Friday, March 30, 2007

Jack’s Winning Words 3/30/07
“You can’t let a bad moment spoil a bunch of good ones.”
(Dale Earnhardt 1951-2001) #3 was one of the greatest of the NASCAR drivers. He died in a last-lap crash during the Daytona 500. I saw it happen on TV. Dale was my favorite, and I have a lot of good memories of his racing. There are bad moments in life, but more good than bad. Focus in on the good ones. ;-) Jack

FROM A FRIEND IN MICHIGAN: Amen! (And you'll never know how badly I needed that reminder this morning!)

FROM A CAR GUY THAT I KNOW: My favorite also, I got to meet him and his son. I'll have to tell you the story some time.

FROM ONE WHO IS IN YOUTH WORK: Thank you for your words. (daily and yesterday as well) They brighten my day. I am very lucky, I have a lot of good moments.

B.S., NEAR ORLANDO, EXPRESSES HIS OPINION: Hi, People who flaunt life by taking excessive chances continuously scare the hell out of me. especially when they are in an industry that in my opinion waste natural resources like gasolene. My opinion is they set a bad message to youngsters who haven't yet developed a full ability to reason, when the Polars Bears are at risk, and so many species of wild life are at risk b ecause we human place them there du to our way of life, possible our excessive way of life, I can't support people like Dale Ernhart, or General Petreuis.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Jack’s Winning Words 3/29/07
“You sort of start thinking anything’s possible if you’ve got enough nerve.”
(J. K. Rowling) Maybe Harry Potter could do out of the ordinary stuff, because he had nerve. What are some other descriptive words for nerve? When I was growing up, there was a medicine to calm your nerves, called, Dr. Miles’ Nervine. Maybe we need a medicine to give us more nerve, so that we can try the impossible. ;-) Jack

FROM P.O. IN DETROIT: Dr. Miles' Nervine --- what a 'blast from the past'!

FROM L . & M. S. IN MICH: Thats probably what those human bombers do in the name of Ali!

FROM L.K. IN OHIO: Courage plus POISE

FROM M.L. IN ILLINOIS: i like the word gumption,(sp?).

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Jack’s Winning Words 3/28/07
“Make peace with your past so it won’t screw up the present.”
(Unknown) Why do we persist in hanging on to “stuff,” when we’d be better off to just let go? Oh well, today is a new day and an opportunity to make peace. Give peace a chance! ;-) Jack

FROM GOOD DEBT JON IN OHIO: "If you want to know your past - look into your present conditions. If you want to know your future - look into your present actions." Chinese Proverb Or as a contemporary American said, “The ancestors of the haves and the have-nots are the dids and the did-nots.

FROM DR. J.H. IN OHIO: Actually, I always tell my nieces and nephews (and now my daughter) to use this line when they are in a fight with each other or friends. My one nephew (Matthew now age 14) once said at age 8 or so... Good idea Aunt Jodi... I'll say "give peace a chance" and then when my friend is stunned by trying to figure out what I'm talking about, I'll punch him in the nose and run...
Not quite what I had intended, but there you have it!

FROM M.L. IN ILL: making peace with the past is daily i guess i'm not screwing up the present too much! i view each day as a new gift filled with the intention of peace and not screwing up!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Jack’s Winning Words 3/27/07
“Ability will see a chance and snatch it. Who has a match will find a place to scratch it.”
(Arthur Guiterman) Do you remember a time when someone would take a wooden kitchen match and light it by using a fingernail of by scratching it on a pants leg? Whoever has the ability today will find a place to scratch it. ;-) Jack

FROM B.S. NEAR ORLANDO: I remember when a guy picking up our milk set off a pocket full of farmer matches by inadvertly rubbing the full can of milk against his pocket full of matches. Talk about a scramble to get his pants off.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Jack’s Winning Words 3/26/07
“The hardest thing in the world to understand is the income tax.”
(Einstein) The Theory of Relativity, for him, was easy. .I wonder if he used H & R Block to do his taxes. How about you? Are you one of the do–it-yourselfers? I have a friend who helps me. As Dionne Warwick once sang, “That’s What Friends Are For.” ;-) Jack

FROM GOOD DEBT JON IN OHIO: Einstein probably saw all of the unintended consequences. Thank W.H. Taft (Ohioan). He signed the bill in 1909. It was not ratified until 1913. The slogan of "soak the rich" automatically aroused Pavlovian salivation among politicians both in Washington and the states. Of course what really happed was everyone got soaked. 1913 was a bad year for America. We were burdened with the income tax (16th Amendment), the Federal Reserve began, and States Legislators lost the ability to pick their Senators. Given the reduction of states rights and the centralization of money in Washington, you could say this was the Socialists finest year. There was an earlier Federal Income Tax in 1893 (Grover Cleveland) that was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in 1895.

FROM A MOM: In my case, it's my daughter who is an accountant. This time of the year I'm especially glad I let her live when she was a teenager (there wasn't a court in the land that would have convicted me if I wrung her neck!)


FROM B.S. NEAR ORLANDO: My wife is very patient with me. I told her one year that I could do the income tax faster with a typewriter and an adding machine than I can now using this "damn" SOFTWARE. rIGHT NOW i AM AT THE POINT WHERE WE OWE i mILL IN TAXES, you figgure. Some where I misplaced a decimal point . Last week I did more than half and let it sit for awhile until I over came my depression, and when I stuck the floppy disk back into thec machine, it was gone. so i had to start over, but this time with a corrected 1099 sent from Fidelity. Life is crazy, as an example,it is now 2: am, you figgure, at 10 o'clock I had to lie down,and now I am ready to work all night

Friday, March 23, 2007

Jack’s Winning Words 3/23/07
“Everything can change in the blink of an eye. But don’t worry; God never blinks.”
(Unknown) On average, we blink 15,000 times a day. Things do change, and sometimes at an alarming speed. My experience has been that a religious faith can help us meet the unexpected and not be overcome by it. Has that been your experience? ;-) Jack


FROM J.O. IN MICHIGAN: Yes, it has. The two events that immediately come to mind were the loss of my parents. My faith in God gave me comfort because they were moved to a better place, although I still miss them terribly. My dad passed in 1983 and my mother passed in 1993.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Jack’s Winning Words 3/22/07
“You can change your jeans, but not your genes.”
(Sent by Don Conrad) We are who we are, for better or worse. When I look in the mirror, I see my mother. Is there some one who has especially influenced you? BTW, I was in Sears a couple of days ago and saw a display of Levi’s…relaxed fit. Do you wear jeans? ;-) Jack

FROM J.H. IN FALCON COUNTRY: Do you remember when I thought the neil diamond song was "reverend in blue jeans" vs. forever in blue jeans? So your winning words reminded me of that...

FROM GOOD DEBT JON IN OHIO: I have moved past relaxed fix to “the next size.” I don’t know if anyone remembers “husky size,” when I was a kid Mom would buy size 14 husky. I supposed relaxed fit is the PC version of Husky.
FROM P.O. IN DETROIT: Yup --- and keep wondering if there's an age where you probably shouldn't anymore. But I trust that my daughter will let me know if that's the case!

FROM L.K. IN OHIO: I've worn only one (1) pair of jeans in my whole life. They WERE comfortable, as I recall. My modus operandi has always been khacki's and penny loafers. I have a mother-in-law (Jean), my daughter's mother-in-law is (Jean) and I am a loafer,ha! You have a Jeanne, don't you?

FROM M.L. IN ILLINOIS: i thank god and my parents for my genes. they makes it possible for me to look not-so-scarey in my jeans at 50+.

FROM M.L.'S SISTER: I can't change my genes (I got pretty lucky there) but truth be known, I don't change my jeans much either! It's all about the fit ... when I find a good one, I wear them until they fall apart. I've sold jeans for many years at the Gap ... I continue to encourage people of ALL ages to embrace the value of a good pair of jeans! (My mother is in my mirror too.)

FROM PR CHUCK IN OHIO: I like the "informal" at Church but not the "casual".

FROM L.L. IN MICHIGAN: When I look in the mirror - I see my father. He so loved life, people, and a good conversation. He installed morals and values in us that you really don't see in "kids" today. I now realize, at my ripe age of 45, that he taught me so much. It will be 4 years ago on April 3rd since he passed away. I still miss very much.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Jack’s Winning Words 3/21/07
“Seek first to understand, then to be understood.”
(Stephen Covey – sent by J.H.) I can see how this applies in many situations: sales persons, teachers, preachers. Can you think of others? Covey comes up with some interesting products, such as the Franklin Planner. Have you used it, or are you using it? I guess that not everyone is a Blackberry person.. ;-) Jack

FROM GOOD DEBT JON: Seeking first to understand—definitely useful in marriage; otherwise you may spend all of your time and energy arguing the wrong case. My wife graduates from law school next year, so she prepares her arguments very well. If we seek first to understand, there are less instances of trying to argue facts not in evidence. Of course men have the old standby—“Witness is non-responsive.”

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Jack’s Winning Words 3/20/07
“Last year, a nine-year-old friend of my daughter told her, ‘I’m giving up sarcasm for Lent. And it’s really hard.’”
(Stephanie Paulsell in The Christian Century) Have you ever given up something for Lent? Are there causes for which you would sacrifice time and money? It’s a personal thing, I know. I’m glad for any season or occasion that causes us to focus in on how we can make the world around us and within us a better place. ;-) Jack

FROM C.A. IN VEGAS: In a conversation with Shannon a few weeks ago she told me that she gave up wearing socks for lent. I thought that was a little peculiar. I asked her how she could do that with shoes. I always thought it would be a little uncomfortable. She said she's only wearing flip flops until Easter. I guess that works if you live in California (or Las Vegas) not so much in your neck of the woods. Shannon says that she really misses her socks and she has requested I put some in her Easter basket. I started thinking about it and I realized that something that simple really does make a difference in your day to day comfort. I wonder if Jesus ever wore socks?

MORE FROM C.A.: Yep - I am sockless until Easter. I'm not really sure how exactly I thought of that one, but when I did, it seemed like a good idea. I've done the whole giving up a certain type of food before, so I thought I would try something different. It's actually much harder than you might think, even here in California. I miss socks. They're like little hugs for your feet. Other than not having socks, everything is going pretty great here

THE SOCKLESS ONE REPLIES: Yep - I am sockless until Easter. I'm not really sure how exactly I thought of that one, but when I did, it seemed like a good idea. I've done the whole giving up a certain type of food before, so I thought I would try something different. It's actually much harder than you might think, even here in California. I miss socks. They're like little hugs for your feet. Other than not having socks, everything is going pretty great here at CLU.

FROM GOOD DEBT JON: “If you lend someone a book and they never return it, have you given it up for lent?”

FROM B.S. NEAR ORLANDO: Hi, I used to actively collect aluminum cans and glass bottles until several things happened. One, we began to wonder if the reason I was always sick was because I was pic king up germs and enven though I washed my hands a lot I was not carefull enough, and two. Several youngsters asked me what I was doing, and I said, "I am trying to make this world a better place for you to live in" and they said, "We don't care". So, gradually, I just made sure my immediate world was not made worse by my actions. Then I decided to be more active in creating less pollution including greenhouse gasses. It is amazing how many times I can go around our house and turn off a TV, or light left on in a room. I thought only children forgot, but now a days, a certain adult forgets also. and we travel places much less frequently today. We wonder if a $5.00 tax were placed on gasoline sales people would restrict their driving to necessary tasks, and perhpaps 90% of the cars and trucks we see will begin to have more than one person in them.( the driver ). the Polar Bears don't have a chance.

FROM MY SISTER: I heard giving up chocolate is a good thing, because if you eat too much it makes your clothes shrink.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Jack’s Winning Words 3/19/07
“The purpose of education is to replace an empty mind with an open one.”
(Malcolm Forbes) I’m forever grateful for the professors in college and seminary who opened my mind. Would you be described as an open-minded person? I like to read the quotes inside the back cover of Forbes each month. Have you seen them? ;-) Jack

FROM REV. C.H. ON CAPE COD: No I haven’t seen them. Do they open your mind?!

FROM GOOD DEBT JON IN OHIO: I disagree with Malcolm here. He is speaking of the concept of tabula rasa the concept that we all begin with a clean slate and the teacher “writes” as they wish on it. This is a favorite argument of those feeling nurture is more important than nature. It takes both. The original concept was from John Locke’s writings. Those who see public education as a way to indoctrinate societal beliefs to succeeding generations of little blank slates embrace the theory wholeheartedly viz: Horace Mann. John Dewy stated the teacher should be a “partner in inquiry.” While I am no fan of Dewy (venerated father of modern education) he has that part correct. The problem is even when teachers (some) are partners in inquiry they stand in the way of full inquiry (as per their training). How can we trust a government to teach our children and not expect it to teach them anything other than faith in government itself?


MORE FROM GOOD DEBT JON: The Right Reverend from MN hit it squarely that education is about learning how to learn. This is generally my first response to education. The teacher stays the student goes and hopefully retains a bit. My libertarian underpinnings are easily ruffed by either the right or the left. Most people respond from a script from the right or left. I often find I am misunderstood, a shortcoming of my personal style that I am trying to correct.

FROM MOLINER, D.S.: I think I am very open-minded, however, I don't think that the majority of "Professors" in colleges these days are by any means. I think they have an agenda that does not tolerate opposing views.

MORE FROM D.S. I am now experiencing that again in my old age with several guys from my bible study group. 4 or 5 of us go for bagels and coffee after our 7 a.m. session and talk for another hour or two and I am just engrossed in these conversations. If people really listen to others, and don't have "agendas" to expound upon you can really learn a lot and I have found the relationship with these guys to be most rewarding. Ha, it used to be girls, now it's guys. Does that mean anything?

FROM C.J.L. IN OHIO: I do hope I"m open-minded but at the same time with some well-defined anchors!

FROM FRIEND GENIE: I thought you'd be interested in knowing that my daughter Emily (in high school / a long time ago) wrote a paper on the meaning and importance of education. She wrote that education shouldn't be about what a teacher "covers " in a class but what they "uncover". I was impressed. (still am). She's a 4th grade teacher in Pecos, New Mexico now.

FROM B.S. NEAR ORLANDO: Hi, I hope so, but sometimes I catch myself with negative thoughts. Damn. When I got to Madison I got down on the ground and kissed it. I had made it and now if I could handle four more years of poverty, I would make it for life. Well I made it, and listened to Harvey Kimble, when he said to me, help your kids thought college, times are different than when you worked your way though. So, we did, and I thank Harvey to this day. All our children have done well with theirs lives, and are good citizens.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Jack’s Winning Words 3/16/07
“Grasshopper, grasshopper, skoot, getta outta here.”
These are the words St. Urho used when he waved his pitchfork and drove the grasshoppers out of the vineyards in Finland on March 16, many years ago. The Finns now celebrate the date as St. Urho’s Day, and dress in purple and green, recalling the grapes and the dead grasshoppers. Do you have any incantations that you use to drive away evil things? ;-) Jack

FROM S.H. IN MICHIGAN: The only incantation I traditionally use is, because I believe in the power of the Word so much, for quite a few years now I've been putting all the words together in my life with the Word (which means the Word in the church bulletin or sometimes I yank pages from an old Bible), anyway I put all of these words together and carry them around in my pockets, folded up in my shoes, filling up my purses, sleeping with them under my pillow, whatever I can think of and just let all these words/Word fight it out there. The incantation comes from the Word, the questions and the need to figure things out comes from me and the evil of devisiveness and quarreling and dissension and all manner of unpleasant things comes from me, too, and all the people who generate all these other words.

FROM REV. J.S. IN MICHIGAN: I sing "Oh, Wilho boy" on St. Urho's day. It's a beautiful song!!!

FROM L.K. IN OHIO: No.......the poor, the rich, the good, the bad, it/they is/are always with you, I think. A rather lazy attitude perhaps on my part. Reflects my fatigue.

FROM REV. B.L. IN THE U.P.: The devil knocked at the door. I sent Jesus to answer. No one was there.

FROM PR. B.G. IN MICHIGAN: As a half-Finlander, I am proud to celebrate this most holy of days.
In the words of the great saint Urho himself…“Heinisirkka! Heinisirkka! Menetaalta hiiten!” (You have provided an excellent, rough translation of these famous and powerful words, since Finnish is virtually untranslatable J).

FROM M.L. IN ILLINOIS: i will have to forward this on to brother johnny. when we were kids, we would celebrate nordic supremacy on st. patricks day. little did we know that we were honoring our ancestors and not just our egos!

FROM B.S. NEAR ORLANDO: Hi, My granddaughter, Mz Lilly, told the alligators to shoo off the road one day when I was kidding her that this was alligator season, and they travel and hunt for a lady friend during this time of their lives and they might just be along side the road in the water in the ditches. My sweetheart.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Jack’s Winning Words 3/15/07
“If you lie down with dogs, you’ll rise with fleas.”
(Irish Proverb) When I was a boy our dog, Sparkie, had fleas. We tried everything to get rid of them, powder, spray, washing. The fleas would jump on us. It was bad. Of course this proverb isn’t about fleas; it says that we should be careful about the kinds of people we associate with. That’s what parents through the generations have preached to their children. We’re never too old to hear that sermon again. ;-) Jack

FROM GOOD DEBT JON: Still beats anything you can get from a cat!

FROM REV. J.S. IN MICHIGAN: Does that mean that we should avoid the worst of sinners in our ministry or are we ordained to go out and get some fleas on us (e.g. "sin boldly)?

FROM B.G. IN MICHIGAN: An interesting WW; not sure Jesus would have agreed with it, though.
He was not at all careful about the kinds of people he associated with; it got him into a heap of trouble with religious and political people, many of whom were quite concerned about the hanging out with the dogs of society and catching flees from them. I worry that suburban parents are, indeed, preaching this to their kids and their kids are, in turn, too concerned about mixing it up with people from the “wrong part of town”.

FROM B.S. NEAR ORLANDO: we had a cat Theodore, who gathered fleas to his body also, so on nice warm days we gave him a nice thorough bath and took a tweezer and picked off the fleas. He loved the attention, even when we used Irene's hair dryer to warm him and dry him.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Jack’s Winning Words 3/14/07
“It’s no use boiling your cabbage twice.”
(Irish Proverb) At first, this one puzzled me. Does it have to do with making corned beef and cabbage? Maybe it means that you can overdo certain things. I wonder if it means that pastors shouldn’t preach the same sermon twice. I’ll bet you can come up with some other interpretations. ;-) Jack

FROM GOOD DEBT JON IN OHIO: I think this could be a metaphor illustrating the two-year-long presidential campaign. If what they are feeding us was anything near as nutritional as cabbage (raw, boiled, or re-boiled) then at least the entire exercise would not be in vain. The sweet fruits of common sense are not to be found on the menu—in the end we will be left to choose from the right or left wing of the Robin Hood Party. They make new menus with lovely promises and describe the cabbage with the reckless abandon of Shakespeare himself, yet in the inevitable end it comes to this: we get cabbage.

FROM L.K. IN OHIO: There can be too much of good things.

ANOTHER FROM GOOD DEBT JON: You coax the Mencken out of me. I am beginning to write a short book 100 to 120 pages and cartoons on Politics and Common Sense. I have a working title of Common Sense: The Third Rail of Politics. It takes a little mental lifting to reconcile common sense and politics in one short book. As Alan King said, “If you want to read about love and marriage, you’ll have to buy two books.”

FROM M.L. IN ILLINOIS: "beating a dead horse"..."reinventing the wheel"..these types of quotes come to mind...

FROM B.S. NEAR ORLANDO: Hi, many people will get a significant amount of gas from cabbage no matter how many times you cook it. We survived on cabbage during the depression, that is cabbage and potatoes and knockwurst ( about 5c/lb ) Uncle John had an area under the Haymow in which he stored cabbage until the price went up, until then we lived on it. Thank the Good Lord for cabbage and potatoes.

FROM REV P.H. IN MINNESOTA: this is sort of like refried beans....if they didn't fry right the first time, why bother to refry them???

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Jack’s Winning Words 3/13/07
“You’ll never plow a field by turning it over in your mind.”
(Irish Proverb) I have some farmer friends who can tell some good stories about plowing and other farm chores, but this quote is for all of us who tend to be procrastinators. Next to my computer are these signs: HEY YOU, GET BUSY!--- JUST DO IT!--- GET TOUGH, GET OFF YOUR DUFF. I should read them more often. Do you have signs I can add? ;-) Jack

FROM J.F. IN NOVA SCOTIA: (Jim is a short wave ham with contacts all over the world. He participates in contact contests with other hams.) You know my contest station's slogan from Brunnhilde--
"zu neuen Taten!" (on to new deeds).


FROM B.G., A REAL MOLINER: "Those of you who keep a neat desk, will never know the thrill of finding something thought lost forever."

FROM GOOD DEBT JON IN OHIO: Especially if your mind is fallow.

FROM REV C.J.L. IN OHIO: Absolutely! During WW 11 we had a victory garden are 2406 Riverside Drive, my parental home. The best thing of that was the tomatoes we took off the vine, wiped the dirt off them, licked them and poured the salt to them and then ate them...warm. Great. Also I helped, a bit, on the farm in Oakland, Nebraska. I even got to cultivate some contour rows of corn. When I ran out of row, I looked for Granpa Engdahl. There he was, by the edge of the field, laughing at my predicament. I was embarassed, but learned from the experience. You remember the farm and the Church some 53 years ago.

FROM P.H. IN MINNESOTA: I like: the stronger the winds, the deeper the roots. Also, give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him to fish and he will sit in the boat all day and drink beer!

FROM L.P. IN MICHIGAN: I am a terrible procrastinator. See, I'm pondering an Irish proverb rather than working on my thesis ;) When I used to work at the hospital where we billed our clients over $80 an hour I put a little note by my desk with a reminder of how much each minute was worth. Then if I found myself daydreaming, web surfing, or chatting I could ask... "Was that 15 minutes worth the $20 the client paid?"
It helped. Sadly, as a grad student I can't bill my clients so I can't use the same motivation.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Jack’s Winning Words 3/12/07
Since next Saturday is St. Patrick’s Day, we’re having a week of Irish Proverbs.
“The older the fiddle, the sweeter the tune.” (Sent by Ann McC.) What do you think this proverb’s about? Old musical instruments? Old people? Old Irish whiskey? I know some sweet older people. ;-) Jack

FROM MOLINER, T.L.: "Old age is inevitable, but immaturity can last a lifetime," (Anon.)

FROM G.S., ANOTHER MOLINER: We seem to mellow out and have more patience as we age. But I don't change my basic beliefs - if anything I'm even more willing to take a stand because I realize what is at stake on some basic issues.

FROM P.H. IN MINNESOTA: wine and cheese also gets better with age.... or so they say.... AND Phillis Diller says she has gotten so old the doctor told her that her blood type has been discontinued....

FROM M.L. IN ILLINOIS: it must have something to do with the mellowness of age. not that issues are any less important to us-the delivery just tends to have more finese!

FROM B.S. IN FLORIDA: One of our parisheners passed away. She was 92, she instructed the people to play a song by Frank Sinatra as the 2nd item in the service.

FROM A.M. IN MICHIGAN: An old fiddle is often more mellow. Older people and older marriages are often mellowed with patience. Sometimes this is not so if people are ill. To this day I am attracted to and very patient with older people. Of course, I am now one of them. Thank God.

Friday, March 09, 2007

Jack’s Winning Words 3/9/07
“If mistakes were haystacks, we’d all keep a cow.”
(Canadian Proverb) My wife’s grandparents kept a cow during the depression of the 30’s. That cow, along with the garden in the backyard, provided food for the family. Have you ever kept a cow, hoed a garden, or built a haystack? ;-) Jack


FROM S.H. IN MICHIGAN: We did all those on the farm in Iowa, I remember particularly shocking the oats or hay, even as a little kid, into kind of teepees standing all over the field. What a neat thing to make mistakes into something so fortuitious as haystacks fit for cows to eat.

FROM J.J., THE NORWEGIAN: yes I have hoed a field, had cows and built many a haystack during the first 20 years of my life.I also removed cow-manure and spread on the fields as ferttilizer all by hand.

FROM J.T. IN WISCONSIN: My Dad planted a garden in our backyard. And In a small barn behind our home in Ironwood, MI, he kept a cow and chickens. Dad did the milking before going to work as an engineer at the mine and after returning home in the evening. My job was to come home from school at noon,change into "barn clothes", carry water and push down hay from the loft for the cow, change back into school clothes and return for classes. After school - collect eggs and deliver some to customers. Saturday was "clean the coop day". Summer gardening chores - helping plant, weed and harvest the crop. We were thankful to the Lord for good crops. Chores kept us out of mischief (for the most part.)

FROM PR BOB IN THE COPPER COUNTRY: Yes to all three. I've milked numerous cows in my boyhood. Dad had a herd of 8. I've hoed many a garden... starting with Grandma's and then my mothers.
Built haystacks? You bet. A set of wooden teeth 12 ft.long---set at 10 inch intervals to create a 16 ft. wide area.--- and then mounted on 10 inch tall and 8 inch wide steel wheels --- was called a "bucker" One horse would be on each side and you would drive the team to pull the bucker forward over a row of hay until the bucker was full. Then, you would turn the team around and deposit the load unto a "stacker." The stacker had a double set of similar teeth. One set lay on the ground while the other set was attached verticle. The ones on the ground were only 14 ft. wide so that the horses and bucker could straddle the width and pull the bucker teeth up on top of the staker teeth. You would then back the horses and the bucker away from the stacker and let the load of hay rest on the horizontal teeth of the stacker.
My job was to use one horse to empty the stacker. The method of doing so was that a 75 ft. rope would be run over a set of pullies and attached to a hitch for the horse. As the horse pulled the rope away from the stacker the rope lifted the stacker teeth from a horizontal position on the ground unto a verticle position. When the teeth were verticle the hay would slip backwards over the back teeth and deposit the hay on top of that which had previously been lifted and deposited. If the alfalfa was really green then you needed to spread salt over every layer that was 2 ft. deep. The salt helped dry the hay and prevent the hay from catching on fire from the heat generated by the fermenting of the hay.
Now you have your agricultural lesson of the day.

FROM G.S.: Years ago, a farmer owned land along the Atlantic seacoast.
He constantly advertised for hired hands. Most people were reluctant to work on farms along the Atlantic. They dreaded the awful storms that raged across the Atlantic, wreaking havoc on the buildings and crops.
As the farmer interviewed applicants for the job, he received A steady stream of refusals.Finally, a short, thin man, well past middle age, approached the farmer. "Are you a good farm hand?" the farmer asked him.
"Well, I can sleep when the wind blows," answered the little man.Although puzzled by this answer, the farmer, desperate for help, Hired him. The little man worked well around the farm, busy from Then one night the wind howled loudly in from offshore. Jumping out of bed, the farmer grabbed a lantern and rushed
next door to the hired hand's sleeping quarters. He shook the little man and yelled, "Get up! A storm is coming! Tie things down before they blow away!" The little man rolled over in bed and said firmly, "No
sir. I told you, I can sleep when the wind blows."Enraged by the response, the farmer was tempted to fire him on the spot. Instead, he hurried outside to prepare for the storm. To his amazement, he discovered that all of the haystacks had been covered with tarpaulins. The cows were in the barn, the chickens
were in the coops, and the doors were barred. The shutters were tightly secured. Everything was tied down.
Nothing could blow away. The farmer then understood what his hired hand meant, so he returned to his bed to also sleep while the wind blew. When you're prepared, spiritually, mentally, and physically, you have nothing to fear. Can you sleep when the wind blows through your life? The hired hand in the story was able to sleep because he had secured the farm against the storm. We secure ourselves against the storms of life by
grounding ourselves in the Word of God. We don't need to understand, we just need to hold His hand to have peace in the middle of storms.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Jack’s Winning Words 3/8/07
“Much happens that one expects the least.”
(Icelandic Proverb) This can be applied to the good as well as to the bad. The thrill of the unexpected is a part of life’s reality. What has unexpectedly happened in your life lately? BTW, some of most descriptive of the Icelandic Proverbs are X-rated…or at least, P-G. ;-) Jack

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Jack’s Winning Words 3/7/07
“If anyone is not willing to accept your point of view, try to see his point of view.”
(Lebanese Proverb) Wouldn’t it be great if we lived in a world where people practiced these words? Check it out. Who do you know who’s that open minded? As the song goes: “…and let it begin with me.” ;-) Jack

FROM REV. JOHN IN MICHIGAN: It's the key to debate...if you can't see the other persons point of view, you have no chance to present an effective rebuttal...instead, you will spend your time tilting at windmills and/or knocking over straw horses!!!

FROM P.O. IN DETROIT: I think everyone needs to have this one on the table in front of them during church council meetings!

FROM MARY L. IN ILLINOIS: that sounds a little "gibranish". i wish the middle east,(a land so rich in prophets), and the rest of the world would consider this form of conflict resolution. we do not all have to believe in the same mean to the end. peace and love,

FROM D.S. One of my favorite ones came from a friend of mine in Savannah, GA when we lived there. "He is often wrong, but never in doubt". I use that quite often these "political" days.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Jack’s Winning Words 3/6/07
“It’s not a good idea to tie your shoe in someone else’s watermelon patch.”
(Japanese Proverb) This was quoted by a Japanese friend of mine, so it’s real, and not made up. Now, we’ve got to figure out what it means. I can see it in my mind. Does it mean that the person might be thought to be stealing? If so, avoid putting yourself in a position where people get the wrong idea about you. What do you think? ;-) Jack

FROM M.L. IN ILLINOIS: i think that living an honest and honorable life should be enough. trying to perceive what others will interpret of it takes up too much time from the living. if my shoe becomes untied in anothers "field", i guess i'll have to call upon my character witnesses!

FROM P.O. IN DETROIT: This one will appear on the list of things to discuss with my son tonight --- I haven't a clue!

FROM GOOD DEBT JON IN OHIO: I think it goes with, "No one believes guys go to Hooter's for the chicken wings--though it could be possible." The appearance of impropriety is often as damaging (to your reputation) as the actual act. My mom used to say, "You can't be seen coming out of a place you don;t go into."

FROM L.K. IN OHIO: Of course, questions there are: state of the watermelons, ground,etc.(should your shoes come off).....why are you there to begin with?Anyway, to me it means don't spend time in another's affairs....mind your own business.

FROM D.S., RUTH'S HUSBAND: I think most people know my tongue is well entrenched in the side of my cheek. All I will say is that men (in particular) have been known to run around in more patches than those
that raise watermelons. I think you know what I mean, but I have an idea that possibly the proverb
may be speaking exactly to that. What say YOU?

FROM B.S. IN FLORIDA: I think you are right. Someone is stealing melons. So if you are stealing, make certain you are prepared in all ways to get in and get out. Don't loiter.Speed is your option.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Jack’s Winning Words 3/5/07
“He that hurts a robin will never prosper.”
(Amish Proverb) The Amish Plain People live close to the land. Perhaps that’s why they have a proverb such as this. I haven’t seen my first robin of the year, and I certainly won’t want to hurt him (her) when I do. However, I will try to keep them from building a nest by our front door. ;-) Jack

FROM A TRANSPLANTED MOLINER IN FLORIDA: Many of the robins are in Florida, and in my backyard specifically. They remind me of my years in Moline and bring back lots of good memories.

FROM REV. J.S. IN MICH: Have you ever noticed that many people who would not hurt a robin (and I don't mean you) are more than willing to walk over their fellow human beings and to think it is perfectly justifiable because those human beings hold different views than they do. Dostoyoevsky's Grand Inquisitor section in the Brothers Karamasov is a wonderful illustration of that....


FROM F.M., WINTERING IN ALABAMA: We have seen hundreds of robins - making their way north. In fact, we have birds all over the place, singing and chirping from early morning to late at night. We're taking another hike in the bird sanctuary this afternoon. We'll tell the robins to find another place to build a nest then in at your front door. But they just seek out a safe place where they have caring folks around!

FROM COACH LARRY, RETIRED IN ALABAMA: Lower Al must be the home of the robin..there are thousands and this being mateing season they are fighting all over the place..I will get the word out you are waiting for them..Coach

CAN YOU SING ALONG WITH THIS? When the red, red, robin comes bob bob bobbin along, along,There'll be no more sobbin' when he starts throbbin' his own, sweet song; Wake up, wake up! you sleepy head Get up, get up, get out of bed, Cheer up, cheer up the sun is red Live, love, laugh and be happy,What if I've been blue? Now I'm walkin' through fields of flow'rs;The rain may glisten but still I listen for hours and hours.I'm just a kid again, doin' what I did again, Singin' a song,When the red red robin comes bob bob bobbin' along.

FROM NANCY RUTH IN ILLINOIS: I heard a robin before our cold spell hit, and I worried about how it would keep itself warm--he'll fly to da barn, yust to keep himself varm, and tuck his head under his wing, da poor ting.

FROM JOANIE IN MICHIGAN: I think it will be May before any robins are warm enough to return. Brrr!

ANOTHER FROM J.L. IN MICHIGAN: Early this morning I heard and saw my first Red Winged Blackbird. She's sitting so pretty in a tree in our backyard. They are some of the last birds to migrate in the Spring, but this one seems to be all by herself. Turkey buzzards are the last ones in. My favorite sounds of the summer are the beautiful bird songs. We have a little creek through our backyard and tall weeds on either side. Red Winged Blackbirds are ground nesters, and the nest in those tall weeds. SPRING IS HERE.

FROM B.S. NEAR ORLANDO: Hi, we used birds are targets when we were children, and I truley regret it. Birds of all kinds contribute to our environment and the beauty of the "firmament", I need to get out today and clean and fill the bird feeder.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Jack’s Winning Words 3/2/07
“One of these days is none of these days.”
(English Proverb) Sometimes parents threaten discipline, but never follow through. Sometimes we make similar threats in interpersonal relationships as adults. It’s even done in the business world. One of these days things may change. ;-) Jack

FROM ANOTHER REV JACK: My paternal grandparents came from Cornwall, England and were known as "Cornish". Our name is pronounced "Tre-THEW'-ey" (Ugh!) in Cornwall, but my Dad would have nothiing to do with that pronunciation. He insisted on "Trethaway", but still spelled Trethewey. My maternal grandparents, Patrick and Ingrid Peterson, came from Sweden. So I'm a half-breed. Another label the Cornish have is being called ":cousinjacks". It can be traced supposedly from the legend that a Cornish miner who came to work in the Michigan Upper Peninsula was asked by his foreman if he knew where more miners could be found to come to the UP to work. The Cornish miner replied, "Iv'e got a cousin Jack back in Cornwall that's a miner." So that's how we got "cousinjacks" in the UP.

FROM L.K. IN OH: One of these days is ONLY one of these days........the world is bigger and better than any of us can possibly imagine. Our memories and vision are so limited.

FROM GOOD DEBT JON IN OH: “Conscience precedes reality, not the other way around.” --Vaclav Havel

FROM C.H. ON CAPE COD: Yeah, but there is another way to respond to this proverb: “One of these days IS one of these days”… one of these days the dam will break, one of these days the impact of global warming or destruction of the environment will be irreversible… One day a parent does discipline and takes away some privilege for good or a worker is fired… The proverb does criticize inaction but it can also lead to a false complacency…

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Jack’s Winning Words 3/1/07
“The reverse side also has a reverse side.”
(Japanese Proverb) Is the reverse only a duplicate of the other side? I don’t think so. With her tangled life, Judy Garland said that behind every cloud is another cloud. But she also sang, “Look For The Silver Lining.” Which of the two thoughts is yours? I vote for the second. ;-) Jack

FROM GOOD DEBT JON IN OHIO: Perhaps the reverse side of a government engaged in “forced philanthropy” provides not charity, but a disincentive for voluntary (real) charity. Politicians do their “philanthropic” work with our money. In politics the silver lining may be that we don’t get all of the government we pay for.

FROM L.K. IN OH: The sun is always up/out/in there somewhere all the time.....24/ times you need to work harder to image that important reality.

FROM B.S. IN FLORIDA: Hi, the reverse side of a coin is sometimes cal;led the obverse side. Judy certainly had a sad life, ev en though she displayed a pleasant demeaner with the songs she sang. She will always have a place in my memory, right along side of Monty, and Mama, and Louie, and Fred, and Jackie, and Lars, on and on. But Judy is there.