Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Jack’s Winning Words 11/19/14
“Except for salvation, God helps those who help themselves.”  (John Catoir)  Fr Catoir wrote this in “3 Minutes A Day,” making the point that if you want a change in your life, prayer is not always the complete answer.  For example, Tom wants a job and prays for God’s help.  But he  makes no effort to find one and wonders why God doesn’t answer his prayer.  Prayer works, but sometimes God says, “Get tough and get off your duff,” or something like that.   ;-)  Jack

 FROM EDUCATOR PAUL:  You know the one about the Lottery...right?====JACK:  No, I don't!
 ====PAUL:  Every night before John goes to bed he prays to G'd to grant him his wish of winning the lottery. This goes on for several weeks.  Disgusted after continuing not to win anything..John yells out.."Lord... You know how badly I need that money and I try to be good every day! Why have you not listened?"  A voice answers...  "John. You have to at least buy a ticket!"

FROM MICHIZONA RAY:  It certainly seems reasonable to assume that if it is God's will for me to "do" something (like work at a certain job) for which I request, it would be incumbent upon myself to have the will to act upon that for which I had just prayed. Faith in Jesus' claim that whatever was ask the Father in Jesus' name, "and believe that we have received it", we shall have it, would require one to act in accordance with the belief in Jesus' claim. Indeed we would expect it! It would be a remarkable way to live...just like the Centurian who had more faith than anyone Jesus had come across in all of Jerusalem.====JACK:  God provides food for the birds, but he doesn't throw food into the nest.  Which reminds me...I should go out and fill the birdfeeder.====RAY:  Don't forget your winter coat!====JACK:  In fact, I wore it yesterday for the first time.  We tied a record for the coldest Nov 18 ever. 

FROM TRIHARDER:  Someone said, at a shiva gathering last night, that if you set up three couples in marriage, you got a free pass into heaven.  Who knew!!!???  (And, by the time you reached heaven, would any of the three couples object?)====JACK:  In my mind, I've thought of people who would make a good couple, but none of them has ever asked my advice.  It seems that most people want to do their own thing, for better or worse.  Have you ever "set" someone up?

FROM BB IN ILLINOIS:  Amen brother John.  I thought Mark Twain coined that phrase.  Thanks for schooling me.  Did you watch any of the installation of the archbishop service yesterday or was that only a Chicago story?  My harp teacher played the service and was featured on the news the night before.  she is Chinese.  The Organist/composer German and the cantor Mexican.  The new bishop seems fluent in Spanish and Polish and apparently ministered in the native American community.  Like the Pope, he’s chosen to forego the palatial residence in favor of living in community (at Holy Name rectory) across the street from my el stop.  I like to see these guys living humbly/simply as that’s how I was raised.  When I worshipped at the “born-again” church the pastors lived luxuriously and quoted something like a laborer is worth his toil”,,,that never set right with me.
  Kind of like Christ the King Sunday in the Catholic church which neer set right with me.  He didn’t come as a king…at least not the first time.====JACK:  Many people think the quote is from the Bible, from Ben Franklin.  Actually, it goes back to at least the 17th century.  In fact, the Bible says the opposite...The Lord cares about the helpless.  It seems as tho Pope Francis and the new Chicago Cardinal do, too.  BTW, I have no trouble with Christ the King...especially when I hear the Handel oratorio chorus sing..."King of kings and Lords of lords."====BB:  Ah…love the Handel too. 
As I think about Advent, I think we are oddly waiting together with our Jewish brothers and sisters right now as Christians seem to expect Christ to return in glory and power and I believe that’s what the Jews were thinking 2000 years ago when they dismissed Jesus.  He did not come as the ruler/leader bringing Israel together and rebuilding the physical temple as they expected====JACK:  One of the advantages of living in a community with Jewish people is the opportunity see (and learn) first-hand about some of the roots of Christianity.

FROM PAUL IN ST. PAUL:  have you ever eaten plumb duff at Christmas time?  my sister in law makes it and it is to die for!====JACK:  No, I haven't eaten Plum Duff.  I haven't eaten Figgy Pudding, either.

FROM TARMART REV:  Yes, Sir...wise words in deed!!====JACK:  When God asks us to do something, we should say, "Yes, Sir (Ma'm)," and do it.  There's a saying: "When you pray, don't give orders to God, just report for duty!"

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  We most often do have to put hands and feet on our prayers, but there are times when requests or situations are beyond our area of expertise, and we just have to "Let go, and Let God", praying for the desired outcome. (Which may or may not be the outcome God had in mind!)   Nevertheless, Prayer is a powerful force! But as your friend pointed out, we do have to at least "buy the lottery ticket"! :-)  Thankfully, Salvation is safely in His hands.====JACK:  There are times when we can be doing the work of God without even knowing that we're doing it.  I think it's OK to be an anonymous Christian.

FROM TAMPA SHIRL:  That has always been one of my favorite.  Pray like everything depends on God, and work like everything depends on you. 


Ray Gage said...

It certainly seems reasonable to assume that if it is God's will for me to "do" something (like work at a certain job) for which I request, it would be incumbent upon myself to have the will to act upon that for which I had just prayed. Faith in Jesus' claim that whatever was ask the Father in Jesus' name, "and believe that we have received it", we shall have it, would require one to act in accordance with the belief in Jesus' claim. Indeed we would expect it! It would be a remarkable way to live...just like the Centurian who had more faith than anyone Jesus had come across in all of Jerusalem.

Ray Gage said...

Don't forget your winter coat!