Friday, June 24, 2016

Jack’s Winning Words 6/24/16
“Period.  Full stop.  Point.  Whatever it’s called, it’s going out of style.”  (David Crystal)  We have a STOP sign at the corner by our house, but hardly anyone stops.  They just roll through.   It’s way with other laws, too…selective obedience…even with the famous TEN.  The laws of grammar are ignored when e-mailing, too.  When to use the period, the Stop Sign?  Maybe the situation determines it.  Could that be why God invented…GRACE?    ;-)  Jack

FROM MICHIZONA RAY:  Truly even the Ten Commandments don't "stop" transgressions; they merely identify them. Somehow we have come to think of laws as the means for ceasing destructive activity, i.e., if we can pass a law, we can stop the activity. Sadly, there are many laws that are not executed. Consider all the gun laws already in force that are currently ignored....and the conventional folly is to make new ones? Do you suppose the additional laws will somehow find compliance that all the currently ignored laws do not? Why not simply outlaw evil intention and destructive thinking? That should take care of it! I am glad that I do not live by the law; but by the Light -- in the same Grace of which you mention! Indeed, to live by the law will lead to Justice, and I prefer to live in Grace which will instead lead to Mercy. I don't want justice; I want mercy -- PERIOD!====JACK:  You sound like St Paul in Romans and Galatians, or a modern-day Martin Luther.  When Jesus was asked which was the greatest of the Commandments (Laws), he went on to say that you should love God above anything else...and your neighbor as you love yourself.

FROM TARMART REV:  Thank God for His amazing grace . . . however, life seems to run some much smoother when we use those God appointed and "established for our good" stop signs!! ====JACK:  I'd rather emphasize God's "GO" signs...GO and sin no more...GO and show mercy...GO and preach the Gospel...GO the extra mile...GO and make disciples.

FROM FM IN WISCONSIN:  A good one today, so be sure to stop and think!

FROM CHESTER THE GOOD:  It's against the law to race a train to the crossing. If you win, you lose. Be selective.====JACK:  "He saw  The train  And tried to duck it  Kicked first the gas  And then the bucket  Burma-Shave"

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  How true this statement is!!!  Even Jesus told us to obey our officials and laws but who listens to us now-a-days let alone Jesus.  God gave us the Ten Commandments, not the Ten Suggestions!!!

1 comment:

Ray Gage said...

Truly even the Ten Commandments don't "stop" transgressions; they merely identify them. Somehow we have come to think of laws as the means for ceasing destructive activity, i.e., if we can pass a law, we can stop the activity. Sadly, there are many laws that are not executed. Consider all the gun laws already in force that are currently ignored....and the conventional folly is to make new ones? Do you suppose the additional laws will somehow find compliance that all the currently ignored laws do not? Why not simply outlaw evil intention and destructive thinking? That should take care of it! I am glad that I do not live by the law; but by the Light -- in the same Grace of which you mention! Indeed, to live by the law will lead to Justice, and I prefer to live in Grace which will instead lead to Mercy. I don't want justice; I want mercy -- PERIOD!