Doesn't stop me from wandering though many times I have to call to find a way home. PS We also have passed a funeral home who has a sign out front.... "Now Showing"....Mr. Bob Smith FROM JACK: OJ, the happy wanderer.

FROM LH IN MICHIGAN: The funeral home name you mentioned reminded me of 2 others. Near one of my sons in Havertown, Pa. there's one called "Stretch Funeral Home". When I was growing up in Norristown, Pa. there was one, whose name just can't be topped: "Dunaway Funeral Home".

FROM AS IN MICHIGAN: Wouldn't have discovered beautiful Utah and Moab in my wanderings out West;and come to think about would have discovered beautiful Claudia either! FROM JACK: The happy wanderer.

Friday, April 09, 2010

Winning Words 4/9/10
“Don’t pray when it rains, if you don’t pray when the sun shines.” (Satchel Paige) Celebrating the Tigers’ home opener, this is a good one from one of the greatest of all baseball pitchers. He even pitched in the majors when he was in his late 50s. They had a rocking chair for him in the bullpen. He was a pretty good theologian, too. ;-) Jack

FROM HS IN MICHIGAN: Great one! Naturally, I'll be downtown today. FROM JACK: Don't forget to wear you long underwear. GO TIGERS!

FROM PRJD IN MINNESOTA: IF THERE HAD NOT BEEN DISCRIMINATION HOW GREAT WOULD SATCHEL HAVE BEEN? IT'S A SAD COMMENTARY ON OUR HISTORY WHICH STILL REARS ITS UGLY HEAD. FROM JACK: Baseball is built on IFs. I'm glad that I have lived through the racial transition, not only in baseball, but in politics, as well. Sometimes it is so close to us, that we don't get the sense of its importance. I enjoyed reading the book, SATCHEL.

FROM EMT SINGS IN MICHIGAN: We are really fans of the Twins, as well. My Mother is a huge fan, being from MN. We say that if she passes, it will not be between April and October! I am thankful for another baseball season! Go Tigers/Twins! FROM JACK: Who do you cheer for when they play each other?

FROM MO IN ILLINOIS: Talk about grit, huh? Good advice, and interesting side remarks, about the rocking chair in the bull pen. I had never heard that! He was unique, and as you say, not a bad theologian! FROM JACK: Can you imagine that happening today? There are some really interesting and funny stories coming out of the time when playing ball was more than a "money game."

FROM MOLINER CF: Does this mean that baseball players don't pray when the sun shines? "Game called because of rain." FROM JACK: I can't get into the head of anyone, baseball player or Chester.


FROM JK IN MICHIGAN: Seems like we should always have a reason to be Thankful FROM JACK: No matter what the season, there's always a reason.

Thursday, April 08, 2010

Winning Words 4/8/10
“We do not see things as they are. We see things as we are.” (The Talmud – sent by PRHS) The more that I look at this saying, the more I see in it. It can apply to things religious, political and mundane. Our point of view is simply our point of view. Let’s be open to looking at things from another perspective. In my humble opinion, my view is not always the best one. I can learn from others. ;-) Jack

FROM PRJS IN MICHIGAN: If what we see is only our point of view and is "as we are", how can we ever see things from another point of view? If that is possible, then the first statement is incorrect and there is some legitimacy to TRUTH as Socrates contended. You and the Talmud are representing Sophistry to the extreme. FROM JACK: That's the point.....You see things from your point of view that think that what you see is right.
MORE FROM PRJS: N....that is not the point and I won't let you pull that sophistry on me. If you are struggling to see things from other persons' perspective, then you are suggesting that somehow your perspective is not the Truth. That implies that there is Truth. If there is no truth, why bother to see things from other persons' perspective. That would be a waste of time. Don't give me a lot of BS on this. Deal with it straight up!!! AND FROM JACK: As one thinketh in his mind, so is he. You must be in your right mind.

FROM MKH IN MICHIGAN: I love it! I do see things as I am, sometimes it’s not good but sometimes it is the difference between right and wrong. I will ponder this one for sure! FROM JACK: This world would be a better place, if we were willing to learn from one another.

FROM SH IN MICHIGAN: Does this mean if we are fearful of being in a roomful of people from a totally different socioclass, or of one different political leaning, or one specific race, gender or sexual orientation, or of any specific denomination or faith because we think they are scarey, it is really us who are scarey? We have a person in church who always says that old saying, "If you point a finger at someone, remember all the other fingers on your hand are pointing back at you. FROM JACK: A lot of our fears come from the fact that we are living in a room (the world) with many, many people with ideas different from our own. One way to overcome fear is to seek to understand each other.

FROM EMT SINGS IN MICHIGAN: Another one that I "really like".

FROM MOLINER CF: So all things not religious or political are mundane? FROM JACK: All things are mundane (of this world); religious and political just refer to some of them in particular. Those are examples where people have their own point of view...especially.

FROM PR JM IN MICHIGAN: Reminds me of the old Latin saying: De gustibus non disputandem est. (About taste there is no dispute.) We really do not know anyone's perspective but our own. FROM JACK: My response to your response....Ancora Imparo.

FROM BP IN FLORIDA: I can certainly agree with your last two sentences!!!!!!!! FROM JACK: I thought that you might agree with the whole thing. BTW, I read today that an "active" hurricane season is expected this year. Last year was pretty quiet, wasn't it?

FROM BBC IN ILLINOIS: Love it! FROM JACK: We're using the same glasses.

FROM MO IN ILLINOIS: So anyone who has ever taken an eye-witness account of an accident, or any happening has found out! Good point to ponder, and try to be open to another's viewpoint. As you say, we can all learn from others! And have!

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Winning Words 4/7/10
“It’s all part of the great adventure.” (Judy Weidlich) Friend Judy coined this saying in order to keep the 5 kids (and Al) interested during long trips in the station wagon. The 5 kids now quote “mom” to their own kids. A few weeks ago Judy began her own great journey into God’s eternal kingdom. “Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard,” what interesting things she must be experiencing at this time. ;-) Jack

FROM SH IN MICHIGAN: At the beginning of reading your WW thought to myself "Anyone could have said that." but by the end was thinking "Wow, what an interesting WW!!!!!, what an interesting sharing."

FROM RS IN MICHIGAN: Nice words today. I am sorry for the loss of your friend! She sounds special. FROM JACK: There are journeys, and then there are journeys.

FROM YOOPER NK: THANK YOU.....JUDY IS STILL SMILING AT HER ADVENTURE. FROM JACK: Yes, and there's an adventure for each of us.

FROM LE IN MICHIGAN: Oh, my gosh, Rev. Al Weidlich married Berger and I in Sept 1957 at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Redford. It must be the same person. Is Al still alive? FROM JACK: Yep...and living in Illinois.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: Whenever we ran into a snafu, whether at home or on vacation or wherever we were, I would always tell the kids..."We're fine." They quote that to me all the time now. No matter what, we always are going to be "fine". Judy W sounds so special and I'm sure she taught her children well.

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Winning Words 4/6/10
“Everything begins with an idea.” (Earl Nightengale) E.N. was one of the first motivational speakers to capture my attention. He wondered why some people are so happy and some so miserable. His conclusion: “We are what we think about.” That was an idea that has stuck with me. N’s private journal is titled, The Winner’s Notebook. I think that I’ll Google it today. ;-) Jack

FROM NL IN FLORIDA/INDIANA: OK: Everyone has ideas, that's all they need to do is make a list of them. Then you narrow it down to the best ones and work on them. I used that yesterday with a client with no money, no job, and kids. He was looking for a loan with no assets but his mind. FROM JACK: The trick is to take your idea and make it work....a good trick if you can do it.

FROM SH IN MICHIGAN: We were studying that Isaiah 65:17-25 in Bible study last night. Some people thought this was a dream and not reality, maybe likely to happen in the next 1,000 years. Some people thought it was happening right now, already somewhere metaphorically speaking the wolf and the lamb are feeding together. Some people are happy. Some people are miserable but have hope. "We are what we think about." That is so, so true.

FROM SG IN TAMPA: That is just one advantage of being an optimist. FROM JACK: Among others.

FROM JB IN WISCONSIN: I loved his voice. FROM JACK: "He speaks, and the sound of his voice is so sweet the birds stop their singing."

FROM MOLINER CF: I'm not sure about that one. Problems are what drive ideas. FROM JACK: Well, I guess you have an idea and not a problem.

FROM BBC IN ILLINOIS: Thanks, my father read Nightengale when I was a little girl. Still remember his books and cassette tapes! FROM JACK: You can relive part of your childhood by getting tapes (now CDs) by Googling Earl Nightengale. Let me know if you do.

FROM MO IN ILLINOIS: Elisabeth Elliot, widow of one of the missionaries killed yrs. ago by the Acua (sp) Indians, and inspirational speaker and author, once said, "It is always possible to be thankful for what is given, rather than to complain about what is NOT given. One or the other becomes a habit of life." I copied it and put it where I would see it everyday yrs. has been an immense help to me in having an attitude of gratitude. My sweet husband even remarked once at a church social, that "his wife was fun to live with"...I consider that one of my highest praises! Ha! As the old Bible verse says, "As a man thinketh, so is he..." Good Words of Wisdom! Thanks. FROM JACK: It's good to have inspirational words posted in various places. See what it's done for you?

FROM AW IN ILLINOIS: Earl Nightingale was a favorite of mine...he was on the air late at night in Chicago. FROM JACK: Every sermon begins with an idea, too....or, as we were taught...with a text.

FROM JE IN MICHIGAN: This is so true. Jack this is a great "spring" thought especially with all kinds of beautiful things popping out of God's green earth.

FROM MOLINER AE: I met him. Introduced him to a bunch of Insurance men at a conference when I was President of the Il State Assn of Life Agents.

Monday, April 05, 2010

Winning Words 4/5/10
“The question is not what you look at, but what you see.” (Thoreau) What do you “see” when you look at Thoreau? Environmentalist? Tax resister? Naturalist? Poet? Transcendentalist? Philosopher? There is more to each person than appears at first glance. We are all a conglomeration of ideas. To me, that means I should not be so quick to judge people by what I see. ;-) Jack

FROM SH IN MICHIGAN: Isn't Thoreau that guy that built and lived in that little house out by the pond? Guy who chose to live simply in a little house. Only a person who is an environmentalist, tax resister, naturalist, poet, transcendentalist, philosopher could make that lifestyle glamorous and appealing. The rest of us people in our little hovels maybe just look poor and deprived, think Thoreau taught by example that you can live poor with good reasons behind your decisions, except maybe for the tax resisting part which I believe considerable of our taxes does provide a safety net for poor people who are just oppressed in our society. Thanks for offering these WW for our reflection today. FROM JACK: I guess that there are a few of us who appreciate the services that our tax dollars provide. In Thoreau's time, there may have been reasons for him to act as he did. But now is now.

FROM JO IN MICHIGAN: Your words is so incredible how people only see things from their own perspective - young, old, and inbetween. It is a rare quality (and sometimes a curse) to possess that ability to see things from different perspectives and relate equally to them. I am discovering more and more that that ability is compromised if the other party cannot meet you halfway...Life is interesting... FROM JACK: We cannot possibly put ourselves in another's place, but at least we can try

FROM BP IN FLORIDA: " History has proven that when God gives us the capacity to dream He also give us the ability to achieve that dream" unknown author . Do you have the courage to pursue YOUR dream? Thought you might like this one. FROM JACK: Thoreau is a good example of this.

FROM HAWKEYE GS: Bobby Darin came up with "You see what you hear".

FROM MOLINER CF: Be Thoreau in your assessment before you judge.

Friday, April 02, 2010

Winning Words 4/2/10
“When you hear music today, think how nifty God was to invent it.” (Wally Armbruster) I like many kinds of music, from symphonies to Steve Martin playing the banjo. I recently bought a Robert Shaw Chorale CD of patriotic songs for 75 cents on Do you have a favorite piece of music that you can bring to mind right now? What might that be? ;-) Jack
MORE FROM JACK: One of my favorite Good Friday hymns is, Were You There?

FROM RI IN BOSTON: I always feel better after listening to the words and music of "You'll
never walk alone."
"...though your dreams be tossed and blown,
walk on, walk on with hope in your heart,
and you'll never walk alone..."
FROM JACK: That's a favorite of mine, too...Right up there with Steve Martin's banjo music. MORE FROM RI: Regarding Steve M, I prefer his goofy humor over his banjo music.
AND MORE FROM JACK: In his early days, the banjo was a prop for his humor. Either you like banjo music, or you don't. RI FOLLOW-UP: Yeah, you're right about that. When I was a kid my father was friends with a fellow who played, and the man was known as "Banjo" Schroeder.

FROM EMT SINGS IN MICHIGAN: Speaking of music. My Beckridge Chorale (formerly Plymouth Community Chorus) is having it's spring concert the weekend of April 17-18 at the Cherry Hill Theater in Canton. A Tribute to Frank Sinatra. Should be fun.

FROM PRJS IN MICHIGAN: THINE IS THE GLORY....theme song for the 1948 World Council of Churches gathering....written in the 20th century....composer: G. F. Handel FROM JACK: E.E. Ryden says that it was written French by Edmond Budry and, indeed, the music was from Handel. It's a good one.

FROM A FORMER MSU FOOTBALL COACH, LB: Just a note to tell you how much I enjoy your WINNING WORDS"..I am not sure I ever sent you a copy of my book WINNING WORDS OF CHAMPIONS" FROM JACK: I do have your book, and it's autographed by you. I hope that you're enjoying retirement in Nick Sabin country.

FROM HAWKEYE GS: I wrote my first song last year, Seek the Holy Lamb. The music is from
Celtic Woman's piece, Green the Whole Year 'Round. I've asked David Downes for his
permission twice but haven's heard back. My song is copywrited.
SEEK THE HOLY LAMB Words by George Seaberg Music by David Downes
1. As I grew the sun would shine in all the whole day thru. Mother sang a lull-a-bye
to brighten a sunny day.
I had hope to be kept whole to chase away any blue, the one that please’d my heart the
most would be the Holy Lamb.
Seek the Holy Lamb, Seek the Holy Lamb, when I have doubts, can’t find my way, I seek the
Holy Lamb.
2. When married life and children came and things got in the way, I take my time to
pray to you, be guided by you today. For I know when-ever I look for you you are easy to be found, as you come to me ‘neath my fav’rite place to seek the Holy Lamb.
Seek the Holy Lamb, Seek the Holy Lamb, when I have doubts, can’t find my way, I seek the
Holy Lamb.
3. But the fam’lys grown and the days grow short and the au-tumn winds, they blow,
and the children turn to newer things as we sit at home alone. Mem-ries of other days come
tum-bling from the past to re-mind us, like the sea-sons do, that life goes by so fast.
4. The win-ter lays her fin-gers cold on dark and lone-ly nights, but Christ-mas, it
will soon be here to ush-er in Your Light. And when morn-ing breaks and the bells ring out, it is such a joy-ous sound to hear them ech-o in my heart to know the Holy Lamb.
Seek the Holy Lamb, seek the Holy Lamb, when I have doubts, can’t find my way, I seek the
Holy Lamb.
Seek the Holy Lamb, seek the Holy Lamb, when I have doubts, can’t find my way, I seek the
Holy Lamb.
FROM JACK: I've listened to it, and I like it. Thanks for sending.

FROM ME IN CALIFORNIA: My Dad singing the “Tennessee Waltz” and John Fogarty’s "Centerfield”-which has the line, “Put me in coach, I’m ready to play.” You will likely get quite a list from these WW. FROM JACK: Those are two that I like alot.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: I have many many songs I love. But I especially love the old hymns which no longer are in vogue...."How Great Thou Art", "Amazing Grace", "I Love to Tell the Story", and many many others. I love music and am deeply grateful God uses his people to write all different kinds of tunes and messages. BTW: Is there a CD with Steve Martin's banjo playing out? FROM JACK: I bought Steve Martin's CD the first day it went on sale.

FROM RM IN MICHIGAN: Kate Smith- God Bless America-

FROM SH IN MICHIGAN: I love the Holden Evening Prayer worship service. Least that's what I think it is called. With guitar. FROM JACK: Google Holden Village, Washington State.

FROM DS IN MICHIGAN ON EASTER SUNDAY: Today it is the Halleluiah chorus. Happy Easter

FROM PRFM IN WISCONSIN: read this on Easter Monday and reflected on the great Easter music we heard yesterday . . . especially that written by Wesley. Regarding music, I don't have a favorite . . . just thousands! What a great gift of God.

Thursday, April 01, 2010

Winning Words 4/1/10
“If life hands you a lemon, make grape juice.” (David Mugatosh) D.M. is a relative of mine. You might surmise that by reading his quote. Sometimes we need to say things in such a way that people respond with puzzled expressions. Don’t overlook humorous situations today. Be ready to laugh, or at least to smile and say, “April Fool.”. ;-)

FROM SH IN MICHIGAN: Actually, chucklling more here over your revelation that D.M. is a relative. Every once in a while your Winning Words sound like they may be "home-grown" and it's wonderful we over 400 people reading your blog got a chance to reflect here. Life handed Jesus a whole bunch of us lemons and he made blood Concord Grape wine although our latest box is blackberry and once our Altar Guild leader got cherry wine which tasted a little medicinal in my opinion, sort of like cough syrup. FROM JACK: I like the analogy of Jesus turning water into wine.

FROM MUGATOSH IN MINNESOTA: You are quite funny on April Fools Day.

FROM JT IN MICHIGAN: I knew he was related as soon as I stopped laughing!

FROM MOLINER CF: That quote makes sense to me. If it had said Apple Cider I would question its validity.
April fool Sat on a stool. And Jill came tumbling after.