Friday, October 26, 2018

Jack’s Winning Words 10/26/18
“Life is not like Burger King.  We can’t always have it our way.”  (Randi Zuckerberg)  R.Z. wanted to do it all!..Work, Sleep, Family, Fitness, Friends..and what she got was guilt.  I can’t do it.  What she did was to choose 3 of the 5 to concentrate on each day and stick to 3 (not the same 3 each day).  Randi tracked what she did each day.  Prioritizing worked for her.  Really, it was a way of balancing her life..and shedding some guilt.  You can have it all…kinda!   ;-)  Jack

FROM DR J:  Maybe life is like McDonald’s, “I’m loving it!”===JACK:  A great response, and "I'll have fries with that!"

FROM DR PHIL:  My cousin is a marketing guru and wrote several books. In one book  he called "Marketing Warfare" he used Burger King to note that they lived on the fact that they were no 2 compared to Macdonald's.  I have used it in a sermon or two.===JACK:  Avis used to advertise that they were #2 in the car rental business.  I haven't seen football fans hold up two fingers and scream, "We're number two!"  I guess we just celebrate who we are, whatever the number might be.

FROM SF WAITING FOR FL:  Hah! Forget about Burger King.===JACK:  Did you ever wear one of those paper crows that Burger King passed out for kids?

FROM TAMPA SHIRL:  I just have a sort of plan each day! Today I plan to early vote and then to do errands! Tomorrow is Susie and Jeannie’s birthday and we will be celebrating the first year that we know they're identical twins-not fraternal-due to ancestry DNA!===JACK:  DNA is something our parents didn't know about...among other things.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  That’s so true!  We can and do have it all.  Life is a balancing act.  It’s a matter o“.”f when, what and how we balance!  Life is grand!===JACK:  John Milton wrote in Paradise Lost, “The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven..”

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  Participated in an all day bus tour by Network Knowledge yesterday, and that was challenging enough for ONE day, for this old lady. Always time to catch up on other things later, I say! No, you can't always "have it your way", but usually God's way works better anyhow! Good words for today. I'm not a McDonald's fan for food, but I like their slogan for Life, "You'll Love IT!". Gotta think positive!! :-)===JACK:  2 McD burgers suits me just fine for a snack while traveling.  BTW, how do you know the difference between God's way and your way?  OOPS!  That's right.  God's way is, "Don't go chasing golf balls in ditches."

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