Monday, December 14, 2015

Jack’s Winning Words 12/14/15
“There are times when my greatest accomplishment is keeping my mouth shut.”  (M.R.’s Facebook)   I came across a list of Southern sayings.  “Well, shut my mouth,” is on the list, along with “Dills my pickle” and “Eyeballs are floating.”  Colorful language often gets the point across better the proper English.  I think it was Swedish, but when my uncle would say, “Tyst med du”, I knew that I should shut up.  Do you remember any expressions from your childhood?    ;-)  Jack

FROM HONEST JOHN:   Det ar sa smutzy!====JACK:  Maybe it was said when you came in from your garden..."You are so dirty!"====JOHN:  My mother would hug me when I came in all dirty.    I now consider that an ultimate act of love.====JACK:  "Though your sins be as (dirty as dirt) they shall be as white as snow."

FROM HAWKEYE GEORGE:  Mom used to say, half in jest, "Knocka nocka inta beta!" That is how it sounded. I think it was Swedish. It meant for me to shut up.====JACK:  However it sounded, you knew what it meant, didn't you?

FROM TARMART REV:  "Your father will speak  to this when he gets home!?" 0;-/====JACK:  So, your dad was the enforcer at your house!====REV:  "...when he was home (a traveling salesman)...====JACK:  In a sense, his son turned out to be a traveling salesman, too.

FROM BD IN MICHIGAN:  expression:  "zip-it"  (shut your mouth).  It would be fun to see the replies that other people send back. I'm sure that certain sayings were popular during specific decades. Fun memory lane reunion.====JACK:  I like "zip it!"  You can read the responses (including your own) by accessing the blog.  Click this link to see my blog

FROM CHESTER THE GOOD:  KEEP YOUR TRAP SHUT!====JACK:  My parents didn't like it when I said to my sister..."SHUT UP!"  We're nicer to each other, now.====CHESTER:  "Silence is golden. Let's get rich." (Fanning) 

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  If you can't say something nice don't talk at all...You aren't totally useless you can always serve as a bad example (which would always make us laugh)...Put the bat away, the horse is dead (quit beating a horse)...Get up you guys, it's daylight in the swamp...Go play in the traffic...And of course, there are tons more but I can't remember any of them right now! ====JACK:  In today's world your parents might be reported to Child Protective Services, especially for "Go play in the traffic."  Of course in those days and where you lived, the traffic might be a horse. 

FROM RJP IN NAPLES:  The classic " Children should be seen and not heard."====JACK:  I can't imagine that those words would have worked with you.

FROM DS IN SAN DIEGO:  It makes me laugh, Jack, when I think of the times I wish I had kept my mouth shut. Sometimes the brain doesn't work fast enough for my mouth.====JACK:  I seem to remember that a character in Li'l Abner would say, "Wwll shut my mawf."  

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  "Remember it doesn't cost anything to be kind"; "If you always tell the truth, you don't have to remember what you said..."' Keep your words sweet, you may have to eat them"; "Ve grow too soon alt, und too late shmart"..."Enough! Button it up!" "imitation is the sincerest form of flattery", and so much more...:-)  Just read a comment 'Some people should use a glue stick on their lips, instead of chap stick"...!====JACK:  "Button it up!"  I like it.  Who needed more of a reprimand, you or your twin?  FYI....Jack’s Winning Words  10/20/15   “Some people should use a glue stick instead of Chapstick.”  (Pinterest)

FROM TAMPA SHIRL:  It has been too long  ago, Jack. I just remember having lots of fun.====JACK:  Do you remember how the Beach Boys sang....Fun, Fun, Fun?  "And we'll have fun fun fun now that daddy took the T-Bird away."

FROM IKE AT THE MIC:  On that topic my favorite "Ikeism" is:  "Silence can sometimes be misunderstood,but it can never be misquoted."====JACK:  You and your Ikeisms....You're like Jimmy Durante when he said about his corny jokes..."I gotta million of 'em."

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