Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Jack’s Winning Words 5/13/15
“Most people really don’t want the truth.  They just want constant reassurance that what they believe is the truth.”  (Collective Evolution)  Plato (428 BCE), famous philosopher and teacher, was also a funny guy.  He’s the one who said, “I’m trying to think.  Don’t confuse me with the facts.”  He was joking, of course.  In life, we are continually asked to test the sources for our beliefs.  Don’t be afraid to examine the “facts” during your search for truth.    ;-)  Jack

  FROM AP IN WB:  Ah, here's a good one that fits many scenarios!!====JACK:  I wonder how it applied in Plato's case?  It applies in business, politics, the home and even in church.

FROM SMILING TERI:  Outstanding quote.====JACK:  That's not teaching, is it?

FROM TRIHARDER: "You can't handle the truth."  It's true. For whatever reason, because of ingrained ideology or desire to believe a line of thought, people grope to their preconceptions and misconceptions despite the truth.====JACK:  The arguments regarding "truth" will continue until sometime G-d, in his wisdom, will reveal the answer to "What is truth?", and all will agree on it.  Does that mean...never?====TH:  There are some universal "truths" that have nothing to do with religion or political thought that are, nonetheless, believed to be "lies from the pit of hell."  : 
Science -- that the earth is millions and millions of years old; that light travels at 186,000 miles/second, evolution, that there are no innate differences (intellectual) in the races ... ====JACK: Was "The earth is flat" a universal truth?

ROM BLAZING OAKS:  As in Beauty, Truth is in the eye of the beholder, eh?  Some fly in the face of researched facts, to hold on to "TRUTHS" they believe in. It is pretty well known by now that Homosexuality is a condition one is born with, and yet many cling to the belief that it is a choice, and one can change if they really want to....True, most people do not really want the truth...Good WW today.====JACK:  I was concerned, but not overly concerned, when people chose to leave the church because of theological issues.  As your friend, A. Lincoln put it, "You can please some of the people etc."  No one church has the whole truth.   

FROM CZB IN NEW HAMPSHIRE:  I love this.  It’s true regarding religion, politics, etc. etc. etc.====JACK:  Think of how the world might be different if all would work together in seeking the truth....the end of talk radio/ more pulpit pounding...war no more...etc.

FROM GOOD DEBT JON:  I like this Pastor, this is easy to see in many aspects of life (especially on Facebook).  Many embrace only those ideas that confirm their preexisting biases.====JACK:  It's amazing to me how some seemingly-smart can accept, as true, information that has not been tested, or to accept 1/2 truths as actual truth.  I guess that I'm not amazed.  I just shake my head. 

FROM TARMART REV:  Reminding folk at a funeral today that John the Baptist questioned Jesus about His Messiahship...Jesus didn't count His doubt has against Him but instead complimented him in his calling at the time and encouraged him along.====JACK:  Remember, as you preach today (or whenever) that your listeners are hungering for the truth.====REV:  The bottom line is found in Hebrews 11 . . . God healed and delivered some here on earth and some he didn't .   I believe we touched some hearts today, wondering why God didn't heal the young bride and mother of a 1 year old daughter. It was discovered she had cancer when going for a checkup on her pregnancy  and they could not begin treating it until the baby was born. By that time it a spread severely.  She carried her strong faith for God's healing . . . but realized it would be His will not hers for the final outcome. I saw her grown up into the beautiful person she was, married her and her husband a couple of years ago and officiated her funeral today. Over 300 in attendance and a television station was present from the Cities for a story on tonight's newscast. 

FROM CHESTER THE GOOD:  The problem is separating facts from hearsay.====JACK: ...and who's to determine what's fact and what's fantasy?

FROM MICHIZONA RAY:  Actually Plato addresses this phenomenon in Book Seven of his "Republic" which includes the all agora of "The Cave". As he writes about Socrates as the deliverer of enlightenment to those blinded by their own impressions developed down In a cave, he notes how such a disturbance of the Truth leads to an equally disturbing reaction of "killing the messenger". Of course, it is all disguised in the allegory....but the same has been repeated over and over agin these past 2515 years!====JACK:  Believe it or not, I'm looking across the room at my 2 volume set of the Dialogs of Plato on the bookshelf.  When I have enough gumption I'll go over there and look up Book VII of the Republic.

1 comment:

Ray Gage said...

Actually Plato addresses this phenomenon in Book Seven of his "Republic" which includes the all agora of "The Cave". As he writes about Socrates as the deliverer of enlightenment to those blinded by their own impressions developed down In a cave, he notes how such a disturbance of the Truth leads to an equally disturbing reaction of "killing the messenger". Of course, it is all disguised in the allegory....but the same has been repeated over and over agin these past 2515 years!