Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Jack’s Winning Words 1/22/14
“My judicial philosophy is fidelity to the law.”  (Sonia Sotomayor)  This quote came when S.S. was being quizzed about her fitness to be a Supreme Court justice.  Is there any quality better for a judge than being faithful to the law?  There are other situations, too, where faithfulness is a virtue.  In the marketplace, in marriage, in every occasion when we put our trust in people.  The USMC slogan is “Semper Fildelis.”    ;-)  Jack

 FROM FACEBOOK LIZ:  I like Sonia.====JACK:  She comes across as a real person.  Each of us is really "real."  We just don't always show it.

 FROM TARMART REV:  Good comment and advice to start my day with, Jack . . . thank you!! ====JACK:  West Bloomfield Patch, an internet news provider, calls Jack's Winning Words, "ruminations," whatever that means.

 FROM GOOD DEBT JON:  IMO, Wisdom and discernment in law are, more than, or at least equally as important as "fidelity in law". That is why we have judges and courts of equity. The equitable thing to do seldom can be adequately delineated by written laws. Where there is wisdom and discernment, I'd presume fidelity would be in abundance. The test is when the fidelity we profess for a set of laws, or a cause is at odds with the crowd, or the money, or the prevailing vision of the currently anointed powers.  It is very hard to live a professed fidelity without some common sense and discernment.====JACK:  The Law (even the 10 Commandments) is subject to interpretation.  So, I guess Sonia's statement can be interpreted, too.

 FROM PLAIN FOLKS CHESTER:  As a Marine, how can I argue that? I have a Marine buddy who was always being teased by a Navy friend... until he retorted with, "I was going to join the Navy, but then I always would have wondered if I could have made it as a Marine." The razzing stopped. Not the subject of WW today, but a good Marine story.====JACK:  As I wrote today's words, I knew that some Semper Fi guy would respond.====PFC:  And I was Faithful!====JACK:  Just like an old dog.

 FROM SHARIN' SHARON:  I will always remember one of the people who spoke about Nelson Mandela on one of the News Hour programs, after he died, that Mandela always found "law" to be a pivotal part of a society's working. Even though he was judged and sentenced and served all that time in jail, he still believed somehow that the "law" is a pivotal part of a society's working and never became an anarchist or someone who became finally someone that believed it was the prerogative of the individual to make "law". The person who gives the message can be more powerful when he has suffered like that for his deepest hope and faith and belief in the wisdom of law and actually outlast bad law.====JACK:  I've always appreciated Martin Luther's interpretation of the 10 Commandments in his Small Catechism.  He explains them, both from negative "You shall not" and the positive, "You shall."

 FROM BLAZING OAKS:  I admire Judge Sotomayor, and all I've read of her seem to point to a really genuine person. I trust her judgment! I ran across this quote from Abe Lincoln:"I have always found that Mercy bears richer fruits than strict justice." It was in The Wall Street Journal....:-)  Which reminds me of the definitions I posted on my computer desk: JUSTICE: When you get what you deserve. MERCY: When you don't get what you deserve. GRACE: When you get what you don't deserve.  God's Grace, Greater than all our sin, as the old hymn goes.====JACK:  The closest that law comes to grace are the commutation powers given to governors and to the President.  When they are used, there are some who complain, because they see it as circumventing punishment.  Isn't that what grace is?

 FROM BLAZING OAKS:  Profound words for this day and age...Where is Nuclear Power going to take us?  It could do so much, used in our domestic lives, but the scary possibility of annihilation due to a careless button pressed, or rash judgment from a nation's leaders is ever present.  Our world has gotten so small, due to technology and instant worldwide news that dire situations seem to happen almost daily!  Wisdom and Prudence: two good traits to develop and practice, for sure!====JACK:  Off the subject, but on the subject...Do you remember sisters, Patience and Prudence, who are famous for singing, "Tonight You Belong To Me"?  They're called "the one-hit wonders," because that was their only hit song.  Did you ever know anyone named, Prudence or Patience?  Faith, Hope and Charity also used to be used as names for girls.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I will always remember one of the people who spoke about Nelson Mandela on one of the News Hour programs, after he died, that Mandela always found "law" to be a pivotal part of a society's working. Even though he was judged and sentenced and served all that time in jail, he still believed somehow that the "law" is a pivotal part of a society's working and never became an anarchist or someone who became finally someone that believed it was the perogative of the individual to make "law". The person who gives the message can be more powerful when he has suffered like that for his deepest hope and faith and belief in the wisdom of law and actually outlast bad law.
S.H. in MI