Tuesday, October 02, 2018

Jack’s Winning Words 10/2/18
“We’d forgive most things if we knew the facts.”  (Graham Greene)  Being prejudiced means to judge before knowing all of the facts.  RLS wrote: “I have a little shadow that goes in and out with me…” and that shadow, at times, can be the tendency to form opinions based on partial knowledge.  Racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia, nationalism…these are more than words.  Leaning, left or right…we daily have to examine “our little shadow” of pre-judging.   ;-)  Jack

FROM HONEST JOHN:  I suppose that I should admit to have a tad of Molineism in me.... ===JACK:  If the facts were known, we would have less pride in certain "things/opinions" and more pride in others.  I continue to have pride in the Augustana Synod influence and, at the same time, being aware that it was not perfect.

FROM TAMPA SHIRL:  Graham Greene used to be one of my favorite authors! We have to get as many facts as possible before making a decision! Don’t you think?===JACK:  Sometimes decision time comes upon us before all the facts are known.  If we were to wait until "we know it all," nothing would ever be decided.

FROM WALMART REV:  "It’s those continued piled on prejudiced assumptions (or hope something will finally surface to prove one's assertion) lately that's keeping me from those concluding and forgiving moments. 0;-)===JACK:  My continued "example" for forgiveness is the "Grace of God!"  How can he possibly do that?  To be "all-knowing: certainly helps.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  Good Words.  “Just the facts, nothing but the facts!”===JACK:  We need to be careful with our judgments, because ONLY God knows all of the "facts."===JUDY:  Absolutely agree!

FROM AMcC: For me, it is best to forgive all unconditionally.  I work on that daly.===JACK:  Someone said:  "I know that it says in the Bible that you should love your neighbor, but you haven't met my neighbor.===A:  I laughed out loud.  Somehow I think about forgiveness as I age and find it easier.  Never was very grudgey.  More consciously closer to Christ.  Deepened faith is answer

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  We rarely know  ALL the facts about  anything...I read something recently that  went like this : Don't judge a person for the option they choose: You don't know what choices they had to choose from!" Good point!  As the scripture in James says, "Who made YOU judge and jury of others? That's God's job!" :-)===JACK:  Jesus said, "I'm sending you out as sheep among wolves. Be wise as serpents and harmless as doves."  When we're among the wolves,  be sure to be wise (use your brain).

FROM DR J:  I like this one ALOT!  so true.. I have the little shadow hanging around too… and recognizing that the shadow exists is half the battle!===JACK:  I like this song...

My Shadow song for children - YouTube

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