Friday, September 12, 2014

Jack’s Winning Words 9/12/14
“Don’t give up!”  (Advice from a 1st Grader)  Some school children were asked to give advice to new Kindergarteners.  “Don’t ignore friends…Say nice words…Listen to teachers and parents…Be respectful…Don’t throw scissors.”  In a sense, everyone is a Kindergartener as each day begins.  If you were to give advice on how to meet the new day and be successful in your relationships with others, what would you say?    ;-)  Jack

  FROM MICHIZONA RAY:  We are living the dream! (An attitude to approach the day) ====JACK:  Sometimes it takes "retrospect" to realize the good things that have been a part of our life experience. 

FROM SHARIN' SHARON:  First thing appreciate waking up, go to the computer and read the daily Word from ELCA office (this morning it's Psalm 103:1-13) WW, Henri Nouwen and Richard Rohr meditations. If the computer won't work, still wouldn't "give up" but read one of the Bibles and books we have here in the house. If the house burned down and all the books burned up, still wouldn't "give up" but just engage in conversation and begging my petitions to God. It's God who tells me not to "give up" in the very first place.====JACK:  When I was in Kindergarten I didn't know what a computer was.  In fact, I was just getting used to the miracle of listening to the radio.  Each "day" of life has its discoveries.  "When I was a child I thought and reasoned like a child, but when I became an adult, I still remembered my childhood, but moved on in my thinking."

FROM THE FLORIST:  Dying command of Captain Lawrence during the War of 1812 “Don’t Give Up the Ship” and used in Navy battle flag from time to time since then.====JACK:  That certainly fits with, "Don't Quit!" and it's a history lesson, as well.  Google allowed me to read "the rest of the story," but that's another story.

FROM TRIHARDER:  Yes, I like the "Don't throw scissors" concept.  I'm sure he was warned by some adult because he did it, at least once.  And especially if you live in a paper house.----JACK:  Isn't it strange that some adults have to be reminded that throwing scissors is not nice.  I absolutely abhor the current negative political campaign ads, recognizing that mud-slinging has always been a part of politics.  But, the unregulated use of BIG money and TV saturation exacerbates the problem.

FROM QUILTING CAROL:  Pray for it to be a positive day, smile, look people in the eye when speaking, listen when someone else is speaking, and think positive!====JACK:  Teachers aren't the only ones teaching in school.  It's good when a child (raised with a positive attitude) can "teach" others by actions, as well as words.

FROM IKE AT THE MIC:  I like to repeat from the Optimist creed (almost rhymes,doesn't it?) that there is something special in them that they should be  proud of & that you are grateful that they're your friend.====JACK:  I like what TV's Mr. Rogers used to say to the kids...
You are my friend   You are special   You are my friend   You're special to me.
 You are the only one like you.   Like you, my friend, I like you.
 In the daytime   In the nighttime   Any time that you feel's the right time
 For a friendship with me, you see   F-R-I-E-N-D special   You are my friend
 You're special to me.   There's only one in this wonderful world   You are special. 

FROM TARMART REV:  My old standby: "The best is yet to come, Jack!!) At 67 years of age . . . I'm still standing by it!!====JACK:  I wonder if a kindergartener can understand, "the best is yet to come?"  Maybe it takes one who's been on this earth 3 score years and 7. ====REV:  I don't know for sure, but reading their verbal responses in you post today, “Don’t ignore friends…Say nice words…Listen to teachers and parents…Be respectful…Don’t throw scissors.”    I think they might?!?!

FROM PLAIN FOLKS CHESTER:  Don't snore during nap time.====JACK:  ZZZZZZZZZZZZ

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  "Your day will go the way your mouth is set---SMILE!"  I find it helps....====JACK:  IT ISN'T ANY TROUBLE JUST TO s-m-i-l-e!

FROM TAMPA SHIRL:  Be helpful and kind. Did you ever read the book a few years ago about Everything I learned in Kindergarten?====JACK:  I heard about it, but only read excerpts.


Ray Gage said...

We are living the dream! (An attitude to approach the day)

Anonymous said...

First thing appreciate waking up, go to the computer and read the daily Word from ELCA office (this morning it's Psalm 103:1-13) WW, Henri Nouwen and Richard Rohr meditations. If the computer won't work, still wouldn't "give up" but read one of the Bibles and books we have here in the house. If the house burned down and all the books burned up, still wouldn't "give up" but just engage in conversation and begging my petitions to God. It's God who tells me not to "give up" in the very first place. Thanks, Pastor Freed!!!!
S.H. in MI

Ray Gage said...

I think it almost always requires retrospect.