Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Jack’s Winning Words 11/13/18
 “What are the American ideals? …They are the development of the individual through liberty, and the attainment of the common good through democracy and social justice.”  (Louis Brandeis)  I wish I’d saved the textbook from my college American Ideals course, but when a “girl” friend asked for it….  From what I remember, the basic ideals are: rights, democracy, liberty, opportunity and equality.  And…Gov’t is meant to protect them.   ;-)  Jack

FROM ST PAUL IN ST PAUL:  and lets tell this to all our elected govt. officials, especially the Prez...===JACK:  As I recall, American Ideals was not a popular college course back then...and the same for Civics in high school.  Life often results in the past choices we have made.

FROM SHALOM JAN:  It is the "common good" that is being most ignored these days.  "My rights" seem to exceed "your rights" at every turn.  It is hard to teach young children that others have rights, too, in an age of "everyone gets a prize".===JACK:  Perhaps we need to teach the meaning of the word, compromise.

FROM WALMART:  That may of been written in the old King James Version , , , some of the modern translations seemingly finding it..."Gov't meant to shape them.===JACK:  Religion, like politics, has the problem of translating old language into new.  Courts are supposed to do that politically, but there's no authoritative religious court in the here and now...so the problems continue.

FROM FACEBOOK LIZ:  we are a constitutional republic, so democracy is a bit of a misnomer. the majority cannot vote away our constitutional rights.===JACK:  Note that the quote is from a past justice of the Supreme Court (the first Jewish Justice), respected by scholars, regardless of political leanings.  My comment is based on that quote and the reputation 0f Justice Brandeis.

FROM WBDB:  I am so glad that I got to thank some vets yesterday!===JACK:  I guess that any day is an appropriate day to say "thank you" for service rendered.

FROM GOP[HER LYNN:  I would have liked this course ===JACK:  Not an "Easy A!"

FROM GOOD DEBT JON:  A timely message.===JACK:  To talk about Justice Brandeis and his respect for the Supreme Court could have been timely, too.

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  Social Justice is the one that is skewed toward white upper class and wealthy, as many, many, books and articles will attest! "Justice for all" is rarely practiced. Having worked with "The Innocence Project" is an eye-opener! I certainly feel blessed to live in U.S.,where
women are treated with much more respect and opportunities than many other countries that I have visited. American High Ideals give us something to strive for! Hopefully the majority of the population will benefit, even in this divisive land, at present.===JACK:  Sad to say, I think that it will take a long-lens telescope to see the day when there will be "justice for all,"  Maybe it will have to wait until all stand before God's Judgment Throne.

FROM NW SA:  I think that about covers it. A quote from Jefferson, "All people, irrespective of the accident of their birth, are entitled to enjoy aspiring to become fully complete and free human beings." (I need to check the accuracy of the quote) I like the emphasis on the freedom to '...enjoy aspiring...' . (The act) I think this part of being human has much to do with the status of the conversation about guns, police, freedom of speech (thinking of Charlottesville), predatory lending, and others...that, to some, infringe on that birthright to truly enjoy the process of becoming fully complete. Freedom from fear comes to mind.  I heard a story this morning on NPR about dementia and guns. Many aging veterans' identity is intwined with a special gun. The report offered some strategies for including those affected by the disease, in deciding the steps to take to avoid a tragedy. One veteran laughed with his wife, "We've both forgot the combination to the gun safe, and where its written down." I think that's a good problem to have. :).===JACK:  I think that it would be good to forget a lot of things besides combinations...and good to remember some things that we've forgotten.  The trouble is that we sometimes get mixed up as to what to remember and  what to forget.

FROM JT IN SJ:  Bravo....there are times (too frequently) when it seems we are being bulldozed away from our American.values.===JACK:  Synonyms for "bulldoze"...browbeat, cow, bully, hector; tyrannize.  Which one fits best for your comment?

FROM PRAW:  Maybe  another should be protect us from government?===JACK:   You may have a point...but, with no government,,,chaos.  Imagine driving with no traffic rules, or with rules and no enforcement.  

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