Tuesday, November 06, 2018

Jack’s Winning Words 11/6/18
“The ingredients of good conversation are truth, good sense, good humor and wit.”  (William Temple)  I would add to Temple’s ingredients this one--have a genuine interest in other people and what they have to say,..and you might learn something, too!  One thing I particularly enjoy about being a pastor is the chance to talk with people…of all ages…from a variety of backgrounds.  We’ve shared ideas about truth, some good sense and some good jokes, too.   ;-)  Jack

 FROM SF LEAVING MI FOR FL:  Love it. And yes, that is definitely your gift to yourself and to others!  Leaving shortly for the airport.  Be well. See you in the spring!  Warm (literally too) regards,===JACK:  It's sometimes said that a person who hogs the conversation has "eye (I) trouble." That's not a problem when we get together...at least, not on your part.  I like this song!
That's What Friends Are For - YouTube

FROM FACEBOOK LIZ:   i would like to have a dinner party w/you as a guest!  ===JACK:  I remember well our first dinner party, a couple of years ago, held on the streets of Moline.  You brought the cake.

FROM HAWKEYE GEORGE:  One thought I've been dwelling on lately is, "Love your neighbor as yourself."===JACK:  I recall how you once drove to Michigan to meet me for face to face conversation.  Your concern for others is not just a recent one.

FROM ST PAUL IN ST PAUL:  when i was at the sem for those 3 years as 1/2 time interim campus pastor, i sometimes told the students that if they did not truly enjoy conversing with people of all ages, in all walks of life, and all conditions of life,  they should perhaps think about a different profession.  i sometimes got some strange looks in response.===JACK:  It might not "fly," but I'd like to have you (or someone like you) conduct a required conversation with seminarians on "Tips on how to become an effective pastor."

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  Love those with a good sense of humor!  Good conversation is a treat, and you're right, you hear some interesting stories shared! (The cache of "Marilyn" stories are fairly extensive by this time in my life! Usually good for a hearty
laugh!)  As my grandchildren used to say, ""Nitwit Nana strikes again!"  Hoping the voters elect a few new faces, with good sense, great ideas, and respect for the truth!! I'll try to keep my sense of humor!===JACK:  My favorite "M" story is about how you ran out of gas on the bridge in the morning with no purse...the policeman...the tow truck driver...etc.


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