Monday, January 27, 2014

Jack’s Winning Words 1/27/14
“Criticizing others can protect the ego; respecting others can be educational.”  (Australian Wisdom)  Yesterday was Australia Day “down under.”  An editorial in one of their newspapers indicates that some of the Aussies (like some Americans) have lost the meaning of respect.  I was taught that you respect the flag…and people who do things to improve society.  What is it that you and I can do to be more respectful today?    ;-)  Jack

 FROM TRIHARDER:  Yes.  Like making fun of others or making jokes at the expense of others. ====JACK:  Did you mean to include a "not" in there?  ...or not?====TH:  "Can protect the ego".;JACK:  I was focusing on the last half of the quote.  Sometimes in life, we don't consider at the total picture. ====TH:  And I was focusing on my own behavior over the years -- Humor that often made fun of others (not behind their backs) -- hopefully not in a malicious way.  I hope I never hurt anyone, but I'm quite sure it did sometimes.   Now, it tends to be more self-deprecating humor. ====JACK:  I notice that it is often the bane of clever people....seeing something as funny in their own eyes, but not understanding that it might seem "not so funny" to someone else.

 FROM TARMART REV:   GIVE THANKS with a grateful heart.Give thanks to the Holy One.  Give thanks because He's given  Jesus Christ, His Son.    And now let the weak say 'I am strong,'  Let the poor say 'I am rich,'  Because of what the Lord has done for us.   Give thanks.
Someone once told me, "Cheer up for things could be worse . . . so, I did and they were.====JACK:  There are soooo many "blessings" that we take for granted.  Martin Luther, in his explanation of the 10 Commandments, states the reason for obeying each one of the commandments by saying, "We should fear and love God, so that we....Have no other gods before him."  etc.====REV:  Good word and thought...take time today to be blessed in Minnesota this morning, I'm blessed for a heated home!!====JACK:  The newspaper today tells of the power cut off for a home with small children because of non-payment of the electric bill.  It goes on to describe where help can be found. ====REV:  Salvation Army reports doubling of the prescribed budget for heat and electricity this winter...our seven offerings for them during our annual Christmas musical added $26,000 to the budget needs...they reported  $50,000 increase in this Christmas bell-ringing effort . . . I'm assuming it will go fast for additional expense towards shelter and heat. Thankful for God reaching out through various folk to team up and help others in their time of need. ====JACK:  This world is a better place because of caring people.

 FROM RI IN BOSTON:  It seems to me we are more disrespectful when we're in a hurry...rude in conversation, discourteous while driving, curt while shopping...all because we are rushing.  I know I'm guilty.  Perhaps we would be more respectful of others if we slow down a bit.====JACK:  I don't know who it was, but someone said,  "I gotta slow down.  My feet's movin' too fast."====RI:  We'd be better off if we always made sure our brain was working faster than the rest of our body.====JACK:  It's like driving a stick-shift.  Put brain in gear before letting out the clutch (taking action).

 FROM HR IN MICHIGAN:  What a timely quote.  I have a meeting tonight, respecting others can also twist you up in knots   I do my best to follow this advice.====JACK:  To gain any respect for yourself, you must, first of all, be respectful of others.  Sometimes, easier said than done....but  do it, anyway.

 FROM PLAIN FOLKS CHESTER:  With all of the joshing and "chain-pulling" I do to you, I still respect you.====JACK:  Of course, you've seen my disrespectful side, too.  Thanks for hanging in there.

 FROM BLAZING OAKS:  Philosopher Jean de La Bruyere claims "Mockery is often the result of a poverty of wit", but then Ezra Pound, (quoted in the new Yorker) said, "I have not met anyone worth a damn who was not irascible"...So hopefully the witty, ascerbic people will stop short of disrespect, but keep us entertained....I'm amazed at how disrespectful we have gotten to the President of our country, and almost all political leaders, etc. It used to be that high office and leaders were accorded at least outwardly, a certain respect. Treating  people, (such as the homeless  we deal with,)  with respect  and some dignity is certainly needed! Many minority people feel a decided lack of respect from most people. We could use a lot of improvement becoming "educated" by respect!====JACK:  What I've noticed is how people have come to "demand" respect. I see especially in sports..."He didn't respect me!"  There have even been shootings where the "perp" said..."He didn't respect me."  Maybe there's a "street" meaning of the word that has passed me by.

 FROM TAMPA SHIRL:  Do unto others as you  would have them do unto you.====JACK:  Ellen DeGeneres often says: " Back attcha." when she wants to return a compliment.

 FROM SBP IN FLORIDA:  Respect for..... I'm with those . who say that first one should respect oneself and respecting/loving others will follow.If first we respect ourselves, them we will be more likely to be comfortable respecting others.====JACK:  ....which brings us back to, What is respect?

1 comment:

SBP said...

Respect for..... I'm with those . who say that first one should respect oneself and respecting/loving others will follow.If first we respect ourselves, them we will be more likely to be comfortable respecting others.