Tuesday, October 17, 2017

  Jack’s Winning Words 10/17/17
“Nomophobia, short for ‘no mobile phone phobia,’ is the fear of being without your cellphone or being out of mobile device contact.”  (The Daily Extra)  I wonder if nomophobia is related to separation anxiety disorder (SAD), that fear of being away from home, parent or any safe place?  I looked for a word describing the fear of being separated from God, but couldn’t find one.  Maybe it’s because God has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”    ;-)  Jack 

FROM TRIHARDER:  It's liberating to forget my phone now and then.====JACK:  What are the rules for mobile phones in the courtroom, or does each judge have personal rules?====TH:  The ringer had better be turned off.  Some judges would go ballistic. Others would just give looks.  My watch went off once during a hearing.  The judge demanded to know whose phone was going off in the crowded courtroom. I remained silent and continued to conduct myself as if I didn't hear it.

FROM KITTY:  Interesting thought as always. And being an early riser myself, I can’t help but notice how early you are getting up these days====JACK:  If I wake up after 3 am, I go to the computer and spent 15 minutes sending out WWs to over 500 people.  Then, it's back to bed for some more sleep.  I generally want to have a "positive" message appear on computer screens when people turn on their pc-s.====K:  Often the first thing I see. Thanks=====JACK: . I do it for people such as you…and for my personal satisfaction, too.

FROM SHALOM JAN:  Amen!  One of my favorite God-quotes!  SAD also refers to my disorder: Seasonal Affective Disorder which i'm hoping a brighter winter will help me avoid in 2018! ====JACK:  I'm already looking forward to Groundhog Day, which signals the coming of my favorite season....as expressed in these song lyrics...
"So when it's raining have no regrets  Because it isn't raining rain you know  It's raining violets
And when you see clouds up on a hill  You know they'll bring crowds of daffodils
So just keep looking for a bluebird  And listening for his song..."

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